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  1. OZark_Mauler

    Responces about the Vote for "Letter to the President" LEGALIZE MARIJUANA.

    Hey folks one thing you might want to consider is taking this in steps . First Decriminalzing Cannibis ,Stopping Property Siezures for grows that can be documented as "For Personal Use ONLY" No 1,000 plant grows for P/Use (That's Chronic Abuse of the system and our goals) Possibly: 3-4 Mature ...
  2. OZark_Mauler

    Let's help each other's Electric bill

    I've done alot of these things so far . It's been a major bit of money involved we have over 70 bulbs in our house and outdoor security lights . Most are CFL .We saw an immediate drop in our bills . But,,,our Elec. Co-Op has installed new meters that not only tell our Mo. KWH usage but is also...
  3. OZark_Mauler


  4. OZark_Mauler

    Would U LIke Carcinogens With That?

    Well ,,, Look at George Burns (Great last name , eh?) Smokin Stogies till he died in his 90's . Our food is full of em' , water too, Carpet (Flame Retardents,Stain Protection-Put yer Stink-Foot out now), Radio Waves on and on . Lifes a "Crap Shoot" . Howz' that saying go ?? Lifes...
  5. OZark_Mauler


    Thanks all for the warm welcome ! Pretty cool place fer sure ! I get to reading the stuff I should be reading and next thing ya know I'm off on a Tangent and in another area ! :lama: Kinda like takin' a trip without leavin' the farm !;)
  6. OZark_Mauler

    Filling bongs with things other than water

    One early Mornin' of "Everclear" Poker (Looser of hand takes a shot straight) and some Thai Stick (74-75) Someone got the bright Idea to fill our only plastic bong with 180 proof Pure Grain Alcohol...... The following result was the Bong exploded :holysheep: I tanked a few hands after that and...
  7. OZark_Mauler


    Hey all , great site and advice ! Just joined last night . Not going to be posting alot for now . Seems I've a bit of reading . Like you say, this hobby is no ones business . Stay quiet, stay high ! Got the stereo spinnin' some vinyl and reading, great past time . Peace ! OZark Mauler