Burning up from the heat of the Sun. HELP!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2009
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I’m having difficulty growing outdoors this year. My first crop of this season had drowned in the flood and now the heat of the sun is burning up my plants. They are planted under a shad tree, yet the heat of the sun is still causing massive damage to the fan leafs. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to shield my crop from the sun? Thanks to all who can give advice! :)

Like alot of us you have went from to much water to not enough water. The only times I have seen the sun damage sunleaves is when then they are put in the sun without being conditioned to it or the plants are not getting enough water.
yea man im having some issues this year as well. i have a few bubbas that started flowering, i had early ph issues, my soil is garbage, and i overwatered to boot. i get tons of sun, i mean all day blasting sun. i dont think too much sun is the issue. i thought the same thing with mine.

are you overwatering, check your soil.

what is your soil ph, check that as well as the ph of the solution you water em with. a reading of the run off ph (the solution ran through the dirt) would be ideal.

how many ppm's are they getting?

good luck and keep us posted
leafminer said:
It's not the sun that's doing it.

Whatever they are doing its probably out of fear of how you intend to dry and cure them. :hubba: thats a joke.

Got any pics BB, it may be the sun but i doubt it.
I also doubt it is the sun, especially if they are in partial shade.

As dman says, post some pictures. And as Ozzy said, damage can happen if the plant is not "hardened off" meaning put directly into the sun after starting life under a light indoors.

Too much water will make the leaves have the "taco" effect. The leaves forming a taco shell look. Too much ferts will also burn leaves.

Good luck to you.
Remember your first year growing will be your learning year.
OK thanks guys I'll check all that out. The temperature has been 110 F outside for nearly 2 week so the Sun is obviously the problem here in the Mid central area. I placed wet newspapers and laid white paper plates through them yesterday to reflect the sun light. They appeared to have temporary help some, today I'll probably stick a beach umbrella to cover over them.
You say
They are planted under a shad tree
What type of tree? Some tree have so much tannin in their dead leaves that other plants can't hardly grow under then. While others acidify the soil making it unuseable by other plants as well.

MJ plants grow in places that get way hotter but they get the water they need to grow right. The sun is not what is causing your problem.
Another hot sunning day, they are sheltered outdoors the best that I can do. I’m paranoid about posting photo’s of them on the internet, so I’ll describe them the best I can. The fan levees first started to have brown & white spots then after a day they gradually roll up and turn completely brown, like a taco shell. I water once a day for about 20 minutes in the morning and night. Not sure if you can over water them on account that they are in the ground and can drain away all excess water deeper into the soil. I haven’t yet fertilized them except for the cow composite soil I originally used to germinate them. I’ve taken extreme prep measures to harden them off. They where planted into the ground sometime in April so they’ve had enough time to harden off. (I’m certain) They are all planted all around a pecan tree. The ones closer to the trunk has less damage then the ones out near the boundaries of the branches. Today I’m seriously thinking to clone them because these where some exotic G13-S. diesel from Amsterdam. I hope doing that won’t damage them any further then what they already are. I’ve always been told that the temp must be between 65-96F. It’s over 100F now.
I don't think heat is your problem. drought yes, heat no.
I have 10 out right now and it's well over a 100F with a heat index even higher. Just gotta keep lugging water.
Pecan trees or any tree when it gets hot like this "drips" some sap and other stuff. This may be screwing with your plants.
I try to keep my plants in full sun with plenty of water.
GROW INDOORS...there fixed your problem :rofl: jk...

probably ph issues... w/o pics kinda helpless
All of you have talked me into buying a ph barometer, but uncertain how to read the numbers. It's not a fancy digital one that reads out the exact numbers. If I'm reading the barometer right, the acidic is too low. It's reading between 6.5 - 7.1 How do I resolve this problem? Limestone?
Your PH is fine. but be warned those cheap PH meters are crap and do not give anywhere near accurate results. Good for houseplants thats about it.
If you posted a picture it would be of massive help.
My readings fluctuate significantly over the past few testings, today it was nearly 7.0....So, I've been doing some internet searches on how to fix Alkaline soil. Here are some solutions that I've found out. Coffee grounds, cotton seed meal, peat moss, gypsum and garden surfer all reduce alkaline soil. Never add anything containing limestone to alkaline soil because it has an opposite effect and makes the soil even more alkaline.
.."IF" it is truly '6.5-7'.. the ph is NOT your problem.
I'm with Ozzy-what kind of trees are they planted under? This is an important question.

Anyone with a gorilla grow should not be afraid of posting pics on a site with servers in Amsterdam--posting pics is far far safer.
The Hemp Goddess said:
Anyone with a gorilla grow should not be afraid of posting pics on a site with servers in Amsterdam

I agree, I post pics, I live in England, I grow outside, any idea of finding me by showing a plant sitting in a grass garden?

The same applies to you, a tree is a tree is a tree.

But be wary ...


^:rolleyes: ???? ''what are you listening to thread'' on the tube...???''be wary''??? care too elaborate?
Just humour Irish, it is a song about the grass and trees, nothing untoward :p

Feel free to listen to it, it is only a song, if you listen to it, you will see the connection ;)

I choose not to post all of my grows. I think prudence is key.
I try to keep my pictures limited to what can be explained as a personal grow.
I mean if you have a 50plant patch...no I would not think it wise to post pics. If in an 100% illegal location.
Don't want your head cut off don't put it on the block. so to speak.