Feminized Seeds: Kill or share the buzz

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Has feminized seeds ever herm on you?

  • Yes, she flashed me a nanner

  • No, %100 lady's

  • Yes but it was most likley my own fault (light leak etc...)

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I can't add my 2 cents until this fall. My first rodeo with fems includes Big Bang, White Widow, NLxSkunk. I had a femmed Arjans haze that turned black and shrivelled up right after popping. I blame myself for that (over watering). I am hesitant to go very far with femmed seeds. It makes me think of Monsanto playing god with genetics. It's probably just my imagination,but that's my fear of fems. Plus, I really want to save a couple moms from this, but the hermie issue with clones is troublesome. Nice thread. Thanks for posting it. I hope it stays going until more info shows up. If this is still around come harvest, I will post my results.
I made my own fems using male hermie parent. Almost all fem seed. Absolutely no hermies at all. IMO you can have confidence if the seed is produced using this method.
Even though i've had a couple herm I wouldn't discourage anyone from buying fems. Notice that most people that say "don't grow 'em!" have never grown them. The only mother I have now thats going to stay in my room indefinitely is a fem. She's shot out only a couple nanners under light leaks that totally hermed some of my reg plants.

Imo, it's all about procedures that they went through to make the fems. The spanish companies seem to have the best procedures for making fems because those are the most stable i've grown.
I'll throw in my two cents here... Although femming seeds does take advantage of cannabis' ability to hermie, I think it would foolish to assume all following generations will do the same on their own. Some plants exhibit the willingness to hermie with seeminglt no environmental triggers, while others can stand various severe abuses before popping a nanner. If the femmed seed comes from such a mother then the average Joe should be Hermie free. Should be. There are many variables, specifically genetic, that may sway this to one side of the fence or the other.

I think the more viable question here is "why feminized?" Feminized seed is marketed to growers who, for one reason or another, don't wish to be bothered by the possibility of male genetics. But how big is that market really??? And, on top of it all, when did that ever mean that seed companies should only offer various genetics availible as fem only?? Personally I feel this pratice is questionable. I think some seed companies (some well known) have 'hooked' into this concept and are driven to corner the market on certain genetics, so to speak. It is as close as a seed company can come to control their monopoly of certain genetics as, say, the sole holder of a particular pheno clone. Not to mention taking the ability from a knowledgeable grower to produce seeds of his/her own for later use. I have written a good deal of the larger name companies about this exact question. Some have said their entire line is due for feminization (i.e. SOMA, Green House Seeds "

Dear XXXXX,,

We still have a certain amount of regular seeds in stock. But when they are finished we won’t make any more. From then on we will only sell feminized seeds.

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: Green House
Sent: zaterdag 11 oktober 2008 22:10
[B][B]Subject:[/B][/B] Contact us[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]).

Stupid. Others have said, directly, no way in hell they will ever drop their standard line (i.e. Ceres Seeds,

[FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=navy][COLOR=navy][FONT=Arial]Hai XXXXX,

thanks so much for the kind words!

Ceres Seeds has two lines; Ceres Seeds’ original varieties, not available feminized.
and the Coffeeshop Classics, which are available feminized.

There are no plans to change this.


[B][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma][B]Van:[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma] XXXXX [mailto:[email protected]]
[B][B]Verzonden:[/B][/B] donderdag 16 oktober 2008 9:19
[B][B]Aan:[/B][/B] [email][email protected]


Paradise Seeds...

Hello XXXXX,
Thank you for your compliments. No, the regular seeds will also stay be available.

Kind regards,


Paradise Seeds
Postbox 377
1000 AJ Amsterdam
Tel: +31 20 6795 422
Fax: +31 33 495 2104

Van: XXXXX[mailto:[email protected]]
Verzonden: donderdag 16 oktober 2008 9:24
Aan: [email protected]
Onderwerp: seeds

These are seed companies I would prefer doing business with.

I think there will be a wake up call and the feminized movement will meet it's ceiling and will become just another oddity. I could not see a sustained effort to harbor and hoard any genetics without an eventual stoner uprising. Just go on a board sometime and brag about a super strain that you have aquired and your intentions to keep it from the general public and see what folks will have to say about you;)
Hmmm feminized seeds the jury is still out on that one for me.

Did a small grow of white lable seeds white diesel a few months ago under pretty good conditions ( no leaks nute disorders ect ect ) all went well until the last 2 weeks.

On the 2 plants there were a handfull of pollen sacks tho i doubt the pollen was viable but that was the end of those plants for sure.
Needless to say i wont be growing them again, the yeild was not great but the end product was some very nice weed after a good cure.

Currently i have 8 dutch passion hollands hope fem'd plants outside ( 2 mom's + 6 clones) full of female preflowers but i do expect them to herm at some stage,have to wait till october to find out.

I'll try anything once but it's doubtfull i'll ever go near fem'd seeds again as i like to play about crossing strains and the feminized pollen is not worth the risk imo.
Greetings, my take on this is simple. I buy femmed seeds knowing they can hermi. i have learned to take real good "exta" care when I do a femmed seed. I havn't had any hermi on me..

Hey GMT< the dog in your avitar looks baked!! rofl :D
I've been having bad storms and power outages lately. My lights oming on and off have hermied a lot of my plants. All of them almost but my OG Raskal fems are hanging in there:D.

