Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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75 and sunny. I started on my tan. :p

High of 60 today after a really long artic cold spell felt like July weather to me. :)

Unfortunately back to a high of 28 Thursday and rain and cold tomorrow, Could be worse, at least it is not snow. So tired of the snow and bitter temps. Worst winter in a while here.
Glad to see you back Mr fist.... Lets hear some of that rock and roll you play sometime....

hit it like you mean......... no light weights allowed
Good Morning BHC!!!! Cubby you look sad this morning... what's wrong?

G13, ya gotta be pretty tough to smoke pot at 5:am....

Toa- what a dinner..low cal and all.

BIU peeps!
Morning fellow bongers. It is a beautiful day today. I have a little job today--opening a place that I winterized in the fall. With this weather, I expect to start getting some calls. While we will still have freezing temps, most of the snow is gone and that makes me feel like spring is coming.

I had the same dinner as TOA. Fed one of my good friends about mid afternoon--BLT with A--I love them. he makes furniture, table tops, etc out of rough wood--he is quite a craftsman. So he took the remnants of a tree down that the wind has taken the top 60' or so. When we started cutting it in rounds for firewood, we discovered beautiful color inside (we call it blue pine here although it is more blue grey and there are subtle shades of red). So we decided to save some to make a butcher block table top out of it for an island that I will have in my new remodeled kitchen (some day). He slabbed it up last week when the sun peaked out and then cut it into 2-1/2" strips yesterday. It is now sitting in the dining area to dry completely. After that, it will be planed and the pieces put back together. It looks like it is going to make a beautiful butcher block top.

SM--enjoy your sunshine. I'm a little jealous....except for the you living in Texas. Not talking politics here--as far as politics go, my state is just as backwards as yours.
I don't know that I could live somewhere there are not real mountains.
Coffee with Irish Cream and Satori for me this morning.

Grower, I assure you that I am a very experienced toker. I have been at it a long time and I practice the art of toking every day.

Oh cubby, don't be so sad.

Have a great day and BIU as needed.
Sm. so you guys are making a butcher block table out of that tree. That is so cool. How do you put the strips together?? That will be so nice. I love that you are doing that.

Enjoy your sun.... I am going to mop out the shed today so i can stick satori's in there soon.
Rose, u have me mixed up with someone else I think.

Yesterday it was 83 and sunny. I took my pax outside and basked in the sun.

Today it's 45 and windy. :(. At least it's still sunny I guess.
I am losing my mind... Thanks SM.... I meant THG. You must have been on my mind...How are you SM? how is the kids? How is that pax.... thanks again.
No worries rose. :). Pax's been getting lots of use since the kids are on spring break. They don't go back until Tuesday. It can't come soon enough, lol.
Keep an eye on me I was confusing cubby and ozzy last week. I read that cannabis is a brain protective.... So just think how bad i would be if i quit smoking pot...

Spring breaks are hard on a mom, I remember.
They aren't so bad, I'm not missing the usual morning rush, it just cuts into my wake and

My daughter made muffins this morning so that was a perk...:)