Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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Rose we always feel bad for those we could or tried to help but it just wasn't the right time or place for us to step in.

good morning BHC........ I'm having some pineapple chunk this morning....... Rose... sorry about the news....... mental illness is a terrible thing..... a whole lota of people have some form of it....... even if only short term....... the Id is powerful when it shows its face.
Thanks you guys, i guess I will write to him. I don't think he will make it in prison, to small and quiet..I hope they put him in a mental facility. He really was so sweet...ok, enough, thank you.
g13, the id, that is part of the trio that Freude (sp) came up with. I wish i could remember...that is the part of self that what....remind me.

More coffee and trainwreck coming up and harvesting that satori if it is the last thing i do in this rain and wind. BIU PEEPS!
super ego
id........ makes one stab ones mama 30 times........ the id comes out for some who drink alcohol.
He'll make it in there. Most will be afraid of him, he has the heart to kill. 99% in there don't just talk trash.
Well that makes me feel better Ozzy, in some weird way. He didn't drink i don't think.

So far not impressed with my outdoor grow for density, I haven't seen any real hard dank nugs yet. I took one cola off satori this morning. My favorite smell. Maybe my others will be better. OH well, not perfect satori should be better then no satori.
Hi all. BIU! Hey, you there, in the corner, did you hear me? I said BIU!
That is terrible news Rose:( I guess help did not come soon enough in his case:(

I just wish that the money the government is spending on mj extradition and busting people for weed would go towards mental health. Where it is sorely needed. But they don't, they just get ya all pilled up and send ya on your way. Not knowing if they are being taken accordingly or taken them at all. IDK just seems like most of these terrible shootings could have been avoided if there had been a place or better follow up for these mentally ill people. Cripes some of the side effects of not taking these pills are the same has what they are suppose to be alleviating.

TMT need to BIU :bong:
does anyone know of a sotware to down size pic's so I can put them on this website ???

lovbnstoned :cool: :icon_smile:
olstoner :tokie:
Good Morning BHC :ciao:

:bongin: of the :20

lovbnstoned said:
does anyone know of a sotware to down size pic's so I can put them on this website ???

lovbnstoned :cool: :icon_smile:
olstoner :tokie:

Good morning all you hitters......... hope your high as you wanna be.
8:20 Waking and Baking some 98 Super Silver Haze.

And pulling kittens off my pant legs lol
Good morning Bong hogs!

temps 55, winds 35... I got two small satori's down and half a big one harvested yesterday. Wish it was dry. I am sure my two sucky plants are lying on the ground out there. Oh well, it doesn't hurt them when they fall over.

Had a wonderful fall dinner last night. I love fall and the dinners that it suggests.

Where is the last of my alaskan thunder??? BIU peeps.

And Lovbeingstoned, I am sorry we can't get you to post pictures... I will keep looking for that thread.
Good morning Ozzy, thanks for your talk yesterday. I felt better about my young friend.
Hugs all around! And Bongs!
:yay::yay: day off :woohoo:

:bong::bong::joint: And now too high to do anything >attempted imaginary backfilp<:headbang2: :dancing:
Good Morning BHC,

62* and sunny, time to start digging up the tropical garden. The worst part of gardening.

Melvan said:
8:20 Waking and Baking some 98 Super Silver Haze.

And pulling kittens off my pant legs lol

Stop wearing pants....problem solved, and makes for some interesting trips to the grocery store...:D

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