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Oct 4, 2009
Reaction score
So, habitual smoker, wanna be grower joining your ranks

I still live at home with madre though (19, local school, you know the rest). I doubt I'll be able to grow with her still around, but you can never start planning too early yeah? And just for reference, it would be a purely personal, 100% DL grow. Might give my boys some without any reference as to how I obtained it, but that's about it.

BUT, that's not the point. I guess I'm here to introduce myself. I won't say whereabouts exactly I am in the states, just the fact that I'm in the south east. Long time opponent of weed and decrim/legalization... until I tried it. And did some research. Now I am actually thinking of moving to Cali. How fast out opinions can change, eh?

:ccc: feels good man. Anything else you guys want to know, just let me know or feel free to message, I really don't know anyone here so don't be a stranger
Welcome to MP....just think of all the great info you will learn here while you wait till the time is right for your first grow....
Hamster Lewis said:
Welcome to MP....just think of all the great info you will learn here while you wait till the time is right for your first grow....

Definitely, I've been (lurking lol) here for ~2 days, and I've already learned loads. Not much considering I knew next to nothing before finding this site, but still good to build off of.
best way to do it dude...right on and welcome!
you will be amazed as you age how much your opinions on things (and foods) will change..welcome aboard
2Dog said:
you will be amazed as you age how much your opinions on things (and foods) will change..welcome aboard

Haha, yeah I'm quite young now (last of the "teen" years), and if I see it happening now I can't imagine how I'm going to feel in 50-60 years.. assuming I make it that long:)
You'll find plenty of info here and cool people too.
When I was 19, there was no internet or any of this, and I did'nt have half the information you got in the 2 days.
Rock on and keep it green.

:watchplant: Welcome to Marijuana Passion!!! :watchplant:
