HTG 40 x 40 tent

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2011
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Hi everyone.. I got my tent . light. fan.. filter ect today from HTG.. I am following directions on this tent.. Everything came together easily then.. when I try to put the floor up under that tent it won't fit.. I don't want to strech it and tear the fabiric on the tent. HTG is closed.. Its like a half inch of the metal frame needs to be cut off and shaved in order for the floor piece to fit. strech around the base of the 4 corners.. Anyone had this problem in putting together thier tent? Thanks Hero
Whops forget it everyone.. after writing this.. sitting back. looking at it.. I saw that the plastic corner connectors could be manipulated to go a differant way, which in turn. made the diamater of the tent a lil bit smaller so it will work.. sowwie.. Hero
hero4u2b said:
...made the diamater of the tent a lil bit smaller so it will work.. sowwie.. Hero

Wait, your tent is round? I'm high and confused....
update. lol I give up.. taking all this crap back to UPS.. its too much of a pain in the *** to grow indoors.. I would be drilling 6 inch wholes in my walls for vents ect.. I don't even smoke weed.. I am in recovery and have been for over 9 years.. I just have a lot of friends who do and thought it would be something to fill in free time I well as being interesting. Ya all have a good one. Thanks for the info.. PEACE... Hero
Lol. its just a tight fit, thats all. All tents are. I ripped in 3 places trying to get it up. Just a little sewing took care of it, no biggie. Chill. If you dont have patience to set up a tent, you dont even want to know how much you need to grow dank. Whoa.
hero4u2b said:
update. lol I give up.. taking all this crap back to UPS.. its too much of a pain in the *** to grow indoors.. I would be drilling 6 inch wholes in my walls for vents ect.. I don't even smoke weed.. I am in recovery and have been for over 9 years.. I just have a lot of friends who do and thought it would be something to fill in free time I well as being interesting. Ya all have a good one. Thanks for the info.. PEACE... Hero

LOL--if anyone led you to believe that this was an inexpensive easy hobby, well it isn't. You are attempting to grow something that goes for $300-500+ an ounce "retail". It does take a fair amount of time, effort, study, and money to accomplish it. Good mojo to you for thinking of your friends.
Patience is one of the first things to go if you're not carefull when in recovery. Growing could be a good tool for not loseing it if you work on it.
honestly...better to realize that NOW!

tell HTG to throw all that opened stuff on EBAY for me ;)
hero4u2b said:
update. lol I give up.. taking all this crap back to UPS.. its too much of a pain in the *** to grow indoors.. I would be drilling 6 inch wholes in my walls for vents ect.. I don't even smoke weed.. I am in recovery and have been for over 9 years.. I just have a lot of friends who do and thought it would be something to fill in free time I well as being interesting. Ya all have a good one. Thanks for the info.. PEACE... Hero

:rofl: :rofl: :doh: Absolutely no disrespect you just cracked me up!!
Yeah.. cost me $ 144.00 just to send the stuff Anyways still have two plants under CFL's I put them on my porch for 4 days and I cannot beleive that the one big healthy one seemed to be showing sex. lil pistals and two little points coming right off the main stem.. crazy.. now they are back under the CFLs even if I found I nice field somewhere I don't think there is enough sun to let them veg. Anyone know? Thanks Hero
Don't give up hero. I know it is difficult now but there are some people here that get amazing results just from CFL's! I know it is difficult but it is worth the learning curve. Check out the pages here on CFL grows. There is nothing in life worth doing that doesn't come hard.

hero4u2b said:
update. lol I give up.. taking all this crap back to UPS.. its too much of a pain in the *** to grow indoors.. I would be drilling 6 inch wholes in my walls for vents ect.. I don't even smoke weed.. I am in recovery and have been for over 9 years.. I just have a lot of friends who do and thought it would be something to fill in free time I well as being interesting. Ya all have a good one. Thanks for the info.. PEACE... Hero

Why in the **** would you risk growing if you're not even going to enjoy the fruits of your labor? No way dude!
I am not totally done I have two healthy female afhgan kush and more seeds on the way.. I just thought I ordered too much junk and am going to wait to see what happens..before ordering more.. If I knew how to post a pic I would this one plant I dont think it is two weeks old and I cannot beleive the growth.. The other has just started to grow now.. That damn Miracle grow soil DEF almost killed them and DEF stunted the growth.. Both are doing well now in a fox farm ocean forest.. Thanks for the inspriation.. Hero PS you know I think those feminized inbred seeds are more dificult to germ and get going.. I mean once they are seedliings and in soil they take off but very delicate compaired to bag seeds.. Hero