AeroTX's Grow Journal

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Hi everyone. I am AeroTX's roomate and fellow grower. Our setup has taken a while given our limited funds, but it is comming along nicely. At the beggining the ph was off and we might have started the nutes a bit early. Now we are monitoring it very closely and our temp is staying between 74 and 79.
Our plan is to put plywood in the front opening to seal it with an air filter at the top to keep the environment clean. It will also provide better security. On the ceiling we have an inline fan mounted with the exhaust running into the attic. Soon we will add a carbon filter to kill the smell. We painted and used safers on everything to prevent mites and will do so again once the room is totally sealed.
Our seedling box is at the bottom. We have two flourecents and two computer fans on the sides to provide air circulation. On the outside of the box we taped carbon activated prefilter material where the fan openings are to help keep a cleaner environment. Another thing we plan to add is a heating mat under the tray to promote growth.






Looks like your plants are doing what mine was doing. "stretching" you should lower the lights within two inches from the canopy. put them closer to the light because they will grow too tall and get top heavy and topple over when ur not looking. well good luck with the grow!! check mine out.
Yeah, I lowered them a lot yesterday, but I think I will take your advice, Bob and lower them more. We started germing 10 more and tomorrow I think we will start another 7. Gotta get that heating pad in the morning... Thanks for the support everyone!
setup is looking great.:hubba: good luck for the next
Nice set-up, Aero and roommate. What is the strain you are growing?
We are growing from bagseed unfortunately... it was some good stuf though. If peak seeds wasn't run by a few incompetitant idiots I would have my blueberry and skunkberry seeds.. oh well.
After we moved the light closer to the plants we are getting much closer stacks, which is nice. We might actually have to support the plant later on because it will probably be very top heavy, but we will just have to wait and find out. Our temp is staying between 74 and 79 like I stated before so we shouldn’t have a prob with that. We definitely have 3 females and are pretty sure one male but might have 3 males. Hopefully our plant from the seed out of the nicest bud will be a girl but it is slowest to show its sex. Anyone that can tell me what is going on in the pic of the leaf would be very helpful. I am worried about disease until we get a chance to enclose our grow room and filter the air.




Any update on the peak seeds situation? They did right by me. :confused2:

I wouldn't bother with a heating pad, your room temp is spot on.

The leaves don't look diseased. I would guess a nutrient burn.. did you up the nutrient levels recently?

Hope she recovers :)
Chck your nutes, and your PH. Do you have the aerojet system? If so watch out because the roots like to get caught in the pump!
I am going to change nutes soon, I think. We were using some that came with my aero setup by Botanicare. The ph is around 6 to 6.5, so that wasn't the problem. The plant food solution was a 3-1-4 and I am using Liquid Karma and sometimes which is .1-.1-.5. The 3-1-4 bottle says during flowering to switch to 2-2-5, is that correct?

Also, we had to remove a male today, I saw the little round sacks and was like :holysheep: so we cut him up.. :fid:

Here is a weird mutant I tihnk we are going to have to pull... its okay though, we have 6 more seedlings sprouting up in our veg box!! :D

looks like things are shaping up 4 ya, good job, hows the plant doing?
The plants are much happier now, indeed. We are both constantly checking the ph and I am flushing the nutes right now so I can try the 2-2-5 flowering nute, and so the reservoir can get a good cleaning. I'd like to get some root stimulator, too. We think we may have another male and a mutant, but the seedlings are sprouting up and we cut two clones today. I need to get more rockwool in the morning so I can clip a couple more :woohoo: . I can't wait until I don't have to use seedlings anymore!!
dude your soooo close, i myself am waiting till i see if i can get a mother out of mine, everyone cross your fingers lol, gj
p.s. mine are 16 days old and there already stinky, my room smells like weed lol
LMAO, I didn't notice this before... "Any posts made by me are purely fictional in nature and by no means is anything I say to be taken seriously. I do not grow or condone the growing of anything not legal. Any and all pictures I post are pictures widley available on the internet and any discussions I am involved in are purely hypothetical or are commentary in nature and should not constitute advice or be considered advice to assist in activities that are deemed illegal." Noyce.. Well good luck with yours, I have a bunch I am germing right now so I am going through that wait again.. Mine were just a coupelstacks high and started stinkin' up the room, too. The carbon filter is on order..

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