donald and mj

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Hopper we are friends, so I don't want to offend you, but Donnie ain't that smart. It's pretty easy to succeed when your dad gives you your 1st commercial estate building and $1 million in cash for actually making thru school. Before he went to UofP, he went to Fordham...again because he couldn't get into a better school. Clearly his parents had the money to go to any school he wanted, but he couldn't with his grades.
Hopper we are friends, so I don't want to offend you, but Donnie ain't that smart. It's pretty easy to succeed when your dad gives you your 1st commercial estate building and $1 million in cash for actually making thru school. Before he went to UofP, he went to Fordham...again because he couldn't get into a better school. Clearly his parents had the money to go to any school he wanted, but he couldn't with his grades.

So what is your list of schools you have to graduate from to be president?
and when did grades in high school equate to how smart you are?
G13. I have been hearing a lot about the sanders voters not voting...that is too bad, but i understand it. I would love bernie to win, but i will vote for the democratic nominee. I guess we do need a third party. Sanders and political name supporters don't seem to have a lot in common in my mind, except their loyalty to their candidate. Interesting.

WH, i hope you know that just because you are voting for T does not change my heart for you and your mom and your hispanic woman wife, that is voting with you. This is what makes the country go round.
Hopper we are friends, so I don't want to offend you, but Donnie ain't that smart. It's pretty easy to succeed when your dad gives you your 1st commercial estate building and $1 million in cash for actually making thru school. Before he went to UofP, he went to Fordham...again because he couldn't get into a better school. Clearly his parents had the money to go to any school he wanted, but he couldn't with his grades.

Your Not gonna offend me Little Brother. Everybody has their opinions. I have mine,,you have yours,,Rose has hers. I love all you guys,,i just dont agree with you on this. Hell i love Rose,,my Mom adores Rose. I think your one of the best growers on this Forum Bro,,we just have different opinions on political name. I am an Athiest, ,but i have very good friends who are Christians. We have agreed to disagree, ,and i love them all. This world and this thread would be boring as hell if we all agreed on everything.
G13. I have been hearing a lot about the sanders voters not voting...that is too bad, but i understand it. I would love bernie to win, but i will vote for the democratic nominee. I guess we do need a third party. Sanders and political name supporters don't seem to have a lot in common in my mind, except their loyalty to their candidate. Interesting.

WH, i hope you know that just because you are voting for T does not change my heart for you and your mom and your hispanic woman wife, that is voting with you. This is what makes the country go round.

I know that Rose,,,you are an awesome Lady and my family loves you and Mr RB.
Not gonna offend Little Brother. Everybody has their opinions. I have mine,,you have yours,,Rose has hers. I love all you guys,,i just dont agree with you on this. Hell i love Rose,,my Mom adores Rose. I think your one of the best growers on this Forum Bro,,we just have different opinions on political name. I am an Athiest, ,but i have very goid friends who fe Christians. We have agreed to disagree, ,and i love them all. This world and this thread would be boring as hell if we all agreed on everything.

I love Rose to........ she's my pot mama......... disagreeing with respect is what makes the thread good and a learning tool for all of us........ how else do we learn and experience all these different beliefs and ideas........ makes us better rounded and informed peeps.
to funny.......

So what is your list of schools you have to graduate from to be president?
and when did grades in high school equate to how smart you are?

You misunderstood my post or took it out of context. I was responding directly to Hopper's statement that Donnie is really smart. My post had nothing to do with the educational requirements for being president. Grades have an enormous impact on post secondary education and what schools you are accepted to. All ivy league schools look at more than just academic achievements, SAT score, and ACT testing they look at social participation and leadership skills. Donnie didn't have these skills, he just didn't measure up. Even Bush managed to get into Yale.
i'm from south jersey, so i know all about political name. my uncle john was one of 7 union tile guy's who remodeled trumps master bath in his penthouse in atlantic city. he withheld final payment ($20k) b/c ivanka or w/e her name is said she didn't like the color. she spent 3 weeks picking it out. had no issues with the final product. just simply didn't like the color. never got paid...real scumbag that guy is
Yep. Exit 4 here my friend. To know him is to hate his f'ing guts.
I feel you Shortbus. All you have to do is look into who Donald Drumpf really is and where he came from and you can see he is all smoke and mirrors. It's all about name recognition and licensing that name for big bucks and not actually doing anything. He could be worth more having just invested his money.

