Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

  • 4:20 east

  • 4:20 central

  • 4:20 on every hour

  • other

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Good morning, looks like i am late.

I will try and catch up.

Let's all go to virginia beach with drft and celebrate his birthday right.
Rose, please do! And bring some satori and medical woman with you! :heart: Love yah!
Good Monday morning peeps! I hope each of you are doing well this morning. BIU!
Oh my gosh guys! The kids are back in school today, it's all quiet. It's sunny and beautiful outside and I'm happy to be awake and enjoying it. :D
Weird, huh?

In a few hours I'm going to a paid taste test of some sort of new lunch meat. $85. Not too shabby.

I should Biu, enhance whatever it is that I gotta eat, lmfao!

Oh what a beautiful morning!

Have great daze.
Congratulations SM! School has started. I remember doing a little dance on this day.

Hey Ozzy. I will join you.
:woohoo: Ozzy got 2 beautiful Ladies smoking with him this morning :yay: