Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

  • 4:20 east

  • 4:20 central

  • 4:20 on every hour

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getting me nervous with all the catholic religious inuendo/comments ozzy---are you not eating meat today during lent and all---
As long as the sun rises and animals run in the woods, Ozzy be eating some type of meat every day.
I was late for mass, but I have caught up. Thank you for the east coast BIU time. Glad your eating well Ozzy.

I have plants showing some kinda sex, but I can't figure out what. Suppose i should post a pic up huh. They can hang around with balls for a few day's can't they peeps?
How's this? My birthday pie my daughter made, with meyer lemons from Ca... very good. DSCF1332.JPG

I seem to have smoked too much satori and took a whole lot of bad pictures of the balls. So now i need to go try again. Porn coming up....maybe.
Rosebud has porn???? :yay:

slide me a slice that pie Birthday girl

happy Saturday everyone
mmmmm, pie:D

Bright and sunny and warm here:)

Gonna be a good day to prep the OD garden.

Happy Sativday:bong:
It's too hot for Spring more like summer here. Carrying the soil goodies this morning I was sweating pounds off and drinking water like it was going out of style.

BIU session Now in progress

Load :bong: up
Fire :bong: up
Get :stoned:
:fly: away with me :D
That's what I hear Ozzy, pretty warm in the mountains.

And I am :stoned: and :fly: with ya
X3 Wind blowing like crazy, too cold to work outside for us.

Might as well get as loaded as Ozzy.
4u2sm0ke said:


didn't take any pics because I knew HICK would get mad at my supposedly inappropriate behavior that he has warned me about over the SmokinMom seems to be the only one to warn me about the post but I was so careful telling the story....maybe people from Texas aren't allowed to talk about going to the potty....just a guess

I told my mentally challenged son the whole story and he laughed so hard that he was crying on the phone...he's in Wisconsin not Texas

so 4u2, hope all is well up there.....sending some Carnitas de Rios, rice, beans and some salsa and chips and sour cream and a micro brew from's floating slowly towards Washington state....
Uh huh, lmao. Quit being such a whiny cry baby. How old did u say you were pdude?

Anyhoo- I was just watching the weather forecast and they're calling for 4-6 inches of rain for the next few days. Gonna hunker down, stay in, and keep the bong warm. Hope my hail damaged roof hangs in there!!

Did y'all have a good weekend?
Mornin BHC! :bong:

Monday :( BIU


Man did we have a beautiful weekend. The first one we have had really. Im still beat from all the yard work lol. Anyone else with me on that one :D?

:ciao: Pdude

Hope you and wifey are doing well....have a great week my friend

Smokmom...we had a great time we went to long beach and the weather was wacked..had sunshine...rain..hail...or and it snowed on the beach:doh: had a ball though

take care and be safe:bolt::bong:
We had a good weekend here too. Went to the Dallas Arboretum flower gardens for their big seasonal thing. It was so beautiful out there! I'll post a pic in a while.

My house is finally quiet and I'm enjoying every minute until school is out. The kids had an amazing spring break.

It's More-Monday... Hit those bongs again. :D
Hey SM, it sounds like your kids had a great time. That is so cool you got to do that.
The flower show? I am jealous now. Is everything in bloom?
Good Twosday morning to everyone :bong::bong:

Hope everyone has another great one....

BIU all day long...

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