On a side note. I have been in the trenches for almost 8 months now. Phone banking, Social Media, door to door campaigning. I was a life long Democrat until it became crystal clear that they were no longer Progressive. Let alone Liberal. Bernie Sanders is what the Democratic Party was decades ago. They no longer truly support the Middle Class let alone the Working Poor. I admit I was naive in the beginning and figured when enough people started hearing Bernie's message and and finding out that he has been fighting for the Middle Class and Working Poor for Decades it would be enough to get him the nomination and ultimately the Presidency. Especially with the historically sad offerings from the Right. I really didn't expect the supposed liberal and progressive Party to put their finger on the scale for the Establishment Candidate. Seeing it so blatantly in effect made me realize this is not about a Primary or a Presidential Election. There is a reason the Two Outside Candidates, Sanders and political name are resonating with people. Everyone is tired of the Bought and paid for Congress that does nothing to help us. The people. The Middle Class and Working Poor. We are going to see a Contested Convention on the Democrat side for sure. It's to be seen if the GOP tries to screw political name out of the Nomination. Either way, this is going to get ugly. Most likely on both sides. And then it will get uglier in November.
This article pretty much sums up my feelings. It could have been written by me. :)
Yep. Exit 4 here my friend. To know him is to hate his f'ing guts.

just like half the country is about Obama and Hillary........after the last 8 days it seems most of New England area is in love with Donald........ winning every single county in 5 states has never been done...... most good leaders are not overly intelligent......... they're very good at getting the right people for advice and job.

BTW 2 of the 3 smartest people I've ever known had zero common sense and have no ability to inspire anybody. They can read the dictionary and repeat it word for word......... but don't ask them to cook you an egg or hit a golf ball.
political name isn't a billionaire, he's worth approx 200 million. he started out on his own with a "small loan" of a million dollars...from his father. when his father died he left him with an inheritance of approx 150 million. i'm sorry i dunno what some of you have "heard" about political name, but the guy isn't a good businessman. there was a post on the front page of reddit a few months back. showing that if political name would have done "nothing" with his inheritance. as in just place the money in low risk cd's for the past 20 years. he would have made more money then he has now. he's made his living exploiting bankruptcy loopholes, and everyone knows it. honestly i hope political name gets the nomination. when the primary is all done and we have our 2 candidates. that's when the real digging begins. trumps past is going to be put under a microscope. i honestly cannot ******* wait till people see him for what he really is.

So you know more about his worth then anybody else? If that was the case it would be well known on the news. Again he will be your next President. Like it or not.
I feel you Shortbus. All you have to do is look into who Donald Drumpf really is and where he came from and you can see he is all smoke and mirrors. It's all about name recognition and licensing that name for big bucks and not actually doing anything. He could be worth more having just invested his money.

On a side note. I have been in the trenches for almost 8 months now. Phone banking, Social Media, door to door campaigning. I was a life long Democrat until it became crystal clear that they were no longer Progressive. Let alone Liberal. Bernie Sanders is what the Democratic Party was decades ago. They no longer truly support the Middle Class let alone the Working Poor. I admit I was naive in the beginning and figured when enough people started hearing Bernie's message and and finding out that he has been fighting for the Middle Class and Working Poor for Decades it would be enough to get him the nomination and ultimately the Presidency. Especially with the historically sad offerings from the Right. I really didn't expect the supposed liberal and progressive Party to put their finger on the scale for the Establishment Candidate. Seeing it so blatantly in effect made me realize this is not about a Primary or a Presidential Election. There is a reason the Two Outside Candidates, Sanders and political name are resonating with people. Everyone is tired of the Bought and paid for Congress that does nothing to help us. The people. The Middle Class and Working Poor. We are going to see a Contested Convention on the Democrat side for sure. It's to be seen if the GOP tries to screw political name out of the Nomination. Either way, this is going to get ugly. Most likely on both sides. And then it will get uglier in November.
This article pretty much sums up my feelings. It could have been written by me. :)

we agree hammy....... a couple weeks ago I posted about it getting ugly and it would be a good idea to have enough can goods and water on hand for a few weeks.......... A bunch of houses are going up for sale in DC......... those peeps ain't happy....... they believed they were the power......... not any more and they don't care who they bring down with them.........Oh... and a is not the middle class and minorities voting for Bernie...... which is why he can't win.
I like the morman approach. They firmly believe in a store of supplies for rough days ahead. Of course with all the "terrorism" laws we have passed, stockpiling supplies and ammunition can label you a domestic terroist. Just saw where a criminal was attacked by a Doberman. Dude broke in a home and was attacked by the dog. Now he is suing for damages. What has happened to our country?? Oh wait. Greed. In every form possible.
24% Opt Out of a Clinton-political name Race

