ghetto hash 101

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I just cut the bottom off of another 5 gallon bucket and it slids down to about 5-6 inches from the bottom of the first bucket and holds the screen tight

check out them hermie seeds in there, anyone want them:eek: :eek:

back to stir'n with the drill:)




use'n the 2 bucket with screen is so much better:D

pour last amount of water into a 1 quart container and will let that settle and siphon off a bit more water.



didnt come out to bad..... wee bit of green to it.

tossed it under the wood stove to dry out... worm's got the left overs

will do a test in a couple hours

Tried it with some old trim and bag bottoms .
Wasn't impressed with the outcome till I just now tried some
Man the stuff does the job in spades
One bowl ; wacked out of my gourd
My only regret ,Ive thrown away a few hundred pounds of trim ,oh well never again
godtea said:
Tried it with some old trim and bag bottoms .
Wasn't impressed with the outcome till I just now tried some
Man the stuff does the job in spades
One bowl ; wacked out of my gourd
My only regret ,Ive thrown away a few hundred pounds of trim ,oh well never again

your welcome godtea :)

it isn't bubble but it's cheap:hubba: smoke'n on mine now and whew:holysheep:

mess around with ya setup and see if ya can come up with better ways to go about it ghetto like:D never know what a stoner might come up with:eek:

might break down and get some silk screen for my double bucket setup, keep more of the greens out maybe...

enjoy :48:
hey HGB, i see you got it all into that little cube and that looks good to go, but i've also heard that you can heat press it after this, is that even necessary? what would it do
From what I've seen ,in my limited experience, grinding isn't essential.
after putting the leaf in the freezer to sloidify the trics the ice not only keeps the mix cold it also acts as an abrasive to scrape off the afore mentioned trics
I think that pregrinding creates pulverized leaf .This then becomes water logged and sinks making it's way into the product.
Next time I think I'll try it with fresh whole leaf.
jomchimpo said:
hey HGB, i see you got it all into that little cube and that looks good to go, but i've also heard that you can heat press it after this, is that even necessary? what would it do

IMHO no you don't need to heat press it(it's not a step in hash making). fastest way to burst/damage trichs is with heat and presure:)

this will form into cubes real easy when it's wet but most times I don't. just make sure it dries and doesn't go moldy on you.
in a certain method of high quality hash making you "do" go through a heat and roll/flatten phase. ya gotta get the old rolling pin going-once it emerges from the oven...
there`s a video on google man, showing this method.
when i find it i`ll post a link;)
shuggy4105 said:
in a certain method of high quality hash making you "do" go through a heat and roll/flatten phase. ya gotta get the old rolling pin going-once it emerges from the oven...
there`s a video on google man, showing this method.
when i find it i`ll post a link;)

heating and rolling wont change the quality of your hash and is not needed...

hash/keif is just that.... change'n the form doesn't change how good the hash is... if I was to have just ran this all thru my herb grinder it would smoke just the same:)
Thats pretty nice i will have to try this. lol here goes nothing! :holysheep:
Lol.. if i did this now with 3 gs of decent nugs i got now, how much should i yeild if i do it correctly? .5g of hash?
HGB said:
seems i cant copy and paste or inline pics so bare with me....

so we now have froozen bud and ice just need a few more items ;)

I usally wait untill the miss's is gone before raiding the kitchen and came up with a few items that will be needed.... (pics speak for themself)

poor the froozen bud/trim in a bowl top with a couple trays of ice and fill with cold water

now we need to dislodge the trichs some how..... dont mess around start with a power tool... in my case it was a drill with a piece of thick wire bent on the end....

now really beat the crap out of it for 10-15 mintues then let it stand for an hour...

Must i freeze my bud or can i just use ice cubes as im whipping it basicly?
thanks this was way cool and if i can ever grow a dam lady(first 6 ever all guys)ill do this,thaks yall.
HGB- thx for sharing this info man, i'm totally gonna try this next year after my outdoor gals are harvested :smoke1: