Classical music?

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Stonerman said:
Yea, They did an experiment on Mythbusters. If I remember correctly they had three different greenhouses, one with classical, one with heavy metal, and one with no music, and I am pretty sure the best growth came from the heavy metal.

i actuallt remember seein that episode a while back too. lol
i would think rap music would work best. oh thats just me when i'm high.
I luv when i'm high with that heavy bass vibarting my body. so i would think my girlfriend Mary Jane would like it too. If she don't like I still won't divorce her.
My plant listens to heavy metal and punk from just outside my window. Hasn't had any adverse side effects.
I've seen that episode myself and it would seem that any rhythmic sounds would enhance the growing process.
zipflip said:
maybe it has somethin to due with the sound waves say tiny sound waves/vibrations or their rythmic pattern or somethin?...
i myself like to roll like 3 or four fattys and go country road cruisin and bout after the 2nd smoke i pop in my classical mp3 cd so i got liek 200 plus songs on one disc and it like lull's my brain when i get way high. almost theraputic for me anyways. and when i come home and watch some videos on tv or radio of mainstream music it feels irritating to my mind and ears. lol call me weird but for real i love the effect of a few smokes and some good classical music.
am i alone wit this or anyone else dig it too?
the odd part is that my normal choise of music is metal or rock and i can only listen to classical when i'm alone and high as heck. works when i'm really stressed.
that sounds like my idea of tokin' out:D ...classical rules but pantera rocks
ricklee22 said:
I've seen that episode myself and it would seem that any rhythmic sounds would enhance the growing process.
like the steady hum of an oscillating fan ??????

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