an Auto w/ no ruderalis??

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Auto Flower Lover
Mar 5, 2008
Reaction score
no i been doin some reaserch and ive found that Irainian autoflower has no ruderalis in it. nothing is said about the genitics. any one else smell bullshiz? ppl are sayin it can be kept on veg on 24/0 light and starts flowerin under 18/6. this sound like a early flowering not autoflowering. any thought on this?
Dr.Autoflower said:
no i been doin some reaserch and ive found that Irainian autoflower has no ruderalis in it. nothing is said about the genitics. any one else smell bullshiz? ppl are sayin it can be kept on veg on 24/0 light and starts flowerin under 18/6. this sound like a early flowering not autoflowering. any thought on this?

If someone has to alter the light to make it flower, how would that be considered an "Auto-Flower"?

I'm lost on that one. 2many hits... :doh:
yep sounds like high times dis-information ripping ppl off to me
:doh: Yeah,,What Stoney said.:D
It eather freaken auto flowers aor not.
Dr.Autoflower said:
no i been doin some reaserch and ive found that Irainian autoflower has no ruderalis in it. nothing is said about the genitics. any one else smell bullshiz? ppl are sayin it can be kept on veg on 24/0 light and starts flowerin under 18/6. this sound like a early flowering not autoflowering. any thought on this?

The key word in that statement is "Iranian". This makes me very doubtful of it. Nothing that comes out of Iran is an improvement on anything.

Iran has had some good Hash,,so I dont know.
They have an Iranian super auto....sounds like that is what you are talking about...they supposedly are very good yield wise.
Yeah, I read up on them a while back. I decided to pass because they were only selling fem seeds at $150 for ten. I also noticed that all the pics I saw back then were the same pics posted on the web site ... it looked/felt like a cheap marketing campaign for some high dollar auto seeds IMO. I didn't start growing my own just so I could trade a pot dealer in for a seed dealer. Once again, JMO.
sounds like a big black ball of chewed up grass that cums out of a cows *** think not if its an auto dosent that mean no matter the light cycle its gonna flower once it has reached a certian no# of days... and like OHC said dude stuff is high and i didn't trade one so i can get the other (dealer).

yep.... i was haveing a big debate with a guy who was deffending him but had no proof of lineage. he even called dr. greenthumb
quote from him
"I called the breeder a few minutes ago, it is an early strain that IS an AUTOFLOWER with NO ruderalis genetics which finishes in 80 to 90 days they CAN be cloned and mothers CAN be created ...Iran is also widely known as Persia. This home to one of the world's oldest known continuous major civilizations has a long history with cannabis, and in particular with hashish, including tales that date back a thousand years. The country if Iran is roughly the size of the UK, or slightly bigger than the state of Alaska. It is southeast of Kazakhstan and Russia, two countries believed to be the birthplace of autoflowering strains
Iranian Autoflower strain is an all-indica strain with parents from the rugged terrain of Iran. This lush green plant will grow anywhere, and finishes in just 90 days from start to finish. The Iranian Autoflower is compact, growing between 3-4 feet in most gardens, although it can reach heights of 5 feet at maximum. This variety tends to keep branching minimal and focus most of its energy on developing a single dominant cola.
Since this is an autoflowering strain, the plants shift into flower development without strict light cycle. Iranian Autoflower buds form tight dense niggets that take on golden hues as they cure. Average per-plant yields are 4-8 ounces. Iranian Autoflower reflects the long hashish tradition of its native nation region. In a side-by-side comparison, testers equated this all-indica strain's potency to White Widow and OG Kush."
this answred none of my questions, just a whole lot of runing around the question
any one who wants to phone Dr.Greenthumb and ask him personally... here's the number 613-330-2404 you can call 9AM to 9 PM EST daily
Dr.Autoflower said:
any one who wants to phone Dr.Greenthumb and ask him personally... here's the number 613-330-2404 you can call 9AM to 9 PM EST daily

He hangs at another site I am on....
i've always thought autoflower meant that the plant would flower according to it's age not photoperiod even with 24 hrs. of light.if you have to decrease hrs. of light to induce flowering then it's a photosensitive plant just a different photoperiod than the 12/12 we all know and love. as for "no ruderalis" i would be quite hesitant to claim that as a breeder if i got my genetics from "the birthplace of autos". knowing that ruderalis grows fairly close by that region. isn't it likely that nature put the ruderalis in there at some point? anyway not dissin any breeders at all,in fact it sounds like a killer strain"dense nugs compared to og kush"if that is so even not being a true auto just a super early or semi-auto strain it could be great for those of us with short summers. bit pricey though,not on my list yet.
I have to say that (regardless of whether it is a true auto or not) I have a really hard time believing that it can produce 4-8 ozs in 90 days indoors. I certainly would have to see it with my own eyes to believe it.
i think if it produced that type of bud , that much and that fast every commercial growing around would be running it. i call **
Yeah,,I would have to see that grow from start to finish.
Can't say it's **, Mom nature is pretty funky when it comes to adaptability.
Best thing to do is sit back and watch and wait :)
Mutt said:
Can't say it's **, Mom nature is pretty funky when it comes to adaptability.
Best thing to do is sit back and watch and wait :)

Mutt, you have been growing for a long you really believe that an indoor plant can produce 4-8 ozs in 90 days (at normal lumen levels)?