Cinderella 99 and Apollo11 x Blue Moon Rocks

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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2009
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Hello All!! :ciao:

So my husband (Mauwie Wauwie) and I have started out 2nd round of growing. Our 1st round was a test with bag seed which turned out pretty good after learning A LOT of lessons!!!

In this grow we are using 2 Apollo 11 x Blue Moon Rocks seeds and 20 Cinderella 99 (C99) seeds. We also put in 2 Crunk seeds (unknown origins) and we were told that it was unstable, well they didn't even sprout so, oh well!!

We are using Jiffy Peat Pellets to germinate and let me tell you, WHAT AN AWESOME SURPRISE!!! Not counting the 2 Crunk seeds we have a 100% rate of germination!! We soaked the seeds in water till they dropped and then placed them into the peat pellets.

For soil we are using generic soil with absolutely no nutrients. We are going to add some vermiculite to reduce compacting of the soil. Any opinions on anything else we should add, let me know. We were going to add perlite but all we could find was from Miracle Grow and they just can't help themselves adding all types of CRAP into their products!!!

When it becomes time to feed our babies, we will be using Fox Farm Brand of Nutrients.

Stay Tuned for more!!!!
So we began soaking the seeds (2 Apollo11xBlue Moon Rocks, 10 C99, and 2 Crunk) Sept. 28..
That evening we planted out first seed that dropped which was 1 Crunk seed.

The next afternoon (Sept. 29) we planted an additional 11 seeds; the other Crunk seed, 2 Apollo11xBlue Moon Rocks, and 8 C99 seeds.

We decided to start an additional 10 C99 seeds. Which we planted the next morning :)

October 1 we had the first seed to break through, a C99 :D
That evening all seeds broke through except the 2 Crunk seeds!!

Today, (Oct. 2) Most of the 2nd batch of C99 seeds have sprouted :D

Lost all hope in the Crunk seeds!!




pulling up my milk crate and Packing my :bong1: ill sit back here in corner and :watchplant: if thats ok :D

:ciao: Mojo for you and Mauwie
thanks 4u! we're really excited!!

Happy to have you join us!!

:48: here ya go, have some of this!
Thanks DL and Heem!! Im really excited about the C99, i've done a lot of research and i've found that they are really stable and they show their sex before flowering and won't hermie on you! They also have a short flowering time, about 7 weeks... who could ask for more!?!? :D
thanks to everyone.this round should be alot better then last.i'm going to go ahead and grab my milk crate and join you 4u2smoke.:48:
hello again everyone.well we finally got most of them planted today. its been an all day event for us. but everything is looking good will have some pics up very soon but we both wanted a break and i wanted a :bong1: as well lol.

here is one for everyone :bong1: enjoy
I would take the foil off the walls and paint them flat white instead. You get WAY better light reflection.

I would also take the humidity dome off, IMO, you are risking the seedlings damping off (sp).

What are you using for light? How much room do you have to grow? You have started a bunch of seedlings--do you have a place to put them?
Hey Hey, sorry its been a few days!

Hemp, the foil was inside our terrarium. We tried painting it white but didn't do so well on the glass :p ..
The humidity domes were just on until they sprouted, we started one set before the other so that's why you see the one with the dome on, it wasn't ready to come off yet

Thanks again to everyone keeping up! pics to come soon!!!

here is a few pics of the family i hope its an all girl family lol



here is a pic update of the family. battling a ph problem. we haven't start nutes yet. we will be doing some LST this time around when we start the nutes. and one more thing waiting sucks lol



I'm in!!!!!!!! I love me some Cindy!

Mojo for you both ! I hope you don't mind if i pull up a chair ! Peace and stay safe !
We were going to add perlite but all we could find was from Miracle Grow and they just can't help themselves adding all types of CRAP into their products!!

I was in same predicament prior to moving out into the country. I used to just put the perlite in a strainer and rinse it. The additives they put in are in the powder not in the actual perlite chucks ;)

I am a major C99 fan. Good luck with the grow :D
I had the same idea about the jiffy greenhouse before I found out you were doing it - glad I found this J. I didn't soak my seeds, but I held back and only planted three ice plenty left to try again. Best of luck - will be watching...
hello again everyone thanks for all the comments I'm happy to see everyone is coming and checking out the grow. we went out and got the nutes today. was going to start training but hoppy frog and i had different thoughts on how you do it but we will get that worked out soon. so here r some pics that i just took. the pic that has one plant is an Apollo that we haven't been able to balance the PH yet





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