A.k.a. Greenybeanymeany Grow #2

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Ehh, my box is somewhere around 1.5ft deep, 1ft wide and about 3 high. I'm probably going to have to rehouse it eventually. I'm going to try my hardest to avoid it. Next grow I'll be aiming for a tent, maybe even this time if I feel the need. Not sure if I'll go hps or just led. I lean towards led because of heat and energy. My energy bill is relatively low compared to most around here, and I'd like to keep it that way LOL.

The ffof I am not too sure about nutes already in it. I believe I read that it feeds for the first two weeks. I believe that is just due to what its made up of.

And the nutes I'm using is FF Grow Big.

I'll measure when I get home and reread and reply better too, I am at work and trying to be as quick as possible, so I am sure I missed a few questions to reply to
No but it's hot, I used to veg without having to add any nutes, and you have seen my potential so when I say I grew dirt monsters I'm not pullin your leg. They look a bit young to put in there IMHO. Hopefully they will be ok, but I'm almost sure they are gonna burn and stunt. I used to germ in FF light warrior, then repot into a 50/50 mix of FF OF and FF LW and then the bottom 1/3 would just be FF OF. I love the soil it's great. Sorry I'm rambling, the 8 Ball is on me :rofl:
I'm glad i found my way in here. who knows what might happen in a schoolboy420 grow journal.. hehe good luck my friend :D
Kraven, so basically what you're telling me is with ocean forest avoid nutes?
Alright. I was pretty far off on my deminsions. 16" deep, 10" wide, and 2ft tall. LOL.
Oh also, good on the humidity, I'm glad that's not an issue! Thank you both!
schoolboy, i suggest that you try and give your grow a larger box, is that possible? you have the ability to use at least 300-400w of electric draw without significant electric bill rise. if you choose the LED way, it is more challenging to get it right, HPS 250w is another optiong, it would cove a2x2'-2x3' area. I am suggesting that you make your efforts a little bit more worthwhile. CFL give a lot of heat and low lumens, i only use them for seed and clone
Yeah you are right 100%.

I'm tinkering with options. I have a tax refund with injured spouse that has been pending for over a month, and depending what all come back from that, I may just revamp the whole grow. However when this one becomes mature enough, Regardless of equipment, I am flipping to 12/12 and letting it go. This grow is more for knowledge and fun than results. That why I want to try to keep it in this box. If need be I'll find something bigger, but I'm stalling til that return comes and I want to buy seeds from a seed bank and know what I am growing and be able to know some of its growing traits. Regardless, I would enjoy pulling some good nugs when it's all said and over with.. But if the refund comes I will be tempted to go HPS or led and a grow tent. 2x4x8 on amazon with shipping under 80. Not too bad at all. Neither are hps or some led panels(not the junk ones!)

I'm just trying to study up on lights and moves for next time :)
Which I don't like saying because the last time I was on here, I was constantly talking about "the next grow I do" and 6 years later it finally came. And I noticed I also did a fair amount of saying "I'm moving to Cali in the next few months."

No offense to you Californians here, but I am so glad I never did! Two main reasons, Restricted gun rights, and I would've became homeless fast! I was a 18 yr old with his head stuck up his own a** :)

Next grow will be no more than a month after this one. But more than likely immediately after this one ends or before it ends.
Sorry for the ramble. I've been reading my old threads! Whew I sounded dumb and very very ignorant to most of the things people were telling me.

But yeah grow box...

I have about 6-8 more inches to Go upwards at the moment, and it would be very easy to expand the width with a little construction. My goal is to contain it as well as I possibly can. The only other grow I've seen with my own two eyes was my last one so my brain tells me it will be no problem, but I can already tell there is going to be a problem and I haven't even flipped the light period. So I will see how it plays out and make moves as necessary, but I am going to try everything to contain it in there:)

Which is mostly why ive been looking into adding leds with my CFLs, to add more light and not heat.

