I got weed I got weed I got weed!!

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Micro Queen
Oct 12, 2007
Reaction score
Whoop whoop I got weed haha woohooo!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok you get the drift... haven't had a smoke for a month pretty much exactly and i just picked up whoop whoop!! Not had a smoke yet but will do laters :D:D:D:D:D
Sounds like you plan on getting HIGH as a MOFO later. :hubba: :p ;)
I certainly do TBG! Me an my fella hav jus rolled us a splif each and are gonna have them in a few hours, i'm so excited! don't think i've ever been this excited about weed :smoke1::yay::smoke1:
cheers KK will watch that laters when i'm baked :D my internet is being w**k at the mo anyway grr
I haven;t done it in 3-4 months, and just got some from a friend...It's from canada! (I'm in US) Can't wait to try it..
Nice one FTG hope its a good smoke

I'll be back later, or well maybe tomorrow with smoke report.

Its always strange not having smoked for a while and then gettin it off a new source as u never know how strong its gunna be!
I just cashed in all my scrap gold and bought a nice bag! :rolleyes:
Got it, rolled it, smoked it, got battered, played on a play area, watched Carrie then slept for AGES!

Yep that weed will do me :stoned::smoke1:
Ill toke a bowl for you and welcome back thorne. Anyone watch weeds when they toke? its a great show. Kahuna I love that video it makes me smile. And want to grow a plant that has a stem the size of a beer bottle:) I have a feeling we will all meet in heaven or whatever is after this life and ill be waiting there with a pound of the finest mix of bud known to man. mmmmmm *drools*
lol,this is funny.
thorn was more than ready to blaze them spliffs. i couldnt imagine goin a month with no smoke..even though..ill bet if i did,i could get my tolerance down so far.....i just cant do it though..the withdrawals would be too great.
its killing me right now... I havent smoked in 2 weeks and im cranky as a mofo. Thank god for cigs(not that i want them but i love smoke too much).
lol,yea,i love me a new poet =) expecially after smokin a blunt or when im outta green...i just wish they gave ya some kind of a buzz.
wakebud77 said:
Ill toke a bowl for you and welcome back thorne. Anyone watch weeds when they toke? its a great show. Kahuna I love that video it makes me smile. And want to grow a plant that has a stem the size of a beer bottle:) I have a feeling we will all meet in heaven or whatever is after this life and ill be waiting there with a pound of the finest mix of bud known to man. mmmmmm *drools*

eh? welcome back? what? you do realise this thread was started in JANUARY, way before you were registered on this board.

not got any smoke at the mo. last lot i got was shite so leaving it until later in the week now.