Is There something out there UFOs Tell us your stories

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Who was that Guy
Mar 23, 2022
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I'm coming Home Son

Or is this just another Hey look over There ploy?
Lets hear your own personal experience with the Aliens
I seen a UFO way back in the early 80`s...It was late at night and i was waiting on a delivery of several plates / Kilos of Freedom of Afghanistan hash, I kid you not!...and while i was waiting i had a toke and was watching the midnight sky....This was way out in the country and it`s pitch black outthere...I seen this object streaking across the sky when it suddenly came to a sudden stop. After a few seconds 4 objects shot out of it and they went North,South,East and West all at the same time. The thing they flew out off went strait up into the Sky....I was freaked out and got on my bike and high tailed it out of there....I did run into my buddy on the way back and we completed the deal...take care n stay safe.
Pretty much the same here but this was in the 60s. It was night time. We seen this bright object coming straight down toward us. All of a sudden it stopped. Set there for a second. Went off to the right,,then straight up,,moved sideways again and then it took off so fast it was ridiculous. This was at a family reunion. Everyone seen it. Adults and kids. Freaked us the fk out. Nothing can fly like that. Not then and not now. Especially changing direction that fast. I can't even imagine how you would live through those g forces.😳
UFO Stories: Hmmm? Remember, you asked. lol

Pheonix lights started over our house in Henderson, Nv. My wife, her sister and my kid brother were on the way back from picking him up from work.. Off into the desert her sister says, I didn't know they were building something out there in the desert. That's how low it was flying at one time, moving so slow it should fall out of the sky. this was the last sighting...
The wife and I used to drive out to Rachel, NV... out by Area51 (Dad worked there) and hang out with all the nutbags... it was a blast. We met a guy who worked Security at the base, sorry, THE BASE... yup.
He invites us back to his house... puffing and every 10min his trust would get stronger as he got to know us.. the 3rd room back was it... omg he had the nicest plants... and right in the middle of the room was a huge freaken mailbox. He says, you know the "Mailboxes" they talk about in the desert... this is one of them.. they have cameras in them... soon as you leave pavement they know your coming, sensors in the dirt roads.. this guy knew it all regarding how they watched us all.... DO NOT try to sneak onto the base he says... a man will slide up beside you out of nowhere and either snipe you or capture you... either one is no good he says...
Do you believe? I do.
Yep. Probably reverse engineering a UFO.
7 different underground hangers with a different UFO in each one.... before the 1st UFO how did this country go from barely inventing the first calculator to being able to launch rockets... circuitry copied from UFO reversing.. The transistor changed it all, before that it was tubes.. remember the big heavy tube TV's..?

It was after WWII when radar was being used that UFO's began crashing at an enormous rate, thoughts are that the radar signal being new to us, messed with their navigational systems somehow causing crashes..
causing them to also re-engineer their stuff... lol
More then 1 type and used to house a live alien down at level 7 until he died.. but had him for years..

We can never duplicate how their crafts operate because they are controlled by their minds using telepathy and a special helmet... a few hand controls that required special weird gloves to function..

The Roswell crash was us trying to figure out Nazi technology and instead of admitting that went with the bullcrap cover up blaming the aliens... meanwhile while all the attention is begot there, in Kingman AZ the real deal crash is being trucked out of the desert...

If you want to listen to a great insider... go listen to Clifford Stone. he was drafted into a special division early on where anytime he can be called away from regular duty to go across the world to a UFO crash..
Ya see, Mr Stone had this unique ability to talk to these aliens vie telepathy for the most part... some 50+ breeds of aliens he had a book on with detais on each one.. you can find him on Google....

I told my wife 30yrs ago Aliens lived in our oceans...

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