Congrats Fing57, you win the Bud Pic of the Month for Dec.

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Fing_57 said:
in that pic I just started the MH bulb and it made the plant so dark looking

below is a normal pic

Fing, great BPOM, I think they both look great!! Congratulations!!
did u have to do something to make it that color or does that strain just grow like that?

that was grown in the winter in the bacemant and it got really cold a few times
BUT it was only that plant that changed colors

Didnt see the strain mentioned

that bulb added quite a bit of blue, it lookeds awesome, dankkk!
jeez you won again:rolleyes: I think this is rig'd :eek:

nice pic brother :hubba:

grow on :48:
Oh my god, that is almost surreal. Like I am seriously breathless from that pic.

P.S. what strain is that?
Thats really some schwagg bud he photoshopped up and made look that way :p
No seriously Congrats again Fing bro.
Look forward to what your gonna put up next.
Hey Fing thanks mang that was a pretty cool video. :aok:
great job Fing. you definetely raise the bar for the BPOTM. How many times have you won the darn thing?

hat trick yet? :cool:
that pic is definatly cool, and congrats on making that awesome video!
Yo Ho,
He didn't make the video you guys, I found the video and posted it under coffee table and titled it, "Slow Down and dig this". His beautiful blue pic showed up in this video, and I recognized it and pointed it out to him.
So we got a celebrity in our midst, LMAO I told him to chase it down and maybe he can sell the pic in trade for some beans or something. LOL
smoke in peace

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