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Evening OFC
Happy to have a weekend off with no plans.
Here is a shot of Hippy's First indoor flower. It was a Free seed named Widowgum

That looks to have a bit of Sativa to it but a pretty flower on top. :vap-Bong_smoker: Listen guys I sure as heck didn't wanna start anything, I just think he's funny. I kind of grew up like you Keef, my 1st roomie at "A" school was my introduction to anyone who wasn't a maid when we went to Fl. on the great american past time, a beach vacation. By the time I left Chicago, that guy was a blood brother, we spent a weekend in jail together. I was always the odd one, I don't fit the mold. I give everyone a fair chance maybe even a second. Don't cross me though I ain't got time.:vap-Bong_smoker:
Nick, no worries. We all come to this place from somewhere else. Those different points of view bring us together, not drive us a part. My epilepsy made me the object of much hate.
Umbra, you got that right. I will admit that when I was coming up I kind of had my parents point of view. Problem was, and this was from a very young period in my life ( maybe 6?) I realized my parents had a warped sense of right and wrong. They had money and they looked down on the ones that didn't. In our area, that included a lot of people. I just couldn't abide their way of looking at the world and left when I was 17. I'm still rough around the edges but I like to think I'm an honest unbiased person.
I always been pretty much in the middle in my political views -- Seems there is no middle anymore ! -- I can't support that man -I be glad when this is over and we can return to some kind of normal ! --
I know someone who applied for an online stock trading account and the very first question is Do you received any income or money from the growing, selling, or transporting of marijuana? Thought 5th amendment kept you from incriminating yourself in a crime.
U ask me a question like that and I lie to U !-- Everytime !-- Ain't Nunya business !-- That would be in the Nunya clause of the Constitution !
I have always thought there was a typo in the Constitution -- I think instead of freedom "of" religion they meant freedom "from" religion !
It's not religion to me !-- These are just tools to help U understand the world !-- It's one of those things outside statistics !-- U flip a coin 1,000 times U should get roughly 500 heads and 500 tails -- Some people can affect the outcome of things like that !-- I have an interest in such things !--
Got myself a glorious buzz this evening !
One last thing that MBA --OF asked about ? -- Umbra said it is in several plants ? -- He and I both know it is half the "Vines of Life" brew south American Shamans make called Ayahuasca !-- Take U to the spirit world !-- Also make U puke thru your nose !
O.K.? -- Keef DaFreak OUT !-- See ya tommorrow !--
Got my ballast today, nice to have it back. I noticed the company claims at 60% it is 400 watts. I was going to use a magnetic ballast 400 when I scaled down. So now I know I can just turn the ballast down and get the same light output. Would I need to swap to a 400 watt bulb or would the 1000 watt bulb be ok at 60%?
Should be fine running the 1000 watt at 50 or 75%. I do it all the time.
Morning O.F.C. !-- Dam !-Woke up high !-- but I can't pass up da Wake and Bake ! Let's do this thing !
Somebody needs to mow the weeds In my back yard !-- I finally got a tank of good gas ran thru the scooter !-- Yesterday was the 1st time it wouldn't fire right up !-- Instead of cranking on it till I ran the battery down I just went out and tried again later and she fired right up !-- Still don't trust it yet !-- Maybe me and Ginger the scooter dog will ride over to the beach and get a pic of the Spring Break crowd ! -- No time soon still doing the grandpa thing !-- Ugh !-- I remember when I hurt that !-- Beating up a young body comes back to haunt U when U start aging !
Gonna be in low 80's -sunny with 30 mph wind off the Gulf !
Hello everyone. The weather here is lousy. Nothing terrible but it just looks and feels crappy. I on the other hand spent another sleepless night, Went to bed at midnight and woke up at 1:15, been up ever since. I have one nice looking Indica leaning hybrid just about ready, I may let her go mostly amber in the hopes I get me some sleep meds. Sure do miss my afghan. It was great sleep meds.
Weather just gorgeous here. I woke up to mid to upper 50's and a high today of around the mid 70's. Sunny and a slight breeze. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
I need to do a little work back in the jungle !-- Top off that box that sprang a leak !-- Gonna put in some EM1
and some Humboldt Roots -- I'm not happy with veg. but It'll come around !-- It's doing O.K. I just think it can do better !-- Might have fixed it with the additives !-- Maybe I add another round of beneficial microbes ?
Don't see bugs !-- I probably just expect too much -- Too soon ! -- I got an empty box in bloom seem like a good time to maybe change out the 3 month old nute water ?-- PPMs still under 700 !
Been raining for days maybe some sun tomorrow...have weed hanging but the humidity is high.
Let's burn one...:48:
Morning everyone I'm with you Keith moving pretty slow today whenever the weather gets warm here hi start making as you say grandpa noises lots to do in the bedroom today for Bin's need flushing and I really need to get my 2'ft x 4'ft LED light finished for the veg room it's going to be a long day and then another road trip tomorrow hopefully I come home with the pink the OG in the Bubba
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