Heart and blood pressure issues?

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Mar 10, 2010
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I had a heart attack in 08 and lucked out by getting it treated super fast and have no heart muscle damage. 2 stents, exercise and diet = pretty good shape. The blood pressure was never real high but it's perfect with the smallest dose of a med.
Regardless, I am stuck with heart disease.
No pain except for 61 year old bones and joints acting up. MJ seems to help with the arthritis but I've laid off the MJ a lot since the heart deal.
Anyone have any first hand info about MJ vs. the heart? I know cigarettes constrict viens and arteries but how about our friend?
Indica is my favorite, I don't need a speedy feeling.
I have the same issue. I am 52, had 3 heart attacks, have coronary artery disease and 60% of my heart is dead. Most of the strains out will make your heart race and with my heart the way it is, that scares the **** out of me. I did PM Subcool asking if he has any recomendations. He suggested trying something like brownies. It is a different high then smoking it.
D= thats my understanding too. Have an issue too. She soothes my nerves. I can't tolerate plavix, beta blockers etc.......
Diversified said:
I have the same issue. I am 52, had 3 heart attacks, have coronary artery disease and 60% of my heart is dead. Most of the strains out will make your heart race and with my heart the way it is, that scares the **** out of me. I did PM Subcool asking if he has any recomendations. He suggested trying something like brownies. It is a different high then smoking it.

Sorry about your problem. I'm the luckiest guy in the world for now.
Best wishes,
First, if you have heart disease, then you should have a sphyg and use it regularly. So try this simple test: check your BP. Then roll one up and smoke it. When you're feeling good and stoned, check your BP again. You will find a substantial reduction.
THAT is what causes the 'heart racing' effect.
And in general, if you get symptoms after smoking, such as left arm pain or cramp, that's an indication of underlying heart problems.
I find that I have to adjust my blood pressure meds according to whether or not I am using MJ, because MJ in itself is a BP medication.
(In India they have a saying, charasee kadina marsee, which means, roughly, charas smokers never die.)
If smoking wierds ya out make some cannabutter and do some brownies or cookies.
I will admit I have suffered from High Blood pressure and hyper tention for years. I have to take 2 medications for it every morning. I dont know if smoking it is bad for me and my condition but i will say this when I smoke it and ease back into my leather sofa I go into a drifting floating sensation that feels to me like my body just totaly relaxes and It feels like my pressure calms down. But i dont know if it realy is because I have never checked it after smoking.

Some research stuff, repeated in many searches:

"Moderate smoking of cannabis increases the risk of a heart attack for middle-aged and elderly users during the first hour after using the drug, a study published in 2001 says (Mittleman et al. 2001). A small portion (0.2%) of patients suffering from a heart attack had smoked cannabis shortly before symptoms began. Cannabis has an influence on blood pressure and heart rate. This may be of relevance for people with coronary heart disease, as are several other drugs that influence circulation. Of the 3882 patients suffering a heart attack, 124 reported smoking marijuana in the previous year, among them 9 within 1 hour of heart attack symptoms. The risk of heart attack onset was significantly elevated 4.8 times over baseline (95% confidence interval: 2.4-9.5) in the first hour after cannabis use. In the second hour it was 1.7 times greater, and returned to baseline afterwards. Murray Mittleman, a professor at Harvard Medical School and director of cardiovascular epidemiology at Beth Israel-Deaconess Medical Centre, and his colleagues wrote in their publication that smoking marijuana is "a rare trigger of acute myocardial infarction". He noted that cannabis was about as risky as taking a walk for an active person with heart disease, or as sex for a patient with sedentary life style."

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