As good as it gets for indoors. You cant yield more than this.

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im saying, you know how much my setup right now runs, 1700 would be a nice change.
im pretty sure the bud is not potent if its chopped at day 60 ..

i justgot a room sounds about the same as yours gunna be doing e&f also so you say 20 cuttings gives you 2 lbs with co2 is that with an aircooled hood? what size clones do i need to use to cut that number in half

i grow in pots outside finally got a room setup

JBonez said:
quantity doesnt mean reduction in quality, we all know that.

as for 12lb with 3kw, its very possible.

growing vert uses every available lumen, nothing is wasted into a reflector.

And last i checked, isnt the record 12lbs with only 2kw of lights, umm... yeah.

Im going to have to quit talking about vertical growing, seems its not really welcome in this forum or the site, guess bigger yields arent what people wanted after all, oh well, keep wasting your light, ill be improving on my growing.
im pretty sure the bud is not potent if its chopped at day 60 ..

i justgot a room sounds about the same as yours gunna be doing e&f also so you say 20 cuttings gives you 2 lbs with co2 is that with an aircooled hood? what size clones do i need to use to cut that number in half

i grow in pots outside finally got a room setup

i think i can pull 2lbs without co2.

My hood is air cooled. Inside the tent on one side of the hood i have a 450cfm vortex fan pushing air into the hood. On the left side of the hood, i have another 450 cfm fan pulling the air. Its cool enough to keep my tent at 77 degrees with no problems at all.

I also have a newly upgraded active intake and exhaust setup, 2 300cfm fans, one blowing air in the tent, and one pulling air out through a carbon scrubber.

Its pretty effective for a grow environment.
im pretty sure the bud is not potent if its chopped at day 60 ..

im pretty sure they arent too, what does that have to do with quantity over quality? Waiting for quality would be the same as waiting for quantity since the buds swell the most towards the end:confused:
well what about 45 day strains like double gum and super skunk? ive heard they are potent, but are they not as potent as some of these uber long flowering strains?
JBonez said:
im pretty sure they arent too, what does that have to do with quantity over quality? Waiting for quality would be the same as waiting for quantity since the buds swell the most towards the end:confused:

your twisting it up there buddy we were talking about that 1 person that chopped at day 60
kool sounds like you have everything going for you. should have the 8"vortex soon enough gunna even throw in a co2 gen. see what happens

JBonez said:
i think i can pull 2lbs without co2.

My hood is air cooled. Inside the tent on one side of the hood i have a 450cfm vortex fan pushing air into the hood. On the left side of the hood, i have another 450 cfm fan pulling the air. Its cool enough to keep my tent at 77 degrees with no problems at all.

I also have a newly upgraded active intake and exhaust setup, 2 300cfm fans, one blowing air in the tent, and one pulling air out through a carbon scrubber.

Its pretty effective for a grow environment.
purplephazes said:
Can't beat your method ....i think i can now that i have found a new method and i'm gonna buy 2x3000 watt cfls and get 200 ounces in 12 WEEKS i'll even show you after my new buddy shows me !...............................................Originally Posted by Mary_GreenThumb_Jane
i got a room with 3,000 watts, and a/c which keeps it 75 degrees all day..i grow 6 plants but i split my room into 2. 1 side has the 3,000 watts, one side completely dark. i veg about 6 weeks with the 3,000 until they are about 2 feet tall bush's. i dont top all i do is stretch the branch's down and power crop which is squeezing the stem until it pops to make thicker stronger bushier plants. after 6 weeks veg i then put them in flower by switching the rooms every 12 hours. so now i got one side room with 3 plant and the other with 3. so each [plant gets 1,000 watts of light during flower. its just a pain in the *** to switch all plant twice a day. anyways i yeild about 20 O's a plant and i always only flower for 6 weeks.. yes its a little early but when plants have good weight then you gotta do what ya gotta do.. so whole cycle from 8 inch clone to harvest is 12 weeks.. so i average 100 O's per 12 weeks on 3,000 watts..
i dont see where i wrote cfls anywhere.. all of mine are sunsystems 1,000 watt switchable ballasts!!! and i could almost bet anything you have never got anywhere near more than a nut a plant.. seems to be usually the people that yield 3-8 a plant can NEVER see this to be true.. grow a few more years then we shall see what you think..
I'm picking up some bad vibes here fellas, respect :afroweed:
Mary_GreenThumb_Jane said:
i dont see where i wrote cfls anywhere.. all of mine are sunsystems 1,000 watt switchable ballasts!!! and i could almost bet anything you have never got anywhere near more than a nut a plant.. seems to be usually the people that yield 3-8 a plant can NEVER see this to be true.. grow a few more years then we shall see what you think..
oooppps my bad not cfls... yet the facts that you have spoken of seem so far out of reach..i figured that it had to be a rather ridiculous lighting system to match the ridiculous results that you seem to be adamant about achieving do feel free to prove this encounter all the same ! as i really would love to see 100 oz in 12 weeks from clone with this power cropping technique in place so that i can triple my yeild after all we are all here to learn ... the question is will you teach ! peace and take care !
NYC_Diesel x Jack_Herer said:
you are not God.....
"As good as it gets for indoors. You cant yield more than this."
is a flat out lie. Someone will eventually do better. Growing is like playing golf. No matter what score you post on whatever course you play, someone will come along and beat you.

