AK99 Mums and clones attempt #1

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AntiPharmaceutical Farmer
Jan 29, 2015
Reaction score
Hello all, welcome to my first diary here on MP.

I've been given the opportunity to grow for a CSC here where I live and I've decided the best way to do it would be with mums in soil, clones rooted in a DIY DWC Bubble tub (aka Tubbler) and I'll be flowering them in buckets of soil to start with before investing in a wilma system. That's the plan anyway.

So where am I at?

I placed 4 Regular AK99 seeds into a shot glass of de chlorinated water night before last then put them in cups of soil yesterday morning. I watered them with 2ml/ltr root Juice until I got some runoff and they've been sat in my veg tent since.

I have a poorly Killer Kush in there too but I have no idea why she is poorly. I just hope she survives long enough for a clone from her.

They'll be sat under a DIY T5 fixture I made resulting in 110W total.

I don't know how to insert pictures in line yet with tapatalk but I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually.

Please feel free to subscribe to this thread and comment. Skins are on the table, munchies in the fridge. Just don't let the dog out lol

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Good news people. Not only is the Killer Kush I thought was a gonner looking a heap load better... I also have my first AK99 above soil :D

Can't post picture because tapatalk is poo!!
I truly do not mean to sound mean, but you have no growing experience and you are growing for a club? Is this correct?

I thought these were clones? Where are you going to get males and why????? You aren't going to breed and try to grow medicinal quality both are you? I am so confused....
No thats not correct THG. I've been growing for years! I've tried coco, didn't get along with it. I loved aqua farms but it became too much work in my old space. I enjoy soil for its laid back approach but you just don't get the control or the results you do in Hydro so I will eventually be going back to that. I've done indoors and outdoors, sativa and indicas and loads in between. I've tried autos and fems and am planning on making these AK99 seeds so if anything ever goes wrong, I have the genetics to fall back on. I can explain the way nutrients flow inside the structure of the plant and how a dehydrated plant will not do as well as a hydrated yet under fed plant will. I've made RSO, BHO and cannabutter with the guy who runs the club and have been doing bits and bats here and there since it opened 2 years ago. I've never done clones before or made seeds so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

These were grown from seeds I was given by a friend and will be used as mothers for clones. Seeing as I've never done them before I thought it would be better to have a few mums to practice with and once I've found a female I want to keep, and hopefully I get a male too, I'll breed them for seeds, then take more clones froom the females only and use these for producing buds. I can donate the seeds to the club's other farmers too if I wish or keep them for myself for a backup.

I hope this answers your question and clears up any confusion.

What made you think I had no grow experience?
Oh I forgot to mention... The Original Amnesia I grew in my aqua farms was entered in a cup close to where I live and came second! I got skills misses goddess lol
Okay, sorry. I just couldn't figure out at all what you had going on.

I don't know why I thought you had no experience other than I obviously have you confused with someone else here. I read a chunk of posts every day and, I'll tell you what, my mind is not what it was when I was younger....
Hahahaha fair enough. Its a pleasure to meet you anyway and welcome aboard. Any tips will be greatly appreciated.
LOL--same here. I know that this is a hobby that there is always something more to know. I still learn new things all the time.
Oh and me. It's my second favorite thing about growing after making brownies lol