hailing from Ontario, Canada

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2015
Reaction score
Gidday all, Although I have browsed forums, I have been reluctant to join any. Paranoia I guess but I'm been having SO much trouble growing in the last couple years, I have to post, I'm losing too much money.

I'm a content senior living alone and happy. I have children and I'd prefer they get stuff from me so I know it's okay and not sprinkled with god-knows-what to say nothing of their risks of procurement.

Pleased to meet you now..... heeeeeelp!
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Welcome to MP. You found a good place. Ask any question you have and some one will answer. I`m a 67 year old guy from Michigan. Other Canadians here, Stank for one.
Im in Toronto, welcome to MP, if you have any questions or there is anything I can do to help just ask.
You found a great place. Welcome and glad you found us. I too like to provide for my daughter... Let us know how we can help.
Hi Yooper, I'm 60 and boy, it hit like a ton o' bricks this year.

Hey Dman, it took TWO MONTHS to get seeds from there, a 5 hour drive! I may indeed have favour to ask in about 4 months hahahaha (kidding)

Hello Rose, I am SO glad that I never lied to my kids. Congrats to you, we did it right.

Thanks, Lewis I LOVE that religion quote, right on, religion responsible for almost every war since uh, well, adam & eve
Welcome to MP. I hope that you will be happy here. We have a lot of older people here and we have a lot of members with great skill at growing.

I also am a content senior living alone and happy. I just love growing and have been at it for decades. I am sure that we can help you here with great growing advise.
Welcome to MP. I hope that you will be happy here. We have a lot of older people here and we have a lot of members with great skill at growing.

I also am a content senior living alone and happy. I just love growing and have been at it for decades. I am sure that we can help you here with great growing advise.

You're kinda hard to say hello to.... oh, wait, I've got it:
Hello THG,
Thanks for the comments. I started more for economic and safety issues but found I loved the gardening. The trouble is, when you need the yields, it can take the fun out of it. I hope my girls can't distinguish whether my tone is happy or angry and are just happy with the CO2 and man, some days, I'm really spitting it out in there! :)
Hi Stan, positive vibes will get gobbled up in here by all the poltergeists but thanks for sending them !!!