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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2009
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yes i have been growing for about a year and half.I have been buying fem seeds from attitude.WEll by first 3 or 4 grows came out good.My last grow turned out all hermies so i pulled them.WEll this grow im using bubblegum kush from greenhouse fem seeds.well three just hermied on me 3 weeks into flowering.Do you get any good bud if you just let these hermies finish?Or should i just pull and start over?
It may be smokable, but it will reflect producing seeds, with a 'diluted' end product. The seeds are worthless, and may result in 75-80% of your final weight.
I think I would ask myself if the 'extra' $$ spent, was worth the results...;)
I know it happens but I have had no hermis from fem seeds. Have you checked you room good to ensure there are no light leaks?
Yes, sounds like you have issues other than bad seeds. I'm not a big GHS fan since I received a straight up male out of a fem pack, but that many hermies likely means other problems!
well i have been doing this for about two years not a year.And my first 4 cycles were from ghs i first bought white rhino 4 seeds popped the 5th didnt.Then i bought super lemon haze 4 popped again and the 5th didnt.Then i didnt barneys farm vanilla kush 3 popped two didnt.And my last two cycles were Kalashnikova 3 were hermies and 2 didnt pop.NOw im doing bubble gum kush from ghs and 2 didnt pop 3 did with one hermie.But since you guys have brought up light leaks.I have recently moved and had to tear down my tents and reput them up.I am in a wheelchair so i cant get up and do things myself.So i have family members that do it for me.Maybe i might have some light leaks.Do you think the smallest light leak could cause hermies?I didnt have this problem with any feminized seeds till i moved here about 6 months ago.Both my last cycles have been ****.I just ordered blueberry from dutch passion and pinneapple chunk from barneys.I would like to get my issue fixed before i start a new cycle.
oh sorry to keep reposting but pollen sacs have already busted.I would like some bud better then no bud lol.
hey roddy who do you get youre seeds from now?LIke i said i just orderedd from dutch passion and barneys farm again.I did got a free seed from attitude it was white widow from denafem that is the baddest weed on the planet.I got about seven ounces of dried with crystals caked everywhere i only used a 400 watt light.That was the first weed i have ever seen that was too pretty to smoke lol.And im using the expert plan of gh nutes and yes i use every bottle and the powder.
if you've only experienced problems post, new installation, it certainly could be credited to 'something' in the new environment. And 'yes', even a small light leak could be the culprit.
I wasn't intending to blame the femmed beans solely, but ... I believe they could be more sensitive to environmental stress at least.
mics7277 said:
hey roddy who do you get youre seeds from now?LIke i said i just orderedd from dutch passion and barneys farm again.I did got a free seed from attitude it was white widow from denafem that is the baddest weed on the planet.I got about seven ounces of dried with crystals caked everywhere i only used a 400 watt light.That was the first weed i have ever seen that was too pretty to smoke lol.And im using the expert plan of gh nutes and yes i use every bottle and the powder.

white widow is good, and dinafem is great.

but until you tried the original G13 (not the seedbank) strain, you wont know the baddest. ;)

but yeah its all a matter of opinion but ive smoked almost everything and G13 was the only strain that made me feel like my brain bubbled off one hit. after i got out of the car and was walking down the road i felt like i was only 3ft tall and walking in a bright haze lol.

havent came across it since and seems like only thing around to buy is crosses of it.

it was "supposedly" a govenment test strain. if thats the stuff the US Gov makes let them do all the testing they want, just legalized and share the wealth. lol

alot of my fem beans, show nanners at the first set of nodes, but then gorw out as normal females...only have that on fem beans never once on a regular bean.
yea i hear that.I have to smoke.i deal with a ton of a pain and i cant take pain pills.Way to many side affects.So i guess i will let these plants finish seeds in all.LIke i said some smoke is better then none.And i already have over 8 weeks of time and nutes invested.Would be a total waste to just pull and trash em.LIke i said i have to have something to smoke.And this white widow will get me threw a couple more months.Thanks for the feedback guys.I will have my family make damhn sure everything is completely light tight when this cycle is threw.
PUff in nugs.I havent smoked to much hydro.IM from texas so i born and raised on mexico trash.I have only had white rhyno,super lemon haze,barneys vanilla kush and this crap from ghs Kalashnikova which sucked ***.Im growing bubble gum kush from ghs which has been crap so far.But im not sure if its the seeds or just me having light leaks or what.the Kalashnikova that did germinate i got lazy and didnt move the lights up quick enough and burnt all three top plants.Well the crytals and thc sucked.I had a huge harvest but the quality sucked ***.