First indoor grow

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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2007
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Well i was posting in the indoor section and figured if im gonna keep posting progress, I might as well start a journal. So here is Myrtle in week three of flower, she has been through alot and still looks beutiful to me, hope you all think so as well. How you guys like the little one? Lol, i noticed it growin in the yard a few weeks back and since its cold outside i just put it in there with Myrtle so its also been on the 11/13 light cycle. I know it shouldnt be, but doesn't it look like its starting to show some nuts there? Those just popped out there overnight last night.




She's a buddin and yep those are balls on the pic. She turned hermie on ya.
what kinda light you got on her?
No No Mutt, Myrtle is a fem, that one with balls is a different plant i found growin in the yard a lil while ago. Sorry bout the confusion, lol. I am growing under eight screw in cfl's, 23w, 1700 lumens, 2700k color.

I just felt sorry for the little guy out there freezin and i thought what the hey, it could be female, so i brought it in and planted it with Myrtle. When i confirm 100% that it is a male i will yank him outta there, and btw, its only 5 inches tall, lol.
mastersativa said:
I just felt sorry for the little guy out there freezin and i thought what the hey, it could be female, so i brought it in and planted it with Myrtle. When i confirm 100% that it is a male i will yank him outta there, and btw, its only 5 inches tall, lol.

Pull it ;)
I wouldnt kill it, but i would definately pull it and grow it somewhere else. Seems a waste to grow something then just throw it away.

If it is hermie, like other suspect it still should contain SOME good thc content, which can be used for hash, cannabutter, etc...

whatever you do with it tho, pull it away from that female...grow them in seperate rooms or something....
No I pulled him. I went in the chamber and inspected the little guy further it's definately male. Oh well, no harm no foul. Thats not the plant im worried about anyway, I am in love with Myrtle:) she's my big beautiful lady.
Well here Myrtle is at week 4 in flower. She is looking like she might need dose of some epsom salt, i'm thinking a little mg deficiency. But other than that i think she is doing pretty darn well.:D






what are you using for lights?
nice loooking lady ya got there master how long are you gonna flower her for?? what strain ya got there?? Keep her healthy she looks fine too me
Sorry guys, havent been on in a couple days.
Miah: I am using eight screw-in cfl's in clamp on reflectors with y-adapters.

BFOK: I am gonna hafta watch her trichs as to when to harvest, she is bagseed and not sure of the strain. She appears to be sativa dominant to me, but i may be wrong. I am thinking by the way she is growing another 4-6 weeks, maybe 8, lol.

DANKCLOSET: Most spots are at the tip of the leaf, some are in the middle.
I have been a little busy this past week and didn't get to post her at week five of flower but will try and get her at the beginning of week six on monday. She is still having some kinda nute issues as her leaves are now browning on the tips and there is still some yellowing, but all in all she still buddin. I would get some pics up now but she is sleepin. I will try and get some pics up tomorrow so you guys can look at her issues. She also has one cola with almost all yellow leaves at the top only and the top bud is getting full and fat so i was thinking that she is gettin pretty sick. But i clipped one of the frosty leaves of that bud and looked in the scope at it and the trichs are cloudy, so now i am wondering if she is just getting close to harvest time and that cola is the first. I dunno, i will get some pics up when she wakes up and see if i can bet some advice.
Well here is some pics of the problem areas, i hope it not to serious.
hey people... just gunna throw this out there... maybe see what kinda arguements I can intice?!?... but I've always heard u want to pull a male as early as one is noticed for two reasons...1) obviously, so it doesn't pollinate the others and 2) so it doesn't hermie the others, as well... any truth to that second?... anyone know? - like to get informed as much as I can and turn what I believe to be facts into "old wives' tales" .:rolleyes:
Sorry about that, got busy earlier and didnt notice my pictures were to big. Anyway, let's try this again. Here are some of her problem areas. The first two pics are of the cola top with the cloudy trichs. the rest is of the browning tips. Now i have heard that when it is getting close to harvest time that the leaves will start to yellow like mine are, but i have no idea about that. My outdoor grows didn't yellow that much. And i am thinking that the tips are showing signs of a mg deficiency but am also not sure of that one. she will be starting her sixth week of flower on monday.





I'll get my buddy to look at that the next time he's over and I'll tell you what he says. unless someone else beforehand???

at any rate... looks like it's defficiant in something... water would be the first thing on my mind....

and people always try to nuke the sh-- out of things way too early... but that's just my opinion.... (not saying this is you... just saying that is a widespread problem - don't try to force-feed a small child with a man-sized meal... they will puke all over you....)
what nutes is she on

im not sure butid prolly cut those yellow leaves off
She is on MG bloom booster, 15-30-15, and i try to keep her on the dry side so i dont drown her, so idon't think it over hydrated, thanks for the thought though.
i wouldnt use MG but thats me and i use a lil less N, i actually use
Kool Bloom its 2-45-28, i got off alternative garden supply, i bough the **** awhile ago i have been hearing that the fox farm set is the way to go, when i run out of my stuff i plan on trying it in addition to using the superthrive. remember to think about when u plan to harvest cuz u will want to flush awhile, how often do u fert her?