Kush x domina and white widow.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2016
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Hi all, im growing a world of seeds afghan kush x black domina and pyramid seeds white widow. Soil is coco with about 25% perlite. Started from seed around the first or second week of may under 2× 55w pl fluro and then vegged under a 250w mh for about 4 weeks. I trained them with the lst method and no topping. About 8 days ago i did a small amount of trimming taking of a small amount from the bottom of the branches. Today is day one of 12 12 under a 400w hps. Here's a couple pictures from the start. White widow is on the right in both pics.

Side note: the white widow has been putting out a lot of pistils from a very young age. The lighting has been on 18/6 the whole time but over the last week she has lots of little buds forming. The seed was supposed to be a photoperiod but I'm not fully convinced. Either way my tent space is filled up nicely and I'm ready to flower the girls and i figured 12 hours off 400w is roughly the same as 18 hours of 250w☺.

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your girls are looking nice, rocking the pink lace ;) :D
hope they turn out some fire for you (did you clone them though, in case?)
I Love the pink too and they look very nice. Thanks for showing us. I have some genetics with Black domina, she has a tendency to hermi, but some folks think she is worth it. I love the strain i have but it is a small problem.
Thanks. I haven't made any clones, I wanted to take some from the white widow before forewing but I'm not 100% sure it's a photoperiod as it started forming buds a couple weeks ago under veg lighting (18/6) I have a few more seeds so if this one turns out good i will run them next time and save some clones. The colour of string was purely by accident.... i had plenty left over from landscaping in the back yard and the colour happens to be pink. Lol. I will keep a close eye on kush x domina Rosebud, I've had a hermie once before a few grows back but i think it was mainly due to a long cold snap we had halfway through flower so I've started my indoor winter grows a bit later now. I think i will most likely need too support some branches on kush x domina later in flower. White widow branches seem to be quite thick and shouldn't need much support from first impressions.
Looks reallly healthy 400. Great job on training.
Day 13 of 12/12. I've done some lollypop on afghan kush x domina (pictured 1st ) taking of quite a bit of 'sucker' branches keeping mainly the thickest and strongest. She's starting to form buds and the stretch has slowed down.

White widow (pictured 2nd) has a lot of bud formation and very tight nodes, all branches are short and thick so i haven't done any lollypop on her. I've stopped adding small amounts of nitrogen with every feed and have started adding a small amount of pk with the bloom nutrients. I will most likely have to add a bit of nitrogen here and there over the next few weeks or so but for now the leaves are looking quite a dark green.

This is my first time using fabric pots and I'm noticing a little bit of salt? Build up on some parts of the outside pot. It's kinda like chalk. Rh has never been over 45% for the last 2 weeks.

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That build up is normal. Happens everytime to mine. Plants are looking great.
Thanks Lesso, I've been giving the girls a light to medium feed every watering since about 4 weeks old, up to half the recommended amounts on the bottle. No signs of nutrient burn. I think I'm almost ready to try a drip feeder for my next grow.
Day 23 of 12/12.
Not a lot to update everything seems to be coming along smoothly and the stretch has stopped.

White widow ( first 3 pictures ) starting to get a nice strong smell.

Afghan kush x black domina ( last 3 pictures ) growing lots of pistils. Still giving a little bit of nitrogen with flower nutrients for now but will most likely back right off the nitrogen within a week or so. The lollipop seems to have worked well, she should have about 12 to 15 main buds.

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Stacking up. Looks great
Day 35 of 12/12
White widow (first 3 pictures) is now getting 1/2 dose pk booster with bloom nutrients. The smell is very pungent with a little bit of sugar sweetness.

Afghan kush x black domina (pictures 4 to 6) started giving 1/4 boost with bloom about a week ago but started to show a little yellowing so i have backed off the pk with this feed and added a small amount of nitrogen with bloom. The smell is like passion fruit and grape with a bit of dankness starting to come through.
I'm still giving continuous feeding every 2 to 3 days.

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Thanks bomb and rosebud. I think I'm definitely getting better at indoor growing now. This is my 4th or 5th indoor grow. I haven't really had any problems at all this time round, well maybe a slight hiccup or 2 but nothing i haven't previously come across before and was able to rectify fairly quick. I really like these fabric pots as well. Although i don't know how practical they will be for an outdoor grow where i live as the summer months get very hot. I'm very impressed with the pyramid seeds white widow too this girl hasn't missed a beat so to speak i will probably grow another one outdoors sometime soon. When i lollipoped the kush x black domina i saved a couple cuttings to try and clone. I haven't done anything special with them though just trimmed back the stalk a little and put them in solo cups with coco, spring time is only around the corner for me so I've placed the 2 cuttings outside under a little bit of shade. Hopefully no critters eat them in the mean time.
That black domina looks super sticky.