Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Greetings hippie, glad you found the new "Curmudgeonland". Hope they can put up with all us old farts.
We need to rename this thread "Curmudgeonland", if that`s possible. Keef where you be ?
1,2,3,4........what are we fighting for..............don't give a damn ,going to Viet Nam. damn life is good morning
Greetings bozzo, welcome to the new "Curmudgeonland".
Any of U guys and dolls make your own Medicine -- Cannacaps ? Other extracts? Any recipes for a good E-cig liquid ? Anyone make their own alcohol for extractions ? Green Dragon ? Ole Keef like a little Widow Juice anyway it come ! U dirt farmers having a good year -- Ain't nothing wrong with dirt farmers !-- I would still be one myself if it wouldn't have been for an infestation of them Damn Dog Pecker knats !! Made me crazy!-- That severe head injury back in '99 had nothing to do with me being crazy !! It was the knats !!

Morning! I make an e-cig liquid with vegetable glycerin. Also make an alcohol extract. I have things to make BHO, but decided to make bubble hash with the trim I had on hand. I made some RSO a while ago, but that is gone now. Nothing special about anything I do--I pretty much get all my recipes off the internet.

I dirt farm organic in the summer and do hydro in the winter. Seems to work for me. We get a lot of snow where I live and dealing with dirt in the winter would be tough. In contrast, we have summers in the triple digits and it is hard to keep res temps down. I have 2 rooms, too--I like doing perpetual grows.

I usually wake and bake with some kind of sativa--Satori is my favorite. Glad you are in fine spirits. Having 3 hermies and 3 males out of 9 plants would make me particularly cranky and out of sorts.
Morning! I make an e-cig liquid with vegetable glycerin. Also make an alcohol extract. I have things to make BHO, but decided to make bubble hash with the trim I had on hand. I made some RSO a while ago, but that is gone now. Nothing special about anything I do--I pretty much get all my recipes off the internet.

I dirt farm organic in the summer and do hydro in the winter. Seems to work for me. We get a lot of snow where I live and dealing with dirt in the winter would be tough. In contrast, we have summers in the triple digits and it is hard to keep res temps down. I have 2 rooms, too--I like doing perpetual grows.

I usually wake and bake with some kind of sativa--Satori is my favorite. Glad you are in fine spirits. Having 3 hermies and 3 males out of 9 plants would make me particularly cranky and out of sorts.

Dirt in the summer, then switch to hydro in the winter. Just wondering why the switch ? I live where it gets cold and lots of snow. Have built a grow room in my garage, well insulated and heated. Inside room is 7' x 7' x 7'. Using 2 Advanced Diamond Series 300`s as lights for back half of room. Even have some heat problems in the summer with the LED`s, can`t imagine the problems with the "hot" lights. Presently have a "vegging box"
and a storage cabinet in room. Will be building an addition to room for storage (6 ' x 10'). Have about half the materials, will start soon. Favorite wake and bake was Dr. Grinspoon, all out. Also really like Tangerine Dream, small amount left. No more seeds of either one left. Out of my 11 sprouts, hoping for 6 or 7 girls. Time will tell. Want to grow Satori myself, she sounds right up my alley.
orange baby,
Done with the old geezer jokes ? Might have to get up and whip a young whipper-snapper with my homemade cane !!!! Us Curmudgeonlanders are still feisty in our senior years, he, he, he. Password ? What that be ? We be glad we found our way somewhere. Thanks for the welcome.
Hippie good to see U made it !-- I was about to share my top secret Cannacap recipe !!- This is gonna go against everything we thought we knew -- I'm not asking for U to take my word -- try it then confirm or deny !-- I use the less desirable or lower part of the plant -- dried, roughly ground -- I use 1 part weed to 5 parts coconut oil -- add the weed to the oil and heat over med. High heat !-- fry that **** up !! Bring it right up to oils smoke point stirring regularly -- a nice nutty smell let's U know it is ready ! Cool strain and cap up the oil in 00 capsules -- my little pocket rockets ! It has to be morning somewhere time to Wake and Bake again !
Busted !-Miss Orangesunshine you're a doll -- we're good people and I'm expecting more !-- U start mistreating seniors and U end up with a rebellion -- one thing leads to another !!-- So here we are !- Hope to make a lot of new friends over here !!-- Thanks for having us !
orange baby,
Done with the old geezer jokes ? Might have to get up and whip a young whipper-snapper with my homemade cane !!!! Us Curmudgeonlanders are still feisty in our senior years, he, he, he. Password ? What that be ? We be glad we found our way somewhere. Thanks for the welcome.
Better hold onto that walker when you're swinging that cane, Yoop! My back's too bad to pick ya up! I'd have to let Bozo take care of the heavy work.

