Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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on the :08---thanks for cleaning my bong cubby---cool damp and cloudy 60's---what the heck---thought it was spring---got some gopher barrier to repair in a raised bed before i plant any veggies---could be the highlight of my day if it warms up a bit---i really know how to milk a job in my yard when i'm on the clock LOL---if not---than i guess i take the little one shopping---she just loves the hardware store :D

anybody send out any smoke signals for sm
Rosebud said:
cubby, where is the satori?

I am having a hard time posting this morning. First I was vaping out of my solo when the glass tube fell on down my chest, cleavage if you will. Note to self, close front of robe better.

It is a nice morning in my newly decorated BHC/living room this morning. It is bone day, so all is quiet except the quiet gnawing and gnashing going on.

Satori makes me think of new decorating projects. not good.

Please, join me:vap-Bong_smoker: :vap-Bong_smoker:

LOL--now I know. The Satori is responsible for my kitchen being in the throes of remodel.

Morning all. It is 21 and sunny here. Even though the high today is only supposed to be 45, it is sunny and the weather is supposed to get a little bit warmer every day until we hit the 60s near the end of the week.

I will join you in a little wake and bake. :bong::bong:
orangesunshine said:
---thanks for cleaning my bong cubby---cool---

He did not clean mine:(

Thanks for leaving the buds though:)


kandy's new easter dress is the best. I love her.

Yes, THG, that is why you are redoing your is the satori. Need to label that stuff
Good Morning BHC:ciao:

Cold and snowing:(


Good morning all,
Duck, i heard about the weather being nasty, are you in that? If so, you better stay in and BIU.

We got half the front yard roses pruned yesterday.. the other half today I hope.
Howard is the only dog I have ever had that didnt' know how to sit by now.. special ed, i am telling you. BIU Peeps!
:ciao: Good Morning BHC,
21* and sunny......
Duck, I can't believe you're getting snow, and I'm not :confused2: I am actually a little jealous :eek:
Rosebud, Howard knows how to sit, he just refuses on pricipal.....he's a free spirit...;) maybe you could bribe him.... with a pack of tube socks :D
How many roses do you have, and what type(s)?

:bong: :bong: :bong:
Rose I am in the Northern edge, not much snow(3-4") but the wind is nasty:( And yes it is going to be another BIU day here:)


cubby you can have all my snow:) except with what I am using to pack the :bong1:
Cubby, I used to have well over a hundred roses. Not anymore, in fact i am going to replace some this year that are over 30 years old and look it. I will count them this year, maybe only 50. The big shrubs are the ones left to prune . I have all kinds of roses. I was a consulting rosarian for lots of years so i had to grow every kind. My favorite are just the plain ole floibundas, but I still see the beauty of a hybrid t.

I quit the rose society as I finally figured out that a rose is not to be looked at critically, but to just enjoy. That is after decades of showing. No more, don't miss it.

Duck, stay warm. 4U, Kandy is worth 35 for a new dress.
Hi friends, sorry I haven't been around. Been preoccupied with life and stuff. A local liquor store had a craft beer tasting Saturday afternoon. Everyone I know was busy so I said screw it, and I went I tried 22 diff ones. It was fun. Bought some crappy jalepeno beer cuz I thought I liked the way it tasted then...I steered clear of the free hotdogs, lmao

Still loving my pax vape. I miss you guys
N gals

Sorry about the buzz kill but I can't help but talk about it. (A 12 hr old boy from my daughters school hung himself a week and a 1/2 ago. 12!!
:( It's really affected me. I don't even know this family and I feel like I'm grieving him. Having to talk with your 13 yr old daughter about suicide is very hard. Keep Evans family in your thoughts and prayers.)

I'll try not to be such a stranger.
:bong2: Morning bhc.

Don't ya just hate it when you make a nice pot of coffee, smell it brewing, think of the nice smoked sausage and eggs for breakfast, to go with that great cup of joe............. and the cream curdles when you add it to the coffee.

Still not gonna let it ruin my day, Ya'll have a good one too.:D
Good Morning BHC :ciao:

34* and no wind :)

Sorry to hear about your daughters classmate SmokinMom, that just is not right:( .......We missed you:)

Bummer Iams

Busy day here. I have some transplanting to do and some eyeballing. Been slacking over here and need to get motivated.

BIU :bong:
:ciao: Good Morning BHC,
25* and cloudy. Supposed to get up around 40 today.
Mom, good to see you popping in. Totally sux about the kid though. I just can't wrap my head around all these kids committing suicide. If this was happening when I was a kid I was totally unaware of it. My heart goes out to Evan's family, what a thing to face.

I broke my bong last night :cry: But my new Pax vape will be here tomorrow :woohoo: "till then I guess it's back to the chamber pipe .

:bong: :bong: :bong:
hearts out to you and the evans family smokinmom---good to see you

morning to all---cool and damp here---prolly reach high 60's mid-day---mostly be hanging around the fort today---couple errands---never too far from the :bong: maybe do a little pre-easter cleaning for the guests---get to those outdoor chores that didn't get done last week---golf sounds good too---see what the day brings :D
morning Rosey,Smokinmom,Duck,CubbyTHG,Iams,xyz,4u,Orange and anyone else I forgot..........sunny and cold here at the beach.....chopped down my 10 wk auto,really impressed with the little auto,hope she smokes good,hard to believe 10 weeks from seed and about 1.5 oz of smoke.....time to wake and bake.....:cool:
good morning all!

Mr fist, good for you. I did auto's for my husband and didn't get near that. He likes the smoke, i hope yours does the trick too.

Sm, no words, i am so sorry. I am glad you checked in, you were missed.

I am going to knock out those roses today...she says while in her robe drinking coffee, hair askew, solo in hand. Bandaid on my knee from a cortisone shot. You betcha.

Wow Cubby, 40 degrees, i remember in AK, we called it breakup in the spring, do you?

Orange, have fun doing whatever you decide. Golf vs cleaning house, shall we take bets?

Duck, good luck with what you find in there. I hope all is well.

BIU peeps.

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