first gro.. few organized questions.. thnx

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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2008
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ok a got a few neb ques..... ok my plant stretched a lil at first but I caught it intime and now its lookn a lot bettr.... few questions now.... 1) what is the difference between these T"#" lights and regular fluoros like my 300 watt CFLs ???..2)i got sum algae growin on one side of the plant stem bout a centimeter undr the soil... it was about a 2in block I pulled out... and I gotta water today so I duno whut to do...???3) oh ya sum of my lower growth has a few branches with 3 or 4 leaves on em... and on the top sum branches got 7 leaves...4)oh ya how do I make my leaves shiny??? they r just bright green with purple outline...and I want em shiny...hahaha5)how long after u start the 12/12 cycle do u see changes and bud form??
ya need to do some reading here before posting.not being rude,but its all here from start to finish.just check the threads.then when you get to where you need some help,then ask.jmo
not sure about the first question ,,,but it whats got the most lumen output,,
2, remove the algae best you can then cover the tops of the pot so no light penetrates cause algae likes moist and light to grow in ,,,
3,perfectley normal for leaves to get bigger ,,,,your leaves will look there best ,,,,if you treat them the best you can ,,ie not over watering /feeding ..good enviroment :p
you should start to see changes by the 3 rd week ,in 12/12 if you havnt seen preflowers in veg ,,,,,,,boys usually show them selves first
,,,jmo :eek:
thnx ukgirl420... yo andy52 I try and look for the info but im usin my phone for the internet so its hard to find all the info I need so I jus ask hopin sumone will jus inform me... sry for wasting your time... but if anyone can jus answer it that would be great... thnx again ukgirl!!!
the color of your leaves will vary depending if you are growing sativa or indica. But they showed be dark green They purple edges and the alge make me think you are breaking the cardinal rule for new growers. Don't Over Water! These plants come from a naturally dry arid environment. each grower has they're own preferences. For the first 10 to 15 of flower you can trim all that lower stuff of so you get bigger colas. You'll lose a little yield, but the light won't get through your canopy any way. Flowers should show in 2 weeks or less. I use hydro. Dirt may take longer
yo rickyd thnx brah... ya I was definitely over watering at first but I really cut bak... I haven't watered in 4days but I stuck my fingr 3in down and its still moist so im holdin off... but I still do hafta flush out so should I still do it or jus give it a regular water?? and I few of the new leaves on top have a brown color riteon the inside spine of the middle leaf... its very small jus I jus noticed it today....??
if you can try and get some pics up ,,,,that doeant sound right ,,,and dont go trimming anything of your babies just yet ? unless its dead leaves ,,:eek:
The T# are fluoro tubes. The number is the tube diameter in 1/8" increments i.e. a T5 has tubes that are 5/8" in diameter. T5s are high output tubes also and are a bit more expensive than T8 or T12.

We really need pictures to try and diagnose any plant problems.

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