Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

  • 4:20 east

  • 4:20 central

  • 4:20 on every hour

  • other

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Oh no duck! I hope u get it squared away ASAP!

I'm getting my hair chopped today, I think.

High SmokinMom:ciao:

I have contacted Herbies. They gave me the long lecture that they are not to blame,blah, blah, blah, never said they were, but anyways, Hopefully they will get me a tracking number. My Post Girl is a pretty sharp one and I am pretty sure that she will see the mistake in the digit.(fingers crossed) I would just feel more comfortable if I had that tracking #.
Good morning Bongers.

Thinking of the east coast this morning. What an insult to injury.

Duck, I hate it when I mess up and have to worry. I am sorry. I hope you get it as soon as possible so you can relax.

I think it is time...... BIU!
Morning rose, ducky

Yea rose, that's one major snow storm! I'm looking out at a beautiful, cool day and sending some sunshine their way.
Are u talking about the focus group for hormel? They overbooked, gave me the $100 and sent me on my merry way. :D

I was kinda pissed off tho, I got all fixed up for nothing. :p
Good evening bhc

The hair cut has shaved 10 yrs off me. If I knew how to blur out my face I'd post lol.

Hey, I've been Biu, you guys and girl need to catch up. :D
Sigh. My dogs nose is starting to bleed again and her breathing is labored and noisy, her left eye starting to look weird. She was doing so good on the antibiotic. Damn nasal tumor. There's really nothing else the vet can do. :(


Depending on how she is in the morning, I may just have her put down. If she's worse ill have to.
Good Morning BHC:ciao:

SmokinMom What a bummer:(

Well Herbies contacted me with the tracking number. Plugged it in and it is not even in NY/Chicago yet. They said they mailed it a week ago. I think they just mailed it. But anyways since I have the tracking number should be no problems. I just need to catch up with the Post Girl and let her know.

BIU :bong:
sounds like you just want to see this postal girl duck:hubba:

Happy Friday everyone...

sorry to hear your dog Mom....

Good morning duck and 4u

Yea I'm sorry too. When she's gone a huge presence will be missing from this house. I haven't seen her yet this morning, she enjoys being outside in the cooler weather.

I'm waiting on the cable guys. Having a digital phone installed. I heard they will b here for a few hours, yikes! I better go Biu before they get here. :)
Glad your cute Sm, nothing like a new do. You could wear your son's obama mask and show us your hair. ha. I am so sorry about your dog.

Duck, i know your gonna be glad when those seeds are in your hands.

It is Friday and I am having a traveling dispensary come by this afternoon. I know I don't need a dispensary, but it is fun to see all the kinds. I am going to get some Pakistani kush. I liked it when i tried it. they have hash and oil and edibles and cool stuff.

Enjoy your Friday everyone.... BIU!!!!
I think this should be my new avatar, what do you think?


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