3 Days Till Stoneys Bday

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2Dog said:
and he brought cannabis with him to the USA...lol stoney were you the grower?
Hahahahahahaahahaa, I KNEW someone was gonna ask that! heheehehe, yer killin me!
beating everyone off the water because its for the plants...
Have a Wonderful Birthday Stoney.:D ...

sorry 'bout the mvp thing brother, but i'll nominate you next month, and vote for you next month also. plus, we know you really do deserve it...

now, on to the 9 gram per W grow.:hubba: ...

your minion grows impatient me friend...:D ...

the 15th, right?...Irish...
IRISH said:
Have a Wonderful Birthday Stoney.:D ...

sorry 'bout the mvp thing brother, but i'll nominate you next month, and vote for you next month also. plus, we know you really do deserve it...

now, on to the 9 gram per W grow.:hubba: ...

your minion grows impatient me friend...:D ...

the 15th, right?...Irish...
Hey Irish, you got the MVP because you deserve it, man! You are all over the site helping others. Everyone gets a turn at it. I even got it as "POTUS" way back when, once.

Here's the game plan for my upcoming LED grow.

The room has my last crop drying in it right now. That's ok, because I have to build the frame for the new system in there and I'm still gathering parts.

The biggest wait is for the host plants to produce enough cuttings to supply me with 64 clones. They are now 16 inches tall and each have 12 to 15 tops.

I've just started them on full strength GH 3 part flora series nutes, and they are responding well to the new level of strength. No burning at all, and the plants transpiration rate has increased markedly.

They are now using 24 ounces of nutrient solution per/day, each.

As soon as the host plants are able to give me the required number of cuttings, the LED grow will be underway 15 days later, (rooting time).

The following crop will be of 128 center colas. By the time the first crop is complete and dried, I should be able to harvest the needed 128 cuttings for the double decker grow.
Happy Birthday Stoney. Thanks for all the valuable info on the boards!
Happy Birthday Stoney!

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Thank you my friends! I'm a busy birthday boy! I'm freezing my surgical gloves from harvesting, to recover the hash from them.

I'm also going to start processing all my trim into bubble hash today. I have 1562 grams of trim to do and I messed up and bought the one gallon bubble bags...lots of loads...

The best part is that I'll have a bunch of Bubba Kush hash when I'm done!
:shocked: :woohoo: :shocked: :bong2: :bong2: :stoned: :fly: :stoned:

drooooooooling *AHHHGGGHHHH*
Well shame on me! A friend called and asked me to stop by. I went over and the whole place was a surprise party. I smoked enough weed to float a rock. A big rock.

Beer, smoke.....hehe, no bubble hash ..........hehe mybad.
Have a Happy Birthday Stoney, I hope you live til 500.

Good Morning everyone! Today is actually my Birthday! Man, what a party yesterday. They got me wasted by 5:30 in the afternoon! I think it was planned....hehe

One friend at the party kept saying "Here, hold this..." as he handed me a pipe again. I think I had about 20 tokes of a mixture of very good weed. That and about 6 beers and I was toast! Hahhahaahaa, it was fun. I just called and was told that the party broke up finally at about 4am....about 4 hours ago...Yikes!

It was fun though. I got to see a bunch of people I only see a few times each year. Almost all of my friends were there. Only the ones who have a problem with weed were missing. There is only a few of them....hehe

Thanks again for all the Birthday wishes! It sure makes me feel good!

You folks are great!!!!
Happy B-Day Stoney!
I am ever so glad that you are here and formed a great friendship! You are truly one of the best!
Thanks for all you share, both with growing and dealing with real life!
Thanks again and enjoy that Bubba!
Thanks to each of you! The well wishes of each of my friends here have made this a Birthday to remember!

Having freshly made hash from the days old harvest of Bubba Kush has helped too....heheheee

I'm gathering all the items needed for my first bubble hash making.

I have to find some 8" diameter buckets or plastic-ware that are deep enough to use for this.

Off to Wally World I go, I go....
Happy Birthday Sir Stonest Budest ...you're the best. Are you ready for your spanking? Hehe :p

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