Home of the Old Fart's Club

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giggy, i found a flat iron on amazon for 17 bucks. local was over 35 and up. cant wait to make me some carts
Morning OFC. Keef, I am not sure how much weight I have yet to trim, but it fills 2 large trash bags. I figure a week maybe. The vape carts are cool and all, but I guess the novelty has worn off for me. I make a bunch every harvest and most sit unused. I still like flowers and hash.
That is exactly what i was thinking Umbra, we been squishing here for years. I rather have a good nug.

Giggy i got two of hash makers and i only need one. I got it on amazon recommended by umbra, i could send you one. They work very cool. Pm me your addy if you want it.

Good morning all, i took a pretty big dose of turmeric this morning my own self. Weather stormy and headed for 98. Bud has a doc appointment. I have been dead heading roses and pulling weeds around the shed that has never had a weed until bud fell off the ladder. It isn't easy being bud and i can't measure up, literally. ha. oh well. this too shall pass.

Hope each of you have a great day. What did you take down Umbra?
I had good intentions but the caps had other plans !-- Up at 5:30 back in bed about 8 !-- Went and b looked at the grow after lights on and said later ! -- So I got nothing done !-- I'm with Umbra on the carts but even after the novelty wears there is a place for them and I think there will be a good market especially in the prohibition states ! -- Wake and Bake all over again and I'm on it !
That is exactly what i was thinking Umbra, we been squishing here for years. I rather have a good nug.

Giggy i got two of hash makers and i only need one. I got it on amazon recommended by umbra, i could send you one. They work very cool. Pm me your addy if you want it.

Good morning all, i took a pretty big dose of turmeric this morning my own self. Weather stormy and headed for 98. Bud has a doc appointment. I have been dead heading roses and pulling weeds around the shed that has never had a weed until bud fell off the ladder. It isn't easy being bud and i can't measure up, literally. ha. oh well. this too shall pass.

Hope each of you have a great day. What did you take down Umbra?

The main crop was golden ticket and then I did a couple other things to see how they would do in my setup. I did 2 chiesels, 2 sour dubb, 1 BB King, 2 squish, 2 temple booty, and 1 King Louis 13th. I think the chiesel and sour dubb out did the golden ticket. Next click will be chiesel.
Hello OFC.

Kraven beautiful Cat. I just love Cat's. I have two that just show up here and I feed and water them and let them be to caught mice. They are wild. Kraven I'm in on the brownies. They sure look tasty. Glass of nice cold milk and there you go.

Keef Jake is adorable. Great Bud porn. How many weeks do your plants grow from start to finish?

Getting ready to go out in the woods. Got a little cleaning done yesterday. I got to turn over the leafs to let them dry out so we can burn. Got me a bird feeder and going to bring over a bird bath. So, I can watch the birds when I sit back and enjoy the sites.
i enjoy the flower, yet down south the carts have a useful purpose. safer than smoking. as far as smell goes. we all know how far away you can catch the scent of someone burning a rope,
That's my thought as well Dog !
Hey Miss Ness !-- I do things differently than most growers !-- U know I'm a cloner and I root tiny cuttings
I run midgets !- In other words I send small plants to bloom !- I top them small to shape them some but when a plant gets close to a foot tall it is moved to bloom !-- My girls may reach a foot and a half tall by harvest ! -- So a cutting roots in 2 weeks ( usually about a week)-- They stay in veg about a month then off to bloom for about 2 months !-- So when I take a cutting it will be about ready to harvest in 3 and a half months !-- I need a calender to plant better !--
Rose D.D. say high !-- She working on the house refinance paperwork and I'm not helping at all just ask her !--She give me a headache !
Ness see what I mean ? -- Instead of a few big plant I run a bunch of small ones !-- Most people would let them get bigger than this before even moving them to bloom !--I'll grow them bigger another time but for now it's what I got to do !-- This is a whole plant !--

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i enjoy the flower, yet down south the carts have a useful purpose. safer than smoking. as far as smell goes. we all know how far away you can catch the scent of someone burning a rope,

They have Shatter Session here where shatter vendors offer samples of their product that you can buy at the dispensary. It last 4 or 5 hours on Sunday night. The entire building reeks of oil.
Sounds about right Umbra !-- We got Jail sessions !-- U get caught! -- U go to jail !-- Most around here wouldn't even know what shatter was !--
I know that's right Dog !-- So U shutting down for awhile ? -- We were talking about polishing up the place and maybe sell it in a year or so !-- No way to do it without shutting down !-- I'm not sure I know how not to grow weed anymore !-- Been running that Widow bout 3 1/2 years --clone after clone !-- She got sentimental value !-- First seed I ever bought !-- If I'm gonna get D.D. outta nursing I'm need a bigger grow and I gotta be able to hide better than this !-- So I might have to shut down next year for a few month then set back up on the Stoner Ranch !-- Can't buy the Stoner Ranch till I sell this place !
I been hard at trimming !-- Got that one little girl done and quit again !-- That White Indica running long gonna melt U !-- Take away your ability to do complicated task like walking and talking !-- I am so lazy today !--
Shutting down is not an easy thing. I was lost. My day was centered around growing. I would think about the plants when I woke up in the morning and when I went to bed, I would dream about the plants.
I was talking with my friend and she asked me what sites I go to for cannabis info, so I told her to come here.
Afternoon OFC. Going to get High. New Job at work is a lot less painful. Thinks about buying more LEDs to replace the other T5HO. Then just use the T5 as needed for Garden Plants And Seed Breeding. Keef I will hold some cutting for you. You know I will keep a cutting before I send it back. Leave it with me long enough I Run a clone through Flower.
I don't even like thinking about shutting down !-- I was hoping we could buy a place and I could take a set of clones and move the whole grow !--Looks like I'll have to shut down to make the move !-- I just keep on keeping on till then !-- Smoking weed ain't addictive but growing it sure is !
That would be expected Hippy !-- I've said before if U want to keep a cut ? --U gotta give it away !-- Only got a few that I can't replace !-- Like this Blue T.E. -- from Umbra's B.B. on a Tranquil Elephantizer mom is the only one and no more seed -anywhere !-- Blueberry with a peppery finish ?-- Shouldn't work but it does !-- We'll see what happens !-- Rather not shut down at all !-- I got plans and stuff ! -- I got to get back into my Dr. Frankenplant persona !-- Got some tetraploid Frankenplants to make ! --
My venture out to the woods was refreshing. I did some raking and throw blocks around. So, decide to take a break and enjoy a few Hits. After that I was lock to my lawn chair listen to the birds and watching the bug trying to get to a new house cause I just up grounded there's. I got plans to get rid of as much bugs I can. They is nothing but mulch under the top layer of leafs. It's been year since anyone has gone out in this area of the woods. I got plans to move on in.:bong2:
Evening OFC.

Keef I know you start plants out young. I was asking because the Feeding Schedule I'm trying to follow has a 12 week finish. And, I'm trying to figure out how to follow it. Week one starts with cutting. Then to the 12th week. I'll figure something out. There growing nicely so far. I started all clones 5/13.
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