flowering period theory

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x Big Dave x

Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2009
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Well im sure we've all had thoughts when we're stoned about what might or might not be the case and I was just wondering if anyone thinks there's any truth in this:

Should a plant be stressed for say a week, would it add another week onto the veg/flowering time? Just im at week 9 flowering (and not in a good state) but they were badly stressed for the first 10 days of flowering so im wondering if in theory im really only at week 7 and half and I could still grow them for another 2-3 weeks without going past the harvesting window?

Just a thought........
Hmm. its not a theory that when the plant gets stressed that it slows the growth of the plant.
So i would say it is completely possible that if you had some stress to the plant for the 1st couple weeks it could have decreased the production.

What are you checking to see when your plant is done? Are you checking the trichs?
Yes, absolutely possible to stunt maturity, temporarily or permanantly.

Or, get this, the breeder could have exagerated the flowering time to make the seeds seem more desirable.;)

Only one way to tell truthfully--get a magnifier of at least 30X and check trichomes.

Luck, peace.
hi Jericho, Pencilhead. I've got a 30x lupe on order and should be with me in a few days so that should tell me what stage their at. i've always gone with the 2 thirds of pistols being brown as my guide 2 harvest. problem is i seem to be lacking any pistols! i guess where i've got very unsticky, low crystal'd buds at 9 weeks im hoping for a glimmer of light that all might not be lost. im tackling the bug problem as i type and if their not too mature yet i might be able to give them another 2 weeks to 'frost up' or at least give me something i can smoke! thanks for your comments, excuse my grammer im using a phone browser. 1 last thing when you say stress decreases production is this thc/bud lost for good or could it possibly 'catch up'? im not expecting to finish up perfect but like everyone here im always keen to learn more about how these beautiful plants work.
Yes, like PH said but thats not what I would worry about. You said you stressed them in the first 10 days of bud. You should be worried about them going herm on you. Later Man
Someone, Subcool I think, has a new thread here with some newer opinions on trich maturity and optimum windows. It's a personal choice dependent on what you want in your jars.

I now go paler ambers, lots of cloudies because that's how I like the buzz. I've found it delivers a stickeir product as well--and I like sticky too.

If you're short on pistils and crystal formation at 9 weeks, you're not gonna be getting too much out of this grow. Back off, kill the mites, clean the room down a couple of times and go again.

Do a journal from the git-go and let the kind folks here help you fill up those empty jars.
lol thanks d3, thats exactly what i thought but in using what lil time i have with them checking for hermies i neglected the bug checking and its those that have got me. Thanks 4 the link Jericho, yeah i know the tric method is a better method, just where im quite new to this so never had a chance to use that method. still thats what i'll be trying this time round. Thanks again guys.
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Good luck with the little critters. Green mojo for you, dude
hi PH, i know you speak the truth in that i should start again but sadly thats not an option as i have to be out of there in the next 3-4 weeks so im doing my best to salvage something/anything for all my efforts. strange thing is the buds are big and dense and still seem to be swelling in size. i guess i'll just have to treat her as best i can and when the trics say its time to harvest then i'll judge if its worth the hassle of harvesting them. Thanks again.