Im Back Stronger Than Ever Lol

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lowrydergrower775 said:
lookin very nice bro, how long have you been doing dro? did it take a while to get accustomed to it? or is it pretty easy work with ph and ec/ppm meters? what nutrients do you use? general hydroponics 3 part you prob stated everything but just blowed and yea lol appreciate a hit back if you can :)
Thanks for stopping in Bro. Honestly this is my first time ever doing hydro:hubba: and man do I love it! Its not as boring as soil, I mean dont get me wrong I like soil, but I've had so many problems with soil, I got a bad bag one time that was loaded with Nat's, then of course I had the mites that I could not get rid of(damn pests)!!! So I tore the whole room down cleaned it out bleached the hell out of the area the room was in and now my new room is three floors down from the old one:D and for now I wanna stay away from soil at least for a little while.
I havent gotten my meter yet. I'm working on that now. I should have it in like a week or so. For now, my bro that has one comes over and checks mine for me:hubba: He dont mind so long as it's only til I get mine. But even then I'm dumb when it comes to stuff like this lol I'm using BC nutes and I'm following their "recipe for success" only thing is I'm cutting the dose in half and the plants seem to love it as you can see from my pics lol
you got some sweet bud pics there sticky. looks like your legit now your gonna love having the space to grow a crop of plants instead of
4-5 plants;) also going from CFLs to a 400w HPS your gonna realy see them bud.:hubba: now:farm: your a farmer.
heres a big old hit for you and your plants:bong: :joint: :bongin: :afroweed: :tokie: :ccc: :aok:
Wow man i'm very impressed. you really got it goin on over there. wish i had the time and space for both a veg and flower room. congrats. i'll be following along
:eek: The buds are looking better than the last pic I seen. Not that they were bad then. Keep up the good work.:D I'd like to also hear more on the switch to dro from soil. No rush on that, I'll be using soil for a while myself. I'm defenitely keeping up with this grow. So far, it rocks:headbang2:

I know alot of people are glad to have you back.:cool:
Wow thanks for the great support everyone sorry i havent been to all your journals but i been busy the wife has been in the hospital for a whole week I'm not used to taking care of the kids all by myself you dont know how much your wife does until you have to do it your self:hitchair:
So seeing all this has been going on i havent seen my ladies in a week:eek: Thank god i have a big res hehehe that's one thing i like about dwc if i was growing in soil i probably would of had some problems:eek: The ladies are doing great nice and stinky:hubba: took a few pics thought i would share them with yas. So here they are any feed back would be great I'm no pro at this so if you see anything wrong speak:p Again thanks for the kind words peace












dmack said:
Very nice Sticky. Is that 2 plants in one net i see? A first for me if it is. Keep up the awesome growing.
Yes it is they were all clones so i new they were females so i put two in some:hubba: plenty of room in the tub for the roots:D Thanks for stoping in bro peace
lowrydergrower775 said:
mmmm you have been lifting weights ...........lookin sexyyyyyyyy lol jk bro just crackin jokes and im not gay i swear lol but they are looking mighty fine sorry just really high lol :)

just looken at ur pix and was wondering if u where gay :D the way u wear ur Facial hair :D

I just had to make a laugh because I am Stone Again...
The veg room is up and running have some seeds that also poped
we have
2 White Willow
3 White widow x Nothern berry (Stoney bud) Thanks to the brother from another mother:D
1 Swazi Safari x Chery Thai
1 Chery Molawi x durban poison xSage
2 K2 x White willow

That's all that popped so far will let you know if more did four seeds of each not bad for two days the rest are almost there i checked on them and all have tap roots I'm gonna go all out males will be saved for pollen would like to keep some of the same strains going Heres some pics peace




Just read through your thread. Welcome back. Everything looks great! I did soil on my very first grow and hated it. Since then it's been Hydro all the way.

I've been a a bit too busy with work and all to post myself lately. Every time I drop in, it says there are 500 - 3000 new posts, LOL. I just can't keep up.

Sorry to hear that your wife is in the hospital. Hope things work out.

By the way, what is White Willow?
Hello Sticky, very nice grow man,very nice. i've been growin' in soil over 25+ years, and i'm just starting up my 1st. Hydro. grow. I'll def be asking ur advice. What size r those net pots'? . What size is the rez? . R U runnin' a drip from top on a timer? , if so, how long ,and how often? . Thanks 4 sharin' those beauties. KEEP IT GREEN!!!:D ...
Sticky...A very nice grow indeed. If it's not to much of a bother, could you list your tub sizes, the size of your air stones, and what your air pump arrangement is? Also, you mention a res. - how large is that, and what pump system do you use.

After i take clones in about three weeks, i want to put them in dwc. Any informaton you could provide would be a great help. thanks, Brussels
Yeah, Awesome pics.:cool: I can only get 1 megapixel pictures to post but with "best quality" option on. Same for you? You probably have a camera that focus's in better than mine too! :cool:
Thanks to everyone that has stop in means alot:D well all's going well baby's are looking great:D i have an ambrosia clone that a friend gave me and it is looking great gonna let it go for another week then I'm gonna cut a bunch of clones off her :hubba: well here are a few picks the ambrosia is pic 29 ;) 5th pic to the right lol hope you all like thanks again for stopping in peace












Looking great Sticky. I'm loving those bud pics. Simply beautiful. Keep up the fantastic work my friend and keep us posted on those ladies. Take care and be safe.