flower and lights

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Bong Ripper
Sep 29, 2013
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I had a friend tell me about a 6-6-6-6 light and dark flowering cycle. i had previously heard of something like this, anyone care to elaborate abit more on this false time machine technique?
Doesn't work. Indoors, cannabis really needs 12 hours of uninterrupted dark for the flowering hormones to kick in and the plant to produce bud. I am guessing that about every kind of light cycle has been experimented with by a myriad of people over the years. However, running 12/12 is still the light cycle that works best and produces the most. Clarke's "Marijuana Botany" explains the importance of a 12 hour dark period.
Thanks THG you have saved me of a headache i was dealing with lately. will keep this in mind for when i see my friend again.
If you can get through rather dry reads, Clarke's bood on Marijuana Botany is an excellent resource and though written many years ago, remains pertinent as it is based on scientific studies. I think I read somewhere years ago that it was a doctoral dissertation, but I do not know if that is true.
I shall keep reading and learning on the topic THG any other good reads in which you come across, feel free to share the brain food :D
n thnx lumin that's a quite easy one to keep in mind :)
you're a miracle worker though :)
on another note, would you happen to know where there is a good DIY hydroponic setup?? i just threw some bag seeds my buddy found to germinate and would love givin the waterworks a try :)
Hydroponics DIY is too easy and inexpensive to not try it if you are interested. I use 16-18gallon totes that you can buy at lowes/home depot. I get the 6"-8"net bottom pots and cut holes in the lids to fit 1-2 pots. If you want to grow smaller SOG style plants then you can put 2 of them to a tote. If you want to grow medium to larger plants then only one to a tote.

Now there are 2 directions you can go from here: if you want to just do DWC, then get the bigger 30+ gallon totes and put 2-4 pots in the lids. But you will need a piece of plexi-glass or plywood cut to fit over the lid with holes cut to support the pots so that the weight of the plants doesn't damage the lid of the tote. Then all you need is a large air pump and several good air stones to go in the tote. I would recommend that you make a way to access the totes ffor adding and removing water/solutions.

I prefer to go a different route: I like to use the smaller totes (16-18g) and then connect them together with one larger (30+g) tote, and raise the smaller totes up about 7inches above the large tote that becomes my reservoir which is fully accessible and is kept outside of the grow room where it can be temperature controlled. It is easy to get the supplies to connect the totes together with 1" or larger hoses, or even pvc pipe so that the water has a ffree flow ability for continuous mixing of the nutrients and pH maintenance.

The drawback to my preferred method is that you have to grow plants that have similar needs and characteristics. But I like the easy access to the water and not having to lifft anything heavy with my bad back. :)
I do DWC, but like to keep it simple. I mostly use individual 5 gal buckets or smaller individual totes. This enables me to do a perpetual harvest and also grow different strains with differing characteristics at the same time. When you are in one tote or your totes are fed by a single reservoir all the plants need to be the same size and have the same nutrient requirements. And I want to check my plants out on a regular basis and like to be able to move them around and also remove them from the closet for inspections and to clean the res. I personally find it easier and more to my style to have individual buckets. It is more work, but the way I grow, an individual res just isn't feasible. You are going to find what works best for you and how you want to grow.

The building of the buckets is pretty simple--a hole in your container for the net pot and a couple of small holes for air line/stones. Each bucket needs to be aerated--this is what keep the roots from drowning. I use a small commercial 6 outlet most of the time and run 2 air stones to every bucket or tote. I also have a couple of smaller/quieter pumps that are dual outlet and I use for an individual bucket.

With hydro, you are going to need a decent pH meter, as correct pH is critical for hydro. You will also need calibration fluids and pH up and down. You will also need something to measure the ppm of dissolved solids in your solution. This tells you how strong the solution is. We start with a very mild solution when we first start feeding the plants and slowly work up.

There are tons of tutorials on making DWC units. You might want to check out some You Tube videos on a simple set-up.
thanks guys you have worked wonders on ideas in my mind just now :)
if my sprouts are sitting in rockwool i can just set up the stones around the cube and lkeave the stem peaking over? any personal choice on which rocks to get? and can i self dip the pots until i have everything set up? it might be a few days before i can get hold of an air pump. will definitely look into the simple set-up videos
much love and green mojo to all of you >.<
there is one way you can play on the light cycle and that is a far red 730 - 740 nm led light. the sun gives it at sunset and our outdoors plants will start flowering from it. the folk that use it will run their lights for 14/10 with 10 minutes of far red at lights out. this light tricks the plant into thinking it has been in the dark for two hours. from what i understand 10 watts is good for a 8' x 8' room. i have never used it but have watched some grows using it on another forum.