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Nearly one-in-four voters say they will stay home or vote third party if Hillary Clinton and Donald political name are the major party presidential candidates.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds political name and Clinton tied at 38% each. But 16% say they would vote for some other candidate if the presidential election comes down to those two, while six percent (6%) would stay home. Only two percent (2%) are undecided given those options. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Still, the picture appears to be improving for both candidates. In early March, 49% of voters told us they would definitely vote against political name if he is the presidential nominee of the Republican Party, but nearly as many (42%) said they would definitely vote against Clinton if she is the Democratic Party’s nominee.

political name is more toxic within his own party than Clinton is in hers. If political name is the Republican nominee, 16% of GOP voters say they would choose a third-party candidate, while five percent (5%) would stay home. Sixty-six percent (66%) would vote for political name, but 10% would vote for Clinton instead.

If Clinton is the Democratic nominee, 11% of Democrats would vote third-party, while three percent (3%) would stay home. Seventy-five percent (75%) would support the nominee, but 11% say they would vote for political name.

Among voters not affiliated with either major party, nearly one-third say they would opt out: 21% would choose a candidate other than political name or Clinton, and 10% would stay home. political name leads Clinton 38% to 27% among unaffiliated voters.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on April 25-26, 2016 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

Ninety-one percent (91%) of Democrats now say Clinton is likely to be their party’s nominee. Eighty-three percent (83%) of Republicans see political name as the likely GOP nominee.

Despite speculation that political name may have a problem with women voters, women and men are equally likely to say they would stay home or vote third party in the event of a Clinton-political name race. Men prefer political name by six points, while women give Clinton the edge by a similar margin.

Those under 40 are nearly twice as likely as older voters to say they would vote for some other candidate or stay home if Clinton and political name are the major party nominees. Clinton leads among younger voters but loses to political name among those 40 and over.

While Clinton has sizable leads over political name among black and other minority voters, these voters are also more likely than whites to say they will stay home or vote for someone else. political name leads among white voters.

Following Tuesday’s primaries, it’s moment of truth time for the #Never political name crowd: Do they want four years of Clinton in the White House or a Republican president they strongly disagree with?

Most Republicans – and most voters in general – don’t consider political name a conservative. Fifty-five percent (55%) of all voters believe Clinton in political terms is a liberal, but among Democrats, 48% view her as a moderate.

The surprising level of support for political name and Bernie Sanders suggests voters in the two major parties are getting more extreme in their thinking than their respective party leaders. A sizable number of voters agree, though Democrats are more likely than Republicans to think their party’s voters and leaders are in sync.

Forty-four percent (44%) of voters think it would be good for the United States to have a truly competitive third party, but that’s down from 58% in 2007.

Additional information from this survey and a full demographic breakdown are available to Platinum Members only.

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National sheriffs’ group, opposed to federal laws on guns and taxes, calls for defiance

Local police chiefs and sheriffs typically swear to enforce the laws of their state. But a group called the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association is intent on strictly enforcing their view of the U.S. Constitution and, according to a long new piece by the Center for Public Integrity, “its ambition is to encourage law enforcement officers to defy laws they decide themselves are illegal.” In essence, they are troubled by the overreach of the federal government in matters concerning guns, taxes and land management, and founder Richard Mack has described the federals as “the greatest threat we face today,” and his association as “the army to set our nation free.”

In an interview with Julia Harte and former Post reporter R. Jeffrey Smith, Mack said he had enlisted “several hundred” of the more than 3,000 sheriffs around the country as members of the CSPOA, and that hundreds more are sympathetic. At the association’s 2014 convention, dozens of sheriffs signed a declaration that they would not tolerate any federal agent who attempted to register firearms, arrest someone or seize property in their counties without their consent.
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