Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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PU Duck, diesel? I got our chirstmas shopping done. I had offered the "kids" money instead of gifts this year, and they declined. they like getting jammies still and they both had a small list. I do love online shopping. I got some new curtains that are lined and boy do they keep the room warmer.

Lets smoke this.
Yes Rose, one of my wonderful co-workers put diesel fuel where hydraulic oil was suppose to be. Lines broke under high pressure, covering the surrounding area, including me:)

Toro got a lot better after a complete cure :aok:

Good to hear about Torro! great find Duck. I can't even imagine what a horrible stinky mess that was. Isn't that kinda scary cleaning up after? Guess you wouldn't be smoking a cig in that mess. Jeez Duck, glad you are ok and did n't kill the dumb co worker.
Well it looks like our warm weather is done.
56° when I got up. Temps are dropping at about 11° to 15° per hour. Get ready Joe. The 45 mph wind doesn't help. Glad I got bought new coveralls.

Now is a great time to BIU :bong:.
Ok, i will join you. It is 24 degrees here this morning..burr.

THG, i hung those most beautiful stocking up that you so kindly knitted. You guys, she is so talented, not only can she plumb a sink and everything else, she is very good at lots of stuff.
You better pick yourself up a couple of those Ducks, whatever they are. Take 2.
Them fancy buckets are to expensive for me, Rose.

BIU :bong:
Morning bongers.

Rosebud, thank you for your kind words. I hate that my hands are getting so I can't knit or crochet for very long at a time anymore. I loved being able to make handcrafted stuff like that.

Duck, wow, do those buckets have gold in them? Can't imagine what makes that little hydro system worth so much money--too expensive for me, too.

Cold and crisp here with big beautiful blue skies and no snow yet.. Lows are in the teens, but the highs are only in the 30s. Expecting a high of 34 today and 33 tomorrow. We did lay in a lot of firewood this year though, to take the nip off the chilly days. Love having a fireplace.

Getting a medical grow going for this winter. They are all CBD strains except a Purple Thai x Sour Diesel that is supposed to be good for PTSD. Seeds are just sprouting and being transplanted into Solo cups. Going to use 3 gal smart pots in a 4 x 4 tent for this grow.

Everybody have a great day and BIU as needed.
THG, supposedly they are flying off the shelves. A friend of mine knows the dude that makes them. I say b s. He also grows the best weed that California has ever smoked. I called b s on that too:rofl:

BIU :bong:
THG, supposedly they are flying off the shelves. A friend of mine knows the dude that makes them. I say b s. He also grows the best weed that California has ever smoked. I called b s on that too:rofl:

BIU :bong:

LOL, I'm getting out my rubber boots.
morning BHC....almost done with my construction bathroom remodel,all the mud has been sanded and almost ready for paint,going this morning to buy a new vanity top and sink and valves for sink....this has been one expensive remodel that I wasn't wanting to do but it is what it is....the weather here in the south is COLD,sunny today but only getting in the mid 40s and 30s tonight....hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.....BIU if you have it.....peace
Morning bongers! Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Mrfist, glad you are getting to the end of your project. I am working on bathroom remodels, too. I think all remodels are generally more expensive than you think they should be. Yes, I see the south is getting unusual cold (for the south). Stay warm--for those of you not used to this, it can be quite dangerous. It is cold here (high today is supposed to be 33), but we haven't seen any snow yet.

Anyone using terpenes for anything? I got a bottle of Jack Herer terpene (online) to "flavor" some vape liquid I made. I use a product called Vapeur Extract, which is flavorless, to make the vape liquid, so they are quite unexciting and bland. The terpenes gave it a great taste. I am now wanting to try different terpenes to see the different effects and tastes. The terpenes are supposed to work in synergy with the cannabinoids to enhance the experience and I believe they do.

Everyone enjoy the rest of your weekend and remember to BIU as needed.
Hi, too stoned to type but terpenes are the future of pot. Where did you get that? Lemon, lime, lavender, cloves, all have terpenes too. Maybe 50 % of plants have terpenes? i just pulled that out of my .....stoned brain.
OK, carry on. THG DUCK FIST.. merry christmas.
well I am almost finished sanding sheetrock mud.....not fun,cant wait to get this finished almost ready for paint.....thought I would catch a quick buzz,join in if you like....BIU BHC.....peace:)
Joining ya mmf2 :bong: :bong1: :bong2:

45+mph winds suck

I'll join you duck.

And I agree...45 mph wind sucks...or does it blow?
Duck, that is very windy. Isn't 50 like the beginning of hurricane force or is that 100. Whatever, button down the hatches.

I will join you guys! Lets smoke. ha THG, sucking or blowing.
lol:rofl: THG.
The action blows, the results sucks:rofl:

Time to BIU, :bong:
LOL Duck, that is right. You are up and attum early. I haven't lit the bong yet, tardy.