fish tanks???

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Mar 22, 2009
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Hi guys,
i started 20 nebula seeds and they were going good (10 inches tall) in 4 different spots and every single one got eaten by an animal (even up in a tree). im starting 2 more and i was wondering if i could put fishtanks over my plant and keep doin LST to keep it short. maybe i could use a dog cage?
What animal was it man?
Use a fence if you can... Plants should be able to breathe... Fishtanks will kill your plants...
i have no clue what animal it was but what about a cage? i cant do a fence because there hidden in a cranberry bog.
how about some chicken wire or something and i agree the fish tans with no venting would be certain death.
yea i agree wit dillan, it will be a heated deathtrap, i was acdtually thinkin or usin a fishtank to grow like 6 autos in but i remembers no water holes...:( but what u should use is fox or cyotie piss, it will scare away any animal u prob got, even other fox n cyoties hate their own smell, i use it my self n no problems with animals again!!!!! go to ur localstore im sure they have it. and no i do not know if it is plant safe, i never spayed it on it,just around the area...also try n just use one of those tomato thingys,, but yea u can stick ur plant in a dog cage or put the cage over it..
We have alot of deer in my area and I have problems with them also the trick to keeping deer away is not to use the same scent all year long. I use fox urine, human urine, cyote urine, a product called liquid fence, sold at ace hardwware. I rotate these scents throughout the growing season. :)
yea i sell all dat stuff at my work, beside human urin lol, i tryed liquid fence it didnt work to well for me.but also use dry human blood and hair, or better yet blood with hair mixed in lol. n thats a good idea i never thought of rotatin then. :)

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