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Woulda been more interesting Rose If I coulda been there ! -- I have my views on organized religion !-- I know how most of them came to be !-- Jahovahs Witness don't even come to my house anymore !-- Macaroni ? -- Now that's funny !
Bud -- I hope U get what U expect !-- So U discovered the wall ? -- Cuz there is stuff me and U can't have when it comes to varieties ! -- I suspect a whole level of genetics that aren't publicly availaible !-- UBC Chemo is still out there ! -- Make U a mess of seed and we get U some Zombie Juice and we can work on this genetic doubling together !-- It doesn't take up much room and make your own seed all it cost is some cheap juice !-- I have yet to explore the Colchicine process !-- I just think of it as a hobby within a hobby !-- I like to grow anyway so why not throw a few seed at it and figure it out !-- Over 10,000 registered regular diploid varieties and only a hand full of polyploid !-- We don't even know what's there !-- I can grow dank and play at this !-- Who knows maybe I win ?
Just put 5 gallons of Watermelon Wine in the freezer !---Let's make some liquor ? ---
Rose great video. Yes lecithin helps carry the decarb THC thru the brain barrier. I believe it is an emulsifier. Just saw an article where some one used a strobing effect on their twitter account to induce an epileptic seizure deliberately to someone because they didn't like their politics. I would consider it attempted murder.
Oh, that really ticks me off umbra, do you know how hard it is to keep a little kid from strobes? I guess you do. Could we be the ones that murder?
I been looking at amazons selection of LED grow lights this week. If you just do a generic search, every week it changes. Not only the manufacturer but also the styles and the costs vary from week to week. Sad thing is they stack the chips in such a way that the parts count goes up and the efficiency per led goes down. Since they are so under-driven they theoretically will last longer but if they used good heat sinks and better regulation in the power supplies, they could drive the current cree style leds at 80-90 % and still get good longjevity out of them.

The places my mind goes when I'm bored.
Stoned minds say whaa ? -- No Nick I know exactly what U mean !-- I think like nutes U be wanting the right amount of the right kinda of light !-- So where be those lines ? -- not enough/ enough /too much ? -- I know some ya'll got little suns in your grow rooms !-- I got some raggedy Mars and do O.K. !-- I've learned to repair them and I don't want to build light boards but I found my soldering iron !-- I want the plants to get enough light to give me thier genetic best -- Don't need more --Don't want less !-- Right now I mostly don't know-- what I don't know --and that's a lot ! --I do know more expensive don't always mean better ! -
Ordered some organic sunflower lecithin powder today. Sounds like something good to take as a supplement. Will also add some to my next batch of brownies.
when he isn't coked out, he is funny... umbra, people are unreal.. i do not understand why people are hateful.. its easier to be nice and get along. I don't like some peoples views, yet i am friends. we wil have enough enemies without purposely creating more. its a nasty world out there
i started growing my hair out last year. as it grows, i have noticed black people are more receptive to talking to me, while whites are starting to thumb their nose at me. i guess i look more like a hippy, and everybody knows a hippy ain't racist. haha
YD I grew up in a pretty tough inner city. One that's not on everybody's radar, Camden, NJ. My oldest sister was active in acting at a community theater when she was 14. She brought home some of her friends for her 15th bday. They were black gay young men and hipanic gay young ladies. This was 1971 or so. My mother welcomed everyone in our home. I have never has any issues with race or religion or sexual orientation because I was raised that they were no issues, only people. I guess I am still that way. 1 of the first things people in Ca asked was about race and minorities, was I for or against. I had no idea what to say other than I am colored blind...and I really am.
i am color blind, but i can hate if needed regardless of color. down south, there is still a racial divide, on both sides. i don't grocery shop in the city i work in, i got tired of having racist people give me a hard time.
Whew OF be safe, 5 mg per 240 mg (cup)....just woke up from another mini nap and snacking on more infused pie....man it's delish but potent ;)
ah ha....page changed...thought I was gonna have to step away from the pie ;)
I grew up in a white racist farm type family !-- Went into the army and had to learn to live in a multicultural environment and it was enlightening !-- The old man (my father) is still a strong racist ! -- I can't roll that way ! -- I had an injury and fell through the Cracks of society --denied disability because I was honest and told the judge I tried to help around the house when I could !--The wise man saw my braided pony tail and decided I wasn't disabled at all -- I could get a job folding clothes !-- Still haven't seen a listing for that job ! Cuz --I wanted to and almost did commit suicide several times !-- I was broken and they threw me away like a broken tool !-- Made me know how precious some social aid could be to the disadvantaged !-- I live because of D.D. -- I never needed anyone !-- Then I couldn't work anymore It's a shameful place to be !-- From being that proud independent peacock I had to face my shame and let her pay the bills and take care of me !-- Don't even try to imagine it O.K. !-Sometimes biting a bullet looks appealing but I won't take that way out !- I often wonder without her in my life what would have been my options after my fall ? --I don't know how the hell I got from politics to that to but instead of erasing I'm post it !
Found it !-- Kraven I bet I'm high as U !-- Wanna see if we can get higher ?
Hey Umbra -- Plush Berry -x-Strawberry Desiel -- I got no Strawberry smell while she was green -- Just smelled and looked like sparkly dank !--
It comes out with the dam cure !-- This just started changing !-- I be dammed !-- I 'm tickled !--
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