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Jan 14, 2009
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Hi..my name is Heather..I'm 43 yrs. old and from Michigan U.S.A. I dont know anything about this site yet..and very excited about it!! Right now I am in the process of quitting marijuana, not because I want to,cuz I have to. Here in Michigan practically anyplace ya wanna work drug tests now..and I have to find a job!!! Hope to hear from ya's soon:)

Staurt, take your name off.

Hello :)

Welcome to the forum :aok:

The rules are up the top ;)
Hi heather :D guessing you a lady? There's a handful of us here :)

didn't realise it was that bad in Mich, can you not apply for a med card, or do you just smoke recreationally?
Hi Heather, and welcome.

You quit and are now joining us? I don't quite understand.
Not many quitters here Heather :D

:welcome: to MP... It will help you kill the time till you get that test passed and Roll a fat Cone to Celebrate :D

I feel lucky there are no drug tests at work where I live :D
Wonder if I was ever gonna get a job if I had to pass a test?? :hubba: :confused:

Why is this allowed in Michigan?? How can this be allowed anywhere???

I just found this site today, thats why I just joined. I went to the forum about passing drug tests, and they were talking about using sur-gel about 3 hours before ya gotta test..anybody heard of that???? I am fienin' thats all I know!!! Feel like total **** today cuz my body is saying "GIMME SOME WEEED"!!!! Michigan absolutely sucks for marijuana use,and for many other reasons. They JUST passed the medicinal marijuana law that goes into affect in April, but that gonna be so flippin' strict..ya gotta have like a death sentence before there gonna let ya have it.Niki where do you live where theres NO drug testing in the work place? Its like this all over the USA I believe. It totally sucks....cuz I hurt absolutely no one when I'm High...it relaxes me and I deal with life....PISSES me OFF!!!!!!! They legalize alcohol and that causes more problems than weeed....damn stupid people!!!!
Good luck with your search and welcome to the forum... I hope you find what you are looking for!!
Sorry about my last post. I am going thru a hard time right now, and yes I am hyped. Good observation Hippy!!! Maybe tomorrow,after I get some sleep, I'll feel better. GOOD NIGHT!!
I realized this site is NOT for me at all!!! I joined a different "support" group...one that actually helps you. Good luck to allll of you who choose to stay in the clouds!!! :) :) :) ...how one day can change yer whole out look:) :) :)

Oh yeah and HIPPY....calm is cool...I would rather be calm without the drugs though. To each his own:)

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