Landlord says No to growing Outside

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He could still say no to you just to be a jerk, he could come up with some liability issue or something if he wanted to...I'd say if he says no, then find someone who will let you. Or just do it, and don't tell him...if you could get away with that?
legalize_freedom said:
He could still say no to you just to be a jerk, he could come up with some liability issue

:hubba::rofl: Legalize_ freedom- Liability issue-Jerk- MM sounds like you know this Chicken Coup Builder..!!:rofl:

Finding some where else to grow is not my issue I want to do, that just more cost and worries I Don't want..

I am going to wait til I see his papers before I start the grow of 8 plant in my back yard that I am ready to place fencing on sides and top of a Car cover..
The funny thing about it is, that his wife says go for it.!!!!
well if his wife says that then as far as I'm concerned you have't say a word to him about it, and if he ever finds them then you just say well your wife said I could!??
Already thought that !!!
It be kinda hard to see with 4x4 crates 4 on each side stacked and wire top MM just won't have him over for the summer time Barque or swim..:hubba:
This is my Last year here and I MUST DO a Outside grow so I can pack as much smoke with me on a move to back east, then start a grow as soon as possible.. So MUST MUST Do this, This Year....

When I see his papers it on like Donkey Kong....!!!! He is Protected Then.
Landlord has gotten his MMJ papers and now he is set. I am glad that he gotten his paper because he was going to grow anyway intil he heard on the news about someone getting busted on having a 2 plants with out his MMJ papers...
I am going to wait til the end of the month to ask him again just to make sure, I am able to grow outside in my Big Cage that I am ready to start working on.
I have a 8x10x12 canopy cover that is up waiting that I am going to put welded wire on top and sides and place some Pallets around the side so my girls won't be so noticeable till they get TALL and hope to get 8 plants or so in there, but that pushing it, I can go longer up to 24 foot x 12 wide x
12 height.
I told my landlord yesterday about what I am planning and he didn't say NO or anything since he has his MMJ papers.
lets hope for the Best.

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