akiraHz's Super Micro SOG containment unit

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Hey what's up AK.....Any good signs on some fems yet?
not sure yet, the pre flowers are still pretty small but on one plant they are kinda split open at the tips like female calyx's do before spittin out some hairs.

I got my temp meter back in there and it was 90f earlier, so i took out my two 29 watters and stuck my 42 watter in the middle, i lost about 1,600 lumens, so im down to 9,000 lumens even, not too bad, and less heat now, its a steady 86f, and its 75 degrees in the room, humidity is 24%
Well I hope you get females AK...It will be a ***** if you don't.
Check out these shots of hairs -- i think? im going to post and ask about them in another thread/area




this one is your GJ or grow journal :) looks like ladies to me :D
Yes well i know i got at least 2 females by the long hairs they are protruding from the tops very vigilantly. The greatest grandest other one is the biggest, but i cant tell if its got white hairs.. i dont think it does anyway its the first one (picture).. can u guys tell me what that one is? and heres some update pics where hairs can be seen baby YEA!!

the runt is too small yet as u can see, its closest to the wall on the left and closest to the camera.

They also got a dose of 10-52-10 expert bloom burst, at a bout 1/2 strength


pic 1: unknown sex.. is it female or male?
pic 2: my 2nd female: look at the middle, hairs.
pic 3: a shot of em all



I just read everything and it looks great. Can not wait to see how this one turns out. Best of luck.

Mr. Bubbles
Congrats on the fems again mate:cool:

You start counting the flowering days by when they show the hairs,not from when you switch light cycles.

Just though i'd let ya know that;)
so wait.....are you doing 12/12 from seed?
Because they arent clones, because you were waiting to find fems, so you have to be on 12/12 now right??
sry i didnt feel like reading 8 pages to find the answer.
vegged for 7 days then put on 12/12

they are 31 days old today, 25th day of flower, (this is a very fast flowering strain, 55 days it says on the package, and on the site).. so i think i should have about 30 days left till harvest, or how ever long it takes the triches to get how i want them
remind me, what strain hav you got here?
congrats on the F's...these micro grows are so much fun to watch! can't wait to see the buds!!
akirahz said:
so you mean its going to take 55 days starting from the time i saw hairs ?
Yes.But remember 55 days is just what the breeder says,i would start checking the trichomes a week or two before then.
Speed Queen ooh not heard of that..but then there's so many strains out there now hehe
Ive heard Speed Queen gives a narcotic high.

Definatly on my 'To try" list.;)
Well i slayed the only male so far, that leaves 3 left, 2 females and 1 undetermined.. hopefully the runt sprouts hairs :)



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