how can you tell without a microscope?

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Aug 16, 2008
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so i've been looking at my plant, and i see some of the buds are changing color to amber, brown. is there a way to know when to harvest without buying a microscope? its been growing since mid may outside, (in ohio) this is my first time growing, only one plant....dunno if i'll do it again, so i hate to go to the expense if there is another way to tell...whaddaya think? she's beautiful with lots of buds. the buds are starting to grow together to form one large one..i'm getting antsy, can you tell? lol
i cant wait to harvest and try it out....i've probably got a magnifying glass around here somewhere, will that do? can you tell with a naked eye? any advice would be appreciated....she's finallly recovered from my son plucking the large leaves i mentioned on another post.(or the brown buds are the result of damage) ..the neighbors are a little iffy and i wouldnt put it past them to steal her, so i want to bring her in as soon as possible...
You really can't tell without a microscope. I think that it is probably a bit early--we are only about 11 weeks past the solstice. Also, if "the buds are (just) starting to grow together to form one large one", it may be a little early. Buds can put on a lot oif weight in the last 2-3 weeks, however, if theft is an issue, you are going to have to use your best judgment. Bud harvested a little early is certainly better than NO bud.
lets see if i can state this more clearly..i CANT AFFORD to go out and buy a husbands hours have been cut recently due to the recession,,there is a strike looming, the contract is up at his job and of course the company is playing hardball offering a laughable bid...they have sent all the steel out to their other plants so they are preparing for a strike....we are beside ourselves with worry so even a ten dollar scope is out of the question, i need a way to decide when to harvest without buying a scope...any suggestions?:confused:
if you have a decent digi cam, you can take pictures and expand them, magnify them in a image editing program... any magnification will 'help'. Surely you have some type of mag glass around?
i have a magnifying glass, it even has a light attached....since i wont be able to see it closely, what am i looking for?
In the beginning of my growing career, I only took trichromes into account when they began to amber visibly. I took that as a sign that ti was time to harvest. But this was amber to the naked eye. I actually used the pistils as my indicator. When the hairs/pistils turned 75% brown I would harvest. I also harvested in shifts, meaning that I would harvest the plant over time, and not all at once. But like I said, when the crystals turned amber on the heads I would pick them, and come back later for the rest.
Every grow is different for me ;) this or that or this and that happens and each harvest is affected :watchplant: Keeping a close eye on the trichs is about the only positive way to know what stage your stash is in :hubba: I used to go by the seed sellers site advice, ie. 8-9 wks, 10 wks etc..and I wasted a lot of excellent buzz that I didnt wait long enuf for :doh:
real simple find some binoculars turn them around an look through the big end ,not a microscope but you should be able to view the tricromes an dertermine color hope it helps always has for me samiam7
:D t:D
pinkpetals61 said:
so i've been looking at my plant, and i see some of the buds are changing color to amber, brown. is there a way to know when to harvest without buying a microscope? its been growing since mid may outside, (in ohio) this is my first time growing, only one plant....dunno if i'll do it again, so i hate to go to the expense if there is another way to tell...whaddaya think? she's beautiful with lots of buds. the buds are starting to grow together to form one large one..i'm getting antsy, can you tell? lol
i cant wait to harvest and try it out....i've probably got a magnifying glass around here somewhere, will that do? can you tell with a naked eye? any advice would be appreciated....she's finallly recovered from my son plucking the large leaves i mentioned on another post.(or the brown buds are the result of damage) ..the neighbors are a little iffy and i wouldnt put it past them to steal her, so i want to bring her in as soon as possible...
:D :D :D try turning binoulcars around in good light you ll find them juicy trichromes hope it helps samiam7
see the seeds? red hairs? amber hairs, smell good, hand smell when touching it easy, they are ready.. the more u wait, the more buds grow a little
thanks guys, good if i can just find a pair of binoculars.....hmmm
dear margaret is looking healthy again, despite my stupidity. (i was told to pluck her fan leaves:eek: ), i just noticed yesterday that she is starting have a distinctly SKUNK smell! i gotta tell you, i was walking away smiling...i really only started this on a know? just wet some seeds one day and then put them in a few starter pots you get when you buy flowers...:watchplant: and lo and behold i got a plant (yea...just the one), so i put the darn thing out there in the flower bed, and she thrived! she did so well i got to thinking, hey i just might get some good smoke out of i went looking on the internet for some info and found this site....i so appreciate all the help and info.. i just want to express my sincere gratitude to all of you who helped me out. :dancing:
We're getting started planning our 5th annual Holloween party in october, and hopefully i'll be able to show off my harvest!:hubba:
YEP, why you gotta go and hate on me? i try to give a sincere thanks and that is your response? our halloween party is a yearly thing, its byob and hot dogs and sloppy joe...give me a break.:ignore:
samiam7 said:
real simple find some binoculars turn them around an look through the big end ,not a microscope but you should be able to view the tricromes an dertermine color hope it helps always has for me samiam7

I got 54x binoculars, some one told me I look fool when I tried to look at the buds with that toy i has.. and it didnt work, I even tried glasses, it kinda work but not really deep

I have a idea, why dont we visit jewerly store, or pawn shop,
pretend you offer some earring and rings, and need ask them for microscope to look at it before sell it

stall that person, or whatever, get ur chance and "steal " that microscope

just my no 10 dollar in pocket option lol but stealing is wrong oh well...
justice robbed us though. oh well ..:fid:
This method is easy for someone who does not have a macro on thier camera.

A bit of practice may be needed, but once mastered, you will be looking into a world you never knew existed ;)

2 cam.JPG

2 cam 1.JPG

2 cam 3.JPG

2 cam 4.JPG