god, i can only hope so!

you are so right it hurts! thank you!

all im saying is growing vertical is the best way to reach the highest yield, I didnt say that in the future there will never be a way to top this, but as of present, ive seen nothing to suggest that vertical growing can be beaten in regards to yield.

prove me wrong, growing on flats is a waste of space and light, vertical yields prove this, dont you agree?

not to mention, in nature, the sun doesnt shine straight down, it comes in from the side.

ever seen a plant grown outdoors??? The buds are nice all the way to the bottom, nothing wasted!

Plants outside grow into nice bushes because they receive so much light across the entirety of the plant.

We are not doing our plants a favor by giving them all this wattage, then placing it directly on top of them, all the stuff below the canopy gets nothing.

Ive explained why vert produces more, yet no one has proven to me that it doesnt, funny.
your twisting it up there buddy we were talking about that 1 person that chopped at day 60

oh, im sorry, i wasnt ever talking about that guy! whoops!

yeah, i think we are on the same page, "dont harvest until they are ready just to make a buck"

is that what you meant? if so, i agree totally.
Relentless999 said:
well what about 45 day strains like double gum and super skunk? ive heard they are potent, but are they not as potent as some of these uber long flowering strains?

patience in this sport is the only true way to reap your success.

IMVHO, the best strains make you wait the longest. A true sativa will take much longer to flower, but the high is soooooo worth it.

Ever had a nice sativa buzz????? its so much better than getting all couched out, i love my indicas and hybrids, but those are good for before bed, or a lazy day.
I have always been interested in vertical growing and did a lot of investigation into it 4 or 5 years ago. I think this kind of growing does maximize your light--I think we all realize that we do not get the full benefit of our lighting. However, as one who wants to keep their plant count under "the mandatory prison time" amount (24), this is not a good way for me to grow. I would love to follow a "real grow" (I don't believe all that I see on You Tube). Do you have a link to the system?
google hydrogon THG.

is 24 plants the federal limit? or your states limit? I thought the fed limit was 50, in my state it goes by weight, not plant count.

Google "hydrogon" this is the system i will be buying, but i got to save for it!
(I don't believe all that I see on You Tube). thg i agree camera's..times and dates can easily be edited ..yet the result is in the eye of the beholder !
purplephazes said:
(I don't believe all that I see on You Tube). thg i agree camera's..times and dates can easily be edited ..yet the result is in the eye of the beholder !
the video was for the viewers of the threads consideration,

what does the video have to do with proven results utilizing vertical growing?? I just wanted to show you how im going to be growing in a few months when i buy the setup you saw on the video.

THG just proved my point, it is more effective, but the number of plants to make it work negates its benefit do to legality issues, cased closed.

I feel like im trying to convince you guys the sky is blue and true to mp fashion, many are disagreeing like you guys can actually yield more than a proven method, wake up. Admit you dont agree with vertical growing because of the numbers of plants it takes and the high cost.

But dont say that as of right now, growing indoors that vert can be beat, because as much time as i waste researching, i have found nothing.

tell me how less light equals bigger yields and ill give you the pound of kb i just harvested, really, ill give it to you, no really, im dead serious.

essentially, im being challenged on the stance that sog is not the most effective way to grow along with better usage of ones light, because thats what vertical is all about ladies and gentlemen

While ive barely scratched the surface of growing, i feel ive learned as much as i can on my own without the experience required to truly master the sport.

So many conflicting arguments against what is known to be true and proven.


yeah, ok, top this.

I may be looking at this wrong but to me the vert systems are just the next level of SOG you are growing to expose more of your plant to the light. By growing around the light source the light has a easier path to the plant(no reflection off hood) is more lumens reach the plants. this has to be more benifical in lighting use.
ozzydiodude said:
I may be looking at this wrong but to me the vert systems are just the next level of SOG you are growing to expose more of your plant to the light. By growing around the light source the light has a easier path to the plant(no reflection off hood) is more lumens reach the plants. this has to be more benifical in lighting use.

finally, someone with the mental fortitude to accept logical mathematical proof of why this IS more efficient for growing.

from the bottom of my heart, thank you, this thread was meant to plant a seed of informative results showing that we can continue to maximize yield without adding more lights, this is all i wanted to share, but people are acting like there little ebb&flow sog is the end of the line for yield, this is even how i am currently growing.

Next people are gonna say that they can yield more with the plants growing upside down.

Name an effective way to out-yield current methods other than vert, i bet you guys cant other than growing outdoors.

SOG, you cant beat it.

challenge that.

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