1.White Fire(The WhitexOG Kush[Fire/Raskal cut])
2.White Bubba pheno 1(The WhitexBubba Kush[pre 98 cut])
3.White Bubba pheno 2
4.Fire Ghani(OG KushxAfghan Kush)

Not a single nanner or ball on any of these girls and they are so frosty. I'll never stop growing fems:D.

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bad 13766.jpg2.jpg

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bombbudpuffa said:
I've been having bad storms and power outages lately. My lights oming on and off have hermied a lot of my plants. All of them almost but my OG Raskal fems are hanging in there:D.

1.White Fire(The WhitexOG Kush[Fire/Raskal cut])
2.White Bubba pheno 1(The WhitexBubba Kush[pre 98 cut])
3.White Bubba pheno 2
4.Fire Ghani(OG KushxAfghan Kush)

Not a single nanner or ball on any of these girls and they are so frosty. I'll never stop growing fems:D.

Yo, Bomber man, NICE bro! Elite Genetics?
ive done a church(barneys farm) and super skunk and northern lights(g-13) with no problems, just takes a little more tlc :)
Greenhouse seeds white shark fem pretty much all were fine and one hermied.. all under same conditions. That hermie ruined my crop though
I have grown these seeds only once (Sensi Seeds Big Bud); three seeds in soil, indoor. They turned out in three very nice girls.
No particular cares, only the usual things we all do :)
Well i have another entey into the thread due to my own stupidity.

Bought and germed 3 afghan kush ryder seeds from world of seeds this week and never noticed the tiny little feminised sticker on the back of the pack god dammit.

Autoflowering and feminized these seedlings are going to have to be pampered me thinks to stop them turning.
I grew 5 fem Buddha White Dwarfs and all were fine...my current grow I got my seeds from dope-seeds.com and all the fem seeds were good except for the Auto BlueKush from Autofem...out of 3 beans 2 were duds and the 3rd grew balls.... Overall I like fem seeds...helps when space is an issue and you want a certain number of females....it wld be hard for me to grow 20 autos and hope 10 are female...
Just germed 6 fem's...white widow, white rhino, great white shark, trainwreck, church, and hawaiin snow....will subscribe and give ya the results, although it will be awhile...
The reason I will be forcing feminized seed production is so I can grow outdoors. I won't have to worry about going out and pulling the males.

If just a few of the feminized plants herm on me it will still be better than one or two male plants!!! Most of the time a herm will produce a small amount of pollen compared to a genetic male. All the seeds produced will be feminized anyways!!! So that just gives me more for next cycle.
:hitchair: :hitchair: :hitchair: :doh: ... hermies procreate hermies.. NOT female plants...
the femminization process is NOT simply allowing hermie flowers to pollinate more hermie genetics. Allowing hermie plants to produce outdoors is not only detrimental to "your" plants, but to any other grower within miles. NOT cool.... IMO..;) and quite irresponsible....
Further procreation of plants from them, will only further ingrain the non-desirable hermaphrodite characteristic into the gene pool.
For "decades" (if not centuries) the well informed, "good", conscientious "breeders" that have produced the ultra potent strains that we are priviledged to be growing and smoking today, worked diligently to breed the hermaphrodite tendency out of the gene pool.
Why?... because they knew that it was detrimental to the quality of the final product.
well I guess its time for the Dr. to step in,first off folks fem seed do not herm,it does have the ability to throw bananas,these so called bananas are not male flowers,I will say that again,bananas are not male flowers,not sure who or where that info came from but the fact is we breeders have caused these strange problems,I have found if you really sit down and study your grow you will find that somewhere along the line you have caused some kind of stress to your plant,that stress is what can cause these bananas and does most often,I had a grower call me yesterday to tell me she has bananas all over a plant that for the last 6 weeks(12/12)has been a text book grow,anyone wonder what caused it?She swore nothing had changed,then remembered that early this week we had power go off for 2-3 hrs,did that stress change the sex of this plant?NO!But it did make that girl think she was finished and this plants norm is to create seed and drop it for next season,so they send out these bananas,but will she seed,probably not,herms have both natural flowers on them,not bananas,I know there will be lots of disagreement on this subject,but the Dr. has spoken,nuff said,haha,lol just view on this subject,one more thing,I never saw bananas on any plant during almost 30 years outside,I believe you old salts like me will agree
.."Doctor"???... "breeder?"...ahhhh!.. doctor of "Obamacare"?...:rofl:...
What have "you" bred?.. a few hybrid crosses does 'not' a breeder make..IMO
"Seedmaker"... comes to mind unless you are dj, shanti, or steve incognito ;)
AS a breeder, you should know that 'nanners are common term for the 'staminate' flowers thrown by intersexual(hermie) plants. Not "all" staminate flowers produce viable pollen, but those that do, can and will pollinate your plants. Further, more deeply ingraining the un-desirable chacteristic/trait into those plants genetics.
I stand by my opinion.."Hermies procreate hermies"...
From 'my' perspective..ANY plant expressing both pistilate and staminate flowers IS a hermie. The 'degree' of stress it takes to induce the staminate flower production, is only a reflection of the genes dominance/co-dominance ..IMO.
I have a kush that will not hermie under stress.. a "true" female IMO and as near a perfect indica specimen as I've ever seen.
Is it 100%, pure indica..:confused2:..
You may stand by breeders such as the ones named above. But, I stand by scientists that create reproducible experiments that can be built upon.
.... ;) they are probably experimenting with strains those breeders produced :)