Bozo, those damn copters are doing a minimum of three pass overs a day at my ranch. I know I'm on a major VFR flyway, but it's getting spooky! Legal as a beagle as far as the state goes, but the feds make me nervous! We've got people in the area selling overages on Craig's List, so I'm thinking I'm just a small fish in a really big pond (I hope).
Craig's List: a prosecuting attorney's best friend!

Keef, how's RWS doing?
Curmudgeonland, Curmudgeonland, Curmudgeonland, home of the "Old Farts Club", alias the "Over Fifty Club". New members are welcome. Peace.
hey hippie its bozzo . I'm no clown. since I posted my registration number facing to the sky, they don't fly over so much. But sometimes early in morning they do. Probably to see what it looks like for the new guys to see.

the chances of them picking on us retired old guys is slim.
My wife the legendary R.W.S. (Runs With Scissors) is doing O.K. -- the death of our oldest Shi-Tzu pup hurt her pretty bad but she's coming back strong !-- problem is she smokes entirely too much weed ! Miss Goddess -- I got a gallon of Vegatable Glycerin and still working out the recipe for my E-cig formula -- people don't seem to understand that taking the same amount of THC in a toke and putting it in a toke of e-cig liquid is hard ! I'm at about 6-7 tokes for a buzz but I think I can do better! We'll have to talk shop one day ! Ice cold alcohol extraction ?
Home of all the old farts, the over 50 folks. All we wanna do is grow our medicine, medicate and enjoy life. All old farts are welcome to come aboard, we do not bite (at least not hard anyway). Peace.
Had a flyover about 10 days ago. Small fixed wing came from the direction of the small local airport, did a U over my place and left. Nothing growing outdoors for the eye in the sky to see....this time. All legal here.
Ain't too sure I'm going to grow outside again. The Old Hen got a bit nervous when the state bulls showed up in force in the front yard. Got to admit that they were professional and almost friendly. With nine cops and a dog, I wonder what they'd do for a real badass rather than a broke down old hippie?
I bet I know how many they would have used if U started some **** !-- Too much can happen growing outside !-- My luck I'd walk up on a ripper and things would get serious real quick ! Bugs, critters,weather,helicopters, rippers.!--Scary **** !!- I'll grow inside thank you !
Dirt in the summer, then switch to hydro in the winter. Just wondering why the switch ? I live where it gets cold and lots of snow. Have built a grow room in my garage, well insulated and heated. Inside room is 7' x 7' x 7'. Using 2 Advanced Diamond Series 300`s as lights for back half of room. Even have some heat problems in the summer with the LED`s, can`t imagine the problems with the "hot" lights. Presently have a "vegging box"
and a storage cabinet in room. Will be building an addition to room for storage (6 ' x 10'). Have about half the materials, will start soon. Favorite wake and bake was Dr. Grinspoon, all out. Also really like Tangerine Dream, small amount left. No more seeds of either one left. Out of my 11 sprouts, hoping for 6 or 7 girls. Time will tell. Want to grow Satori myself, she sounds right up my alley.

We get snow by the foot. It is common to have single snowfalls that accumulate 12-18". By the middle of Jan we are usually up to our eyeballs in snow (or higher). I really have no place to deal with dirt and I cannot cook any super soils or compost in the cold. No place to mix anything. In addition, I live in a tiny little town and have to drive an hour and a half or so to get soil and amendments. I also believe that it would arouse the suspicions of my neighbors if I start dragging dozens of bags of soil and amendments into my place in the winter. In the summer triple digit temps make it hard to keep the res temps under 75.

We are happy to welcome you new old geezers to join with us other old geezers already here. I can change the name of the thread if you would like.
Lady Goddess-- Keef got no problem with changing the name of the thread !-- I also want to apologize for using a 4 letter word -- It won't happen again !! Snow ? Is that that unnatural cold white stuff that falls out the sky -- seen it on T.V. -- the heat index was 110 today !-- ain't had no rain since April ! If my res. Temp is 77 -78 my Widow doesn't seem to mind!-- tried frozen water bottles finally got tired of it and quit ! I got 4 fine Widow lines after dropping the slowest this month !-- 2 indica phenotypes - one of which thinks it's a sativa and two sativa leaning lines that grow like indicas with long thin leaves ! Crazy Variety !--
got pm`s in for that, will send ya same.
I have grown indoors and I would sit in the room for long periods......I would rather walk outdoors and spend my quality time with the girls outdoors. But the wife said she's getting her card, so an indoor room will probably follow. But the outdoor one stays.

had a political pole taker today. She started asking me about abortion and Obama care. I told her that the first one to come out for pot legalization gets my vote and hung up. Don't they GET IT yet?
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