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:spit: & :bong2: I'm up early. Keef that is a great idea. I'll look on amazon. They just about got every thing. Just check on the girl and the H/46 and T/73. Hum. is down this is good. Well, OFC, have a High Day. :farm:
I got a friend who has Cadillac cts-v that has done 120 grand worth of work on the engine........... got caught one night doing 3 times the posted limit of 65....... they didn't try and catch him........ they just went to his house and got his girlfriend to call him and tell them where he was at.

I was out riding a few years ago and was on a pretty fast street bike. I had it stretched out nice and tight and rolled right by a deputy sheriff clocking radar. I was running every bit of 170 mph. He never even put it in gear, I didn't let out till it was time to turn. Stoopid. Glad those days are done. Only cuz I won't buy fast bikes anymore. The feeling of cresting a hill at 100 and feeling the front end raise up. Like flying without wings.
Exactly! Spent almost 3 hours last night doing the required paperwork to apply for a nursing job!

Exactly DD. Keef our winter 1 ends today...got maybe 2 more good ones left in us for the year....march comes quick and so does the heat....
Hi Rose, I see you. Rose, how, often do you water your plants. I over water and now I waiting for the leaf to drop a little before water again. The top soil has been dry out for about four days. She seems happy right now.

Hi Ness, I just stick my finger all the way in the dirt to see if it needs water. The other thing is to just lift the pots, if they are full of water they are heavy versus when they need water they are very light... Try it... you got this.
Good morning everyone hope everyone is off to a good start this chilly morning it's -26 year which is better than -32 that it was yesterday I would have to say I'm pretty happy my sour diesel and white cookies look like they're off to a great start so I figured I'd throw in a 4 more white OG put a BPU Bubbalicious and a BB King into flower yesterday fingers crossed that I finally got some girls Keef what sprinkler heads do you use I was thinking about buying some for my breeding box right away :48:
budlight, if i had negative temps, i would be all messed up. its 26 here and way too cold for my southern tastes
I will have to agree with you dog these negative temps are killing me I swear one of these mornings I'm going to go out to the garage and my bins are going to be frozen to the floor I would have to say this is the coldest winter we've had in a long time hopefully it's a long time before we have another one like this that's for sure What type of fuel pump is it that you need for your one bike I just might have one kicking around :48:
its a 2012 kawi ex650. fuel injection. original pump went out because ants stopped up the sock, burning the pump. i bought a cheapo aftermarket for 60 and it went out in three weeks time. OEM is close to $450, I think i am going to buy a OEM used online. can get one for $80 shipped. they bin these bikes in the guardrail everyday. parts are plentiful for now. I guess i should buy a few parts here and there. i plan on keeping this bike for the long haul. in 20 years parts will be nil, i will be forced to make do at that point. money has been very tight past year, really beyond tight. i been floating more bills with less money. I think i will be on track to get it running this spring. I was dragging my feet about selling my ninja250r project bike, its my joy so i really don't want to sell it, and i have a lot of time and effort in the suspension to just short sell it. I love motorcycles, I missed riding this year. looking forward to swinging a leg back over a street bike.
its a 2012 kawi ex650. fuel injection. original pump went out because ants stopped up the sock, burning the pump. i bought a cheapo aftermarket for 60 and it went out in three weeks time. OEM is close to $450, I think i am going to buy a OEM used online. can get one for $80 shipped. they bin these bikes in the guardrail everyday. parts are plentiful for now. I guess i should buy a few parts here and there. i plan on keeping this bike for the long haul. in 20 years parts will be nil, i will be forced to make do at that point. money has been very tight past year, really beyond tight. i been floating more bills with less money. I think i will be on track to get it running this spring. I was dragging my feet about selling my ninja250r project bike, its my joy so i really don't want to sell it, and i have a lot of time and effort in the suspension to just short sell it. I love motorcycles, I missed riding this year. looking forward to swinging a leg back over a street bike.

I have a pump for a 2011 Kawasaki Terex 750 is there anyway you could get me a picture of the pump to see if the one I have is exactly the same I know Kawasaki was pretty good like that it's my spare but I won't be taking my machine out for a rip till spring
hey everybody, another day. well not as bad as yesterday, at least i'm not wanting to lite anybody up so far, but the day isn't over yet. hope everybody has a great day. peace
a quick internet search says the same cheapo aftermarket pump is for both your's and my machine. I appreciate the offer, but i don't want to use your spare. I need a chain and sprocket set anyway. i pulled registration on this bike last year. thanks for the offer.

well, i just got an engine together at work, and started it up... aaaaand, it clunk rattled and shut off. I am afraid she ate something. after lunch i will dig into it. i am thinking a bolt or something has fallen into the intake and the engine ate it when i started it. if so, thats bad news. has not happened to me before, and i was wanting to keep it that way. nothing like logging hours that is costing the boss money instead of making money. at least i made it to Tuesday before crap hit the fan.
Morning O.F.C. ! -- Sorry I'm late !-- Got side tracked early but I'm here !--
Giggy -- If U didn 't light anybody up yesterday? --I figure that gives U credit toward today !
Rose I was ashamed to say stick your finger in the dirt !-- I thought ya'll would laugh at me !-- I learned best I could !--
Kraven the end of 1st winter ? -- That's about how we keep up with it !
I'm still playing catch up !-- Good Day to all !
Morning O.F.C. ! -- Sorry I'm late !-- Got side tracked early but I'm here !--
Giggy -- If U didn 't light anybody up yesterday? --I figure that gives U credit toward today !
Rose I was ashamed to say stick your finger in the dirt !-- I thought ya'll would laugh at me !-- I learned best I could !--
Kraven the end of 1st winter ? -- That's about how we keep up with it !
I'm still playing catch up !-- Good Day to all !

good morning buddy hope your off to a good start :48:
Was a hectic morning but I'm trying to get everything settled down and save the day !-- Some days just bees this way !
Here's the micro sprayers I use !-- Note : -- Comes with a free drill bit but the hole it makes is almost too big !-- After a few changes the sprayers will lose grip and get blown out !- I use a soft glue to hold them in !
I can still get them out to clean or replace them !-- With the filter the don't get plugged up much !-- I got extra spray heads with clean sprayers so if I have a problem I can replace the whole spray unit-- pump and all or just the replace the spray manifold with a clean one !

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Morning OFC. I'm going to be shopping for some lights (4ft). I was wondering if anyone can tell me how much Lumen/Kelvin should be in lights. My grow room is about 4 by 8. I looking at 4ft 8 lamps with 6500K and 40000L?
Ness I hear some of them talk about T-5 lights ? -- Get a tape measure and measure your 4 ft. side !-- I don't think the fixture will fit inside 4ft !-- U may have to hang it long ways !-- U have any ventilation in there besides a fan !-- Fixture may warm it up in there !-- Not a problem now but when the heat comes it's gonna get hot in there !
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