air pump for the DWC setup

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Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2008
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hey everybody...(passin joint)

the air pump i have is for aqua, from wal mart, like this one hxxp://

I do see air coming out in dwc along with my airstones, and I only have one airstone, and I did add other tube to give more air in water..

or do I need powerful air pump? does it need to be crazy popping bubbles in the dwc? or just nice and smooth lighty misty bubbles?

any recommeneds? or is my air pump is just fine?
The air pump i have is the same one i think. I got it from walmart. I have a 5gal paint bucket the i run it in with 2 air stones... and it works. I would say add as wany airstones as you can bacuse the air would be defused more... too much air and the bubbles will start to get too big.

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