Dry Nutrient Blends in Organic Hydro

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Fat, dumb and happy.
Feb 6, 2017
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I recently started watching some Harley Smith videos on YouTube so I've decided to seek a better and cheaper way to fertilize my plants rather than use the sterile Aqua Flakes A&B components, UC Roots type innoculants and various Bud Boosters. In the end we're all just paying for someone else to water down minuscule amounts of actual nutrients and pump up the price by about a million percent.

My question to our hydro-growers out there is, is anyone out there using organic nutrient blends in hydro? And if so, can you share your experience with those products and perhaps share your opinion relating to feeding schedules? I just bought some Kelp4Less "Grow Pack (10-4-10) (Nutrient ingredients in attached JPG) ", "Bloom Pack", CalMag+, Amino Acid, MKP (same NPK as MOAB) and as a foliar spray...Extreme Blend. (Note: Extreme Blend is very strong stuff. Use sparingly or you may suffer nitrogen toxicity...like we just did. Consider a light spray once a week. only IMO.) K4L suggests to maintain 800 PPM (TDS 500) throughout VEG/BLOOM. This flies in the face of the feeding shcedules I've practiced in Hydro. I typically ramp up PPM from 100-400 in Veg and 500 up to 650 then back down to 350 while the plants are in Bloom.

I'm curious to hear about other's experiences using similar products.

View attachment grow pack.jpg
It would be very cool to do organics in hydro. What are biostimulants? I hope you do a grow and we can watch.
It would be very cool to do organics in hydro. What are biostimulants? I hope you do a grow and we can watch.

Ya know what Rosebud? That's an excellent idea. My very first Grow Journal and I owe it all to you! LOL

Biostimulants are beneficial bacteria that assist the plant's ability to uptake nutrients such as phosphorous. I couldn't tell you exactly what those beneficial bacteria are however. I think of them like...hmmm...chelating calcium by adding a little amino acid to calcium/magnesium supplements to assist in the plants uptake of CalMag+. I mix my own dry calmag+ with a gallon of water then add Amino Acid to chelate the Calcium. The Amino Acid binds to the CalMag molecles tight enough to prevent them from locking up with other minerals making them unavailable to the plant. Chelated Calcium becomes highly available to the plant creating a superhighway of sorts allowing the plant to take in a great deal more calcium than if it weren't chelated.

Comparing chelation to a biostimulant may not be the best comparison but it's the best way I can think of to describe it. Sorry if I got a little too "wordy".