Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Yo Bud don't be like that !-- I know a guy !-- U got my address and if whoever won't ship to Canada ? - We can figure something out ! -- I went to seedfinders and didn't find any Gelato seed either !
It's the disease Bud !-- Cough !- Cough !--I feel like I'm having a relapse myself !--Gelato -- Sour Patch -- Whaa ? -- It's not my fault !-- I'm a sick man !
Montana ? -- Sure !-- I know where it is !-- Right up north of Dallas !-- Right Hopper ?
Trying to gear D.D. up for the Texas cockroach wars at the apartment !-- She wants a tanker truck of Raid !-- I'm trying to sell her on the Bug-a-Salt -- plastic table salt air shot gun !
Bug-a-Salt That's for flies, Better find a Machine Gun Model for Big Roachs
I was just looking at seed I wasn't gonna get any !-- Maybe !-- I'm a sick man !-- I don't need Strawberry Snow Cone or Gorilla Cookies !-- It doesn't hurt to look !-- Right ? -- I have been known to have a black out and not remember ordering stuff !
I will be strong !-- I will only look !
Trying to gear D.D. up for the Texas cockroach wars at the apartment !-- She wants a tanker truck of Raid !-- I'm trying to sell her on the Bug-a-Salt -- plastic table salt air shot gun !

My neighbour was telling me about one of those he has one and just loves it
Congressional hearings tommorrow ! -- Probably be full of fake news and stuff ! -- Don't watch the news tommorrow night !-

-It's lies !-- Lies I say !-- Just believe what you're told to believe and don't be asking questions bout stuff U don't need to know about ! - See I told U they was spying on me !--

If they wasn't how could they know about ?

Best entertainment around ! -- Fine reality T.V. right there !
Gonna be good I'm watching !
They opening a new place for troubled Vets in town !-- I could do a lot of good !-- I could get in a lot of trouble and go to jail ? -- I have a lot to think about !--
Not the decision !--
The how to !
I'm off to bed !--
Later alligator !

Nick U get anywhere near U come see me O.K. --I got the gear most we have to do is put some fresh line on a couple poles -- I got a bad wing I can't chase U down if U get something nice !-- U have to pick a spot and bail out the kayak !-- Last time I went out I took my cast net to get some bait !-- First cast ? -- Caught bout 6 nice speckled trout !-- Wasn't nobody looking and I saw no reason to get bait so I took my fish and come home !-- Might a been a new record for shortest successful fishing trip !-- 15 minutes !
Morning O.F.C. !-- Let's do this thing !-- Weed ain't gonna smoke itself !-- Do your duty !-- Wake and Bake !
I'm have an emergency !-- Outta caps don't got any trim decarbed !-- I do it later !-- I got coffee - pipe-- lighter-- -weed --
Check !--
I hold down the Fort till ya'll send in reinforcements !

Bud -- I have to have the approval of my CFO but I bet we can figure something out about that Gelato !
Morning all, busy day ahead...got my coffee and bowl. Wake and bake y'all.
We brewing today !-- Here's the game plan !-
- Wake and Bake
- Go have a couple tokes watching the sun come up !--
- Then make some 101 proof Watermelon Brandy ? -- Be in the bottle by dark !
giggy, you better figure out how to ride a scoot with one wing
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