just started budding my first crop of clones

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Dec 18, 2006
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At 53 years old I have been a legal medical marijuana user for three years now. Also take Marinol for wasting syndrome and central nervous system relaxant. Finally got around to getting set up for growing. Am using 1000 watt Halide. Clones started under flourescent light first month or so. Plants around three months old. Was on 24 hour, but went to 12 and 12 when bud hairs started forming. Been under 12 hour for about a week now. Good bud distribution throughout lower part of plant. Plants only 18 inches tall, but bushy. Have already cloned out center stalks. Not sure which leaves to prune for maximum output. Any help for this rookie?
hi and welcome bearsbuds.

i assume your strain/strains are self flowering verieties due to the fact they started to form pistils on 24/7 light.

anywaydont prune any leaves whatsoever especially when so recently into flower.

you only need take off the fan leaves (biggest leaves when they start to shade budsites underneath).

as plants need fan leaves to photosynesise-spelt incorrectly im sure- its counter productive to remove any leaves- most growers dont take any off unless they are dead such as in last stages of flowering when they go all yellow and crispy.

cloned out centre stalk i assume you mean you have taken the main stem growth as a clone if im right then your plant is effectively "topped" which in itself opens up the whole plant to better light penetration all the way doen to the lower budsites......

give us dudes some more info

1. strain

2. compost or

3. hydro-what method

4. nutrients used

5. room temps dimentions etc etc etc.

hope we can all help ya out dude thats what were here for.

happy xmas everybody...

This 53 year old lady has always had a green thumb, but I am becoming totally obsessed with growing beautiful bud. I have three plants on a table in my laundry room. I use Pro-Mix with very diluted Miracle Gro. Plants are surrounded with Mylar and aluminum foil. Yes, I did clone out my middle stalks to provide light to lower buds. Have 8 to twelve budding stalks on each plant. Buds are approaching one inch. Not sure of strain, but believe my little ladies are a Northern Lights hybrid. Thanks for answering so quick
you only need take off the fan leaves (biggest leaves when they start to shade budsites underneath).
...Actually..IMHO, removing large healthy leaves can never be healthy or productive for a plant. The leaves are 'vital' for photosynthesis, for transpiration, and for moving/transporting water and nutrients throughout the plant as needed.
"I" don't believe pistills and small budleaf benefits as much from the direct light, as do the large fan leaves, nor benefit the plant as well.
I do think there can be some benefit by "skirting" or trimming some of the lower growth from underneath the canopy. It won't recieve the needed light to produce quality buds, and allows more resources to be used at the canopy, where light is abundant.

...not 'dissing' your growing ability or advice pkj, just a different perspective on the matter.
hi hick i did mean to say dont take fan leaves off unless they are below the canopy and really really not getting any light due to above leaves and also shading budsites and i realise photosysnise-spelt wrong agin- is all important.

dont take off any leaves dudes


I would get rid of the foil and use only mylar. Here's some big things for growing:

Have a fan on them to help them grow stronger
Metal Halide is for Veg, HPS(high pressure sodium) is for flower
Go easy on nutes and progress slowly
Patience is the best thing you have going
Glad to see you here, keep working at it! We all want to see you have some nice big buds too.