Anyone have any idea if led bulbs(similar to cfl and incandescent shape) will work? I almost bought a few daylight ones yesterday but I changed my mind. I'm not sure how it would focus, how I would need to position them and all that.. And I really didn't want to waste 20-30 bucks on a few bulbs.
all the led lights i see people using are multi-led jobs with 50 or so 3 watt bulbs. probably going with an led light you find at a hardware store would be a waste of money. i grow and have grown with t5 lights and cfls and gotten some decent results. i think your cabinet is too small though for a t5 fixture. the benefit of t5's is they are relatively cheap, run pretty cool and have a higher lumen output than cfl's. btw - i love the self deprecation. that is my forte as well. i always say i am really good at making really bad decisions. your plant looks happy despite the duct tapes efforts to make it unhappy. i am sure it will turn out better for you this time around(more than 3 grams that is). good green mojo (as they say here) to you...
Lol yeah, I've been trying to figure out a way to better secure that in place!

And that is kinda what I figured. It seems most people are using panels with different color lights and I'm assuming the ones at Walmart are all white. I know the spectrum is seen by the plant not by us,but I'm sure there is a difference. I mean the bulbs say daylight and 5000k. I know it's 6500k on cfl, but I couldn't find any nanometer scales on them.. Sorry if I used the wrong term, I just slipped into the idea of led lighting [emoji12]

But nonetheless, I assumed those were going to be a waste of money.

As far as tubes, I don't think t5's are in the question with my space, however I can get small tube fixtures, and i thought about it. A least one in each of the back corner.

Not sure I know I need to up the lumens. I believe I'm at 3800 lumens and that is just off of bulb ratings.
i use zip ties to secure my crappy cfl fixtures. they don't soften up with heat. i got some higher wattage cfls(i think 42 watt) and those put put 2800 lumens each(again i think). for pretty cheap you could probably double the amount of light. i got mine at home depot. i am currently vegging my buckeye purple under 2 26 watt 5000 kelvin cfls and one 42 watt 2600 kelvin cfl bulbs. it turns out that out of the three plants i grew out, it is the only one that looks to be female. fml...
Ok... lots to say. Let me sip this coffee and hit this bowl...


>..ahh, there we go! Now, time to reply. :)

Alright. I was pretty far off on my deminsions. 16" deep, 10" wide, and 2ft tall. LOL.

WAyyyyyyy too small. I mean, unless you LST right now and flip NOW! Something you have to consider. When you "flip" a plant it will either double or even triple in size in the first 2-3 weeks after the "flip". So, if you flip at 10", you better expect a 20 - 30" plant, depending on strain / training / RH / temps etc etc etc

You require a bigger space, even for "fun experiments"... this will just be hard learned experiment if not. Waste of time in my honest, and humbly nice opinion. No offense :)

Kraven, so basically what you're telling me is with ocean forest avoid nutes?

To the best of my knowledge, you're not supposed to put a plant into FFOF, or something that already has nutes in it, until the cotyledons (first two roundish leaves it creates) start to yellow and want to fall off. A good 2-3 weeks after a seed sprouts is a good general idea to follow. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later.. but if you plant into FFOF too soon, you'll stunt and shock the plant. It SHOULD recover if it doesn't die, ...just another thing for you to learn. Ask loads of questions here, they will always get answered by, more than likely, a pro or at least someone in the know..very fast! Remember, consult us before you pull any triggers from here out. Trust me... I've done this for 2 years as of this month, and if you look at my journals....you'll see I've done decent :)

FFOF has nutes for (I THINK) up to 4 weeks or so. Soil peeps would have to chime in and let you know more there. :aok:

schoolboy, i suggest that you try and give your grow a larger box, is that possible? you have the ability to use at least 300-400w of electric draw without significant electric bill rise. if you choose the LED way, it is more challenging to get it right, HPS 250w is another optiong, it would cove a2x2'-2x3' area. I am suggesting that you make your efforts a little bit more worthwhile. CFL give a lot of heat and low lumens, i only use them for seed and clone

So, as you know I've agreed with Zem on this one... I think you need a bigger box. As you mention in another post (schoolboy) you looked up a tent and they are stupidly cheap. I mean, that price is retarded considering all the use and help it gives you! :) Also, I would stray away from LED to start. No, the bulbs at Walmart aren't the correct ones. You want specific reds, blues, whites and UV's in your fixture. When it's time for LED, you'll know....AFTER you grow something respectable (no offense). I would grab a small HPS fixture personally, and work on air exhaust and all that jazz. Even doing this as an experiment, should be done right. You don't see biologists getting large rain drops to use for magnifying glasses to see close up on a biological level, do you? Nope, they at least buy the telescope to do their experiments :rofl: Ya dig? You pickin' up what I'm puttin' down? You smell what my Rock is cookin? .... wait a minute...
I would get a 250w HPS :aok:

Yeah you are right 100%.

I'm tinkering with options. I have a tax refund with injured spouse that has been pending for over a month, and depending what all come back from that, I may just revamp the whole grow. However when this one becomes mature enough, Regardless of equipment, I am flipping to 12/12 and letting it go. This grow is more for knowledge and fun than results. That why I want to try to keep it in this box. If need be I'll find something bigger, but I'm stalling til that return comes and I want to buy seeds from a seed bank and know what I am growing and be able to know some of its growing traits. Regardless, I would enjoy pulling some good nugs when it's all said and over with.. But if the refund comes I will be tempted to go HPS or led and a grow tent. 2x4x8 on amazon with shipping under 80. Not too bad at all. Neither are hps or some led panels(not the junk ones!)

I'm just trying to study up on lights and moves for next time

Tax refund, GOOD. Perfect chance to take this seriously. I mean, c-mon, for many years you've attempted and posted countless posts on here. Do yourself a favor, buy a COUPLE pieces of proper freakin' gear, and go to town on a hobby you've obviously always wanted to do :aok: I did the exact same thing with a Tax refund 2 years ago ;) $1,200 later, I had my first setup.
And yes, no matter what keep trying what you can on this... maybe until one of us says "hey, give it up and move on.." .. with us, you can DO IT man. For sure!! Only thing is, what I mentioned about "the stretch" after the flip. You'll outgrow that damn box SO fast! Also, YES.. next up, buy some stock. I did many times from Attitude, and I absolutely loved my transactions over the years. Matter of fact, it's almost addictive to stock up your home genetics pool. When you research strains, try to read some grows on those strains. Don't just go by what the breeder says about it, otherwise you'll buy every damn seed in that place!! hah! As for studying.. this IS next time. Consider it that way Mr Boy. You're studying right NOW to adjust your ways and move funds around for THIS time. (Yes, next time, but think about it as THIS time.. trust me)

Which I don't like saying because the last time I was on here, I was constantly talking about "the next grow I do" and 6 years later it finally came. And I noticed I also did a fair amount of saying "I'm moving to Cali in the next few months."

Exactly! This is what I said in my last paragraph, from last quote. You WANT to do this... so stop messing around, you're grown with funds now. Enough of us treating you like a boy, you're a SCHOOLMAN NOW! :rofl:

Sorry for the ramble. I've been reading my old threads! Whew I sounded dumb and very very ignorant to most of the things people were telling me.

But yeah grow box...

I have about 6-8 more inches to Go upwards at the moment, and it would be very easy to expand the width with a little construction. My goal is to contain it as well as I possibly can. The only other grow I've seen with my own two eyes was my last one so my brain tells me it will be no problem, but I can already tell there is going to be a problem and I haven't even flipped the light period. So I will see how it plays out and make moves as necessary, but I am going to try everything to contain it in there

Which is mostly why ive been looking into adding leds with my CFLs, to add more light and not heat.

Anyone have any idea if led bulbs(similar to cfl and incandescent shape) will work? I almost bought a few daylight ones yesterday but I changed my mind. I'm not sure how it would focus, how I would need to position them and all that.. And I really didn't want to waste 20-30 bucks on a few bulbs.

Don't be sorry, rambling is exactly what we're here for! Also, it's great to read your journals, and ALSO read journals you followed in the past. Like, I went back to some I was researching just before I started, and this was about 1 year after being up and at it....and these videos oh man. I learned that in the past, I learned a LOT of what NOT to do from watching some wrong videos. Sure, there's great stuff on the tube, I know of a lot of great stuff to point people to. But there's SO much crap on there!!
You obviously know you have an issue with space. Do something about it immediately. Don't mess around and add inches, that's just silly. Get a new space... be it a tent or something else, but...for the price...a tent does EXACTLY what you need. Exactly what it's designed to do... so don't mess around ;)
As for LED's, yes it's less heat, but they are more concentrated light. HPS and CFL's etc, "splash" a huge spectrum of light all over the place. LED's are concentrated, so you don't get much residual light to the sides, but you get a way more concentrated center field of light... so you require a higher distance from the tops of your plants, than with other types of light. So, in retrospect, you don't want LED until you have a much higher ceiling. And then, you'll have a lot of training to do and understand. Your best bet is a smaller HPS to start :)
I already mentioned, in a previous paragraph, don't bother with purchasing the wrong kind of LED in Walmart. Glad you didn't, and please remember to consult us before you spend a penny. Even if it's on a freaking meter or something, consult us! :)
all the led lights i see people using are multi-led jobs with 50 or so 3 watt bulbs. probably going with an led light you find at a hardware store would be a waste of money. i grow and have grown with t5 lights and cfls and gotten some decent results. i think your cabinet is too small though for a t5 fixture. the benefit of t5's is they are relatively cheap, run pretty cool and have a higher lumen output than cfl's. btw - i love the self deprecation. that is my forte as well. i always say i am really good at making really bad decisions. your plant looks happy despite the duct tapes efforts to make it unhappy. i am sure it will turn out better for you this time around(more than 3 grams that is). good green mojo (as they say here) to you...

See? Oldfogey already mentioned it. Normally LED fixtures have multiple colors and certainly better diode etc, at least for growing. I agree your plant looks like it will recover despite what's happened.

Lol yeah, I've been trying to figure out a way to better secure that in place!

And that is kinda what I figured. It seems most people are using panels with different color lights and I'm assuming the ones at Walmart are all white. I know the spectrum is seen by the plant not by us,but I'm sure there is a difference. I mean the bulbs say daylight and 5000k. I know it's 6500k on cfl, but I couldn't find any nanometer scales on them.. Sorry if I used the wrong term, I just slipped into the idea of led lighting [emoji12]

But nonetheless, I assumed those were going to be a waste of money.

As far as tubes, I don't think t5's are in the question with my space, however I can get small tube fixtures, and i thought about it. A least one in each of the back corner.

Not sure I know I need to up the lumens. I believe I'm at 3800 lumens and that is just off of bulb ratings.

Good assumption. :aok:
Also, I think you could fit a small T5 fixture in there, but I wouldn't bother with it. You can veg with CFL's like you have been, the flower with HPS.

i use zip ties to secure my crappy cfl fixtures. they don't soften up with heat. i got some higher wattage cfls(i think 42 watt) and those put put 2800 lumens each(again i think). for pretty cheap you could probably double the amount of light. i got mine at home depot. i am currently vegging my buckeye purple under 2 26 watt 5000 kelvin cfls and one 42 watt 2600 kelvin cfl bulbs. it turns out that out of the three plants i grew out, it is the only one that looks to be female. fml...

See yeah, all these guys know better on CFL's etc than I do. I know it has a lot to do with the spectrum, more so than anything. Either way, people will help more so with CFL's.. I leave that to them :D
people have warned me about higher wattage cfls getting too hot though. the 42 watters i have used have been ok but i have seen pictures of some that the base was kind of burned looking. so there is that...
Whew, that was quite a read. But it was a very very great read.

The schoolman comment made me laugh pretty hard

I knew that about them double or tripling in size in flower, but you woke me up to that.

Game plan for box/tent, I'm going to continue vegging in what I have here, and I'll LST as much as necessary until I get a tent.

Now onto the Ocean Forest.. I guess I must've gotten lucky mine didn't really experience any slight hiccups until the lights fell and I added nutes. I guess I should've done a but more research. I just added nutes because the two round leaves were yellowing and I swore I read that that was when to introduce nutes. I'm probably wrong, if not, then I just over did it a bit. But really I just didn't take the transplant into the equation.

And yes lol, I smell what the rock is cooking.

Depending on when the refund comes depends on my moves I make. I'll figure it out as I go. I'll aim for the tent and hps though, and ill reroute if finances force me to do so for the hps.

I do an awful lot of browsing on worldwide marijuana seeds. The single seed thing is what makes me like the idea of going through them. Good idea on checking peoples grows before buying. I do always want everything I read on

I'm gonna work on the tent. I'd much rather spend 80 bucks and just have to set something up vs, spend the time to convert something into a box.