HeLLLLLP Please !!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2008
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Hi there This morning after checking my plants i found a dead Grasshopper on my plant on the soil.....Nothing seem's to be chewed but will this put my 3 day old plants at risk????

Your advices is welcomed xxx:holysheep::holysheep::holysheep::holysheep::holysheep::holysheep::holysheep:
just found this if it any good to ya tess :48:
Generally harmless to cannabis unless they are found in large numbers, grasshoppers are insects from the Acrididae family with legs designed for jumping long distances. The males make a high pitch clicking sound

Grasshoppers are treated as tourists in small numbers.They stay around only for a short period of time and move on. Grasshoppers are best hand picked from your plants if you wish to control them. Birds also eat grasshoppers.
Thanks mellisa That helps My head was in turmoil this morning thinking My baby's would die ( I always expect the worse) Lol

That helped Not as worried now lol :D:D:D
I Just looked at my plants closely and can see little white mites on the soil "Think they may be spider mites" Holy **** Im gonna have to go and get something for them anyone reccomend anything Im in the uk????
..if they're in the soil, 'probably' not mites. Mites predominately live and die on the undersides of your begetation.
ANY pests in the soil can be controled, if not totally eliminated by useing "diatomaceous earth".
hey tess try www.hydroponics.co.uk
they have spray safe at £15.95
spidermite control at £12.00 100ml
bio bizz buzz off £10.00
genius oil (neem oil) £11.00
eradicoat £12.50
ive never used any(touchwood) so not sure how good they are

are you sure their spidermites ? try and get a pic up and post it in the sickplants section for further diagonsis :hubba:
They are funny little critters errrgh just been to garden center and someone reccomended this organic spray for all different types of bugs n stuff so i have sprayed a little all over I'm hoping this will sort the problem and not stress my little ducklings too much i have also sprayed all round the grow room after giving it a thourough clean out I shall keep u posted xxx

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