400w bagseed soil grow!

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well I haven't weighed my purple bag yet because it's still hanging. But I did get a dry weight on driftwood minus the stuff that never got hung and what I've already smoked. After that I ended up with just over two onces from her. Am expecting more though from my purple bag seed we shall see. :hubba:

dry weight.jpg

very nice bro indeed. almost exactly what i got from HG... i will for sure have way more from big bang... she filled 3 brown paper bags! :eek:


happy smoking bro
whats the paper bags for? and when do you do it?
i know all people dont do this and its got something to do with sweating the buds
Something to do with the moisture been drawn out the bud into the dry paper bag i think. I could find out for ya but i better let a "pro" answer that
the paper bags are to allow the bud to dry in a dark place and still keep some moisture in the bud while allowing it to slowly compact over time... that is why you w ant to turn them and give them some air once or twice a day... this is also known as "burping"

you do it in the second stage of drying, when the outside of the bud is getting crispy and the inside is still moist... the turning should last between a week and 4 weeks... once you can almost snap the stems with your fingert, but not quite, then it is time to cure them in sealable jars..

i have read that some people do it for up to 8 weeks... :eek:

hope that helped :aok:
lordhighlama said:
ya I'd rather have a problem like that any day I guess. :rofl:

Very cool, LHL. Love the weighing bud on scale pic. Well,... think of us who love the BPOTM when you fire her up! lol

looks good dude, thanks for sharing!

isn't the brown paper bag kind of the same idea as osmosis- water moving from high to low concentration (concentration gradient)? there is more water in the bud so the water moves from the bud into the dry paper bag- equilibrium crap :D? or am i wrong?
damb, great job on this grow man. i hope i can come close. check my journal and let me know what you think lama.
swiftgt said:
good work man,
so how long do you think you'll be drying and curing for?

Well my driftwood has been in jars curing for a bit over a week now and it is still needing to be burped daily.

The un-named purple bag girl has moved from the close hangers to the paper bags and should be ready for jars in the next day or two.
Really nice grow man. Two thumbs up !!! Also thanks for all the tips on drying, manicuring, and